Transcript Slide 1

Power, Leadership, & Social Change
PSYC 330
Tammy Lynn Kirichenko
• I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know
exactly what I want. If that makes me a
bitch, okay. ~Madonna Ciccone
• You don't have to be anti-man to be prowoman. ~Jane Galvin Lewis
Exercise #1
Men are taught to apologize for their
weaknesses, women for their strengths.
~Lois Wyse
– Smile
– Clothing: dresses,
skirts, heels
– Makeup, hair
– Polite
– Listen to others
– Sympathize/empathize
– Be gentle and kind
Don’t cry
Be brave
Be strong (physically)
Take charge
Be in control
Be assertive
Stand up for yourself
and others
Role Models
Exercise #2
When you were a child/adolescent whom
(females only) did you admire? Why?
Describe one woman whom you admire now. Why
do you admire her? (e.g., qualities, characteristics,
actions, philosophy)
What do you have in common with the people you
admire(d)? Did you strive to become more like them?
• When women and men work together in
groups, men are more likely than women
to emerge as leaders
– Socialization
– Communication styles
– Leadership styles
The Power of Women
Mental strength: e.g., creative solutions; focus on getting things done
rather than simply getting things done their way
Identity strength: e.g., maintain a strong sense of themselves and their
values in whatever situations they find themselves; can deal with change
and uncertainty
Emotional strength: e.g., understand their own feelings and the feelings
of others; anticipate the emotional consequences of life situations,
which makes them particularly skilled at making major decisions
Relational strength: e.g., create strong social networks that support
them during stressful times and inspire others to give their very best and
to work toward a common good
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Yale University
Styles of Power & Influence
Influence over others depends on how much and what kind
of power we have
The Bases of Power (French & Raven, 1959)
• Reward power — who controls the rewards that we want
• Coercive power — fear of punishment
• Legitimate power — believing that a person has the right to
influence us
• Referent power — admiration, affection for, or a wish to emulate
someone else
• Expert power — presumed knowledge or expertise
Are any of these types of power more likely to be in the
hands of either men or women?
Things a Woman Should Never Do … For Free
By Veronica Monet
Article Discussion
Power Issues
Discussion topics:
1. Who has the power in these situations?
2. How/when might there be shifts in that power?
Misuse/Abuse of Power or
• Women’s sexuality
– Barsexual:
heterosexual girl or woman who partakes in any
sort of sexual or promiscuous activity with another female to
get attention from males. This usually takes the form of
making out, and to a lesser extent, grinding or dry humping
with another female (Urban Dictionary).
• Objectifying oneself encourages the notion that
women ARE objects
• Do these behaviours undermine feminism?
• The pleasure we derive from displaying
our bodies ‘for’ men may have its roots
in male domination but the more we
show that we like it too, the more that
power dynamic is challenged and the
fewer rights men can assume over our
– Natasha Forrest, The F Word
Social Change
Feminist movements
All female bands
Women in politics
Women in higher education
– Women’s Studies, Psychology of Women
I am Woman
Helen Reddy
I am Woman
Consider the lyrics to I am Woman
• How have things changed since this song
was written? (e.g., in terms of women’s roles,
rights, attitudes)
• If you only read the lyrics, and had no
prior knowledge of this song, would you
know that it was written 38 years ago?