Open space and recreation

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Open Space and
James Cannon, Kayla Campbell
Tiffany Tarbox, Aaron Langlais
Existing open space
 Playgrounds
 Historic
 Fields
and blacktops
places (Read School House)
and blacktops
Existing recreation
• Coventry Community Center
• Westwood YMCA
• Public basketball courts, fields etc.
• Common lakes boating ,fishing, swimming
• Biking paths and trails
If the population increases in
the western Coventry there will
be an overcrowding in the
schools and recreation places.
This will create a problem for
the recreational programs.
If the recreation needs are not
met their will be a great chance
of kids and adults struggling
with obesity.
Our plan
Our plan is to extend the western Coventry
park so that
we can have
a recreation
for kids to go
for after
school needs.
Our vision for recreation
 A place were we need more recreation is in
western Coventry, because their population
is growing larger and more kids are coming
to the town.
If our goals are not met there is a high
chance of more crime in Coventry.
Which also means more drugs.
To stop this illegal content we will need to
hirer more police.
To hirer more police, we will need to pay
them a salary.
HIGHER TAXES will result, because of
having to higher more police.
Thank you
for your time and I hope
you enjoyed our