1-Chronotropic action

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Transcript 1-Chronotropic action

Cardiovascular system
Cardiovascular system is the system of heart
and blood vessels that circulate blood
throughout the body.The blood circulating
in the body transports nutrients and
oxygen to all the tissues and removes
carbon dioxide and waste products from
the tissues.Heart is the central pump and
the blood vessels are the series of the
distributing and collecting tubes
Heart is a muscular organ that pumps
blood throughout the circulatory system.it
is situated in between the two lungs in the
medial mediastinum.it is made up of four
chambers—two atria and two ventricles.
The musculature is more and thick in the
ventricles than in the atria.the force of
contraction of the heart depends upon the
1-Chronotropic action.
 2-Ionotropic action.
 3-Dromotropic action.
 4-Bathmotropic action.
1-Chronotropic action
Chronotropic action is the
frequency of heart beat or
heart rate.it is of two types
1.Tachyrardia or increase in
heart rate.
2.Bradycardia or decrease
in the heart rate.
Force of contraction of heart is called
inotropic action.
 It is of two types
 1.Positive inotropic action or increase in
the force of contraction.
 2.Negative inotropic action or decrease in
the force of contration.
Dromotropic action is the conduction of
impulse through heart.it is of two types
 1.Positive dromotropic action or increase
in the velocity of conduction.
 2.Negative dromotropic action or decrease
in the velocity of conduction.
Bathmotropic action is the excitability of
cardiac muscle.it is also of two types
 1.Positive bathmotropic action or increase
in the excitability of cardiac muscle.
 2.Negative bathmotropic action or the
decrease in the excitability of cardiac
Other actions of the heart
1.Generating blood pressure.
 Contractions of the heart generate blood
pressure which is responsible for blood
moment through the blood vessels.
 2.Routing blood:The heart separates the
pulmonary and systemic circulations which
ensures the flow of oxygenated blood to
3.Ensuring one-way blood flow.The valves
of the heart ensure a one-way flow of
blood through the heart and blood vessels.
 4.Regulating blood supply.Changes in the
rate and force of heart contraction match
blood delivery to the changing metabolic
needs of the tissues,such as during
rest,exercise and changes in body position
 The
vessels of circulatory system
are the
,venules,veins and vena
cava.There are structural
differences between different
blood vessels.That is veins and
The thinnest blood vessels are in the form
of extensive thin walled vascular channels
called capillaries through which
interchange between cardiovascular
system and tissues occurs.the
cardiovascular system constitutes one of
the major coordinating and integrating
systems of the human body.the other two
systems with such actions are nervous
system and endocrine system.
Blood vessels are divided structuraly and
functionaly into two groups.
 1.Arterial system.
 2.Venious system.
Arterial system
The arterial system comprises the
aorta,artries and arteriols.
 Physiology:the arterial system carries the
oxygenated blood from the heart to all
tissues of the body.
From the capillaries venous system starts
and it includes the venules,veins and vena
 The capillaries end in the venules.
 The venules are smaller vessels.with thin
muscular wall than the arterioles.
 Physiology:venous system carries
deoxygenated blood back to the heart
from all tissues of the body.