Focus Groups - S.T.E.M./ Hispanic Students

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Transcript Focus Groups - S.T.E.M./ Hispanic Students

USDE - S.T.E.M.* Focus Groups

Thursday, June 5, 2008 SJC Rm 200 Moderator: Carlos Lopez / Transcriber: Rebecca Teague

The following are the results of the self administered questionnaire that was given to the focus group respondents

Source: U.S. Dept. of ED.- College Reduction & Access Act –- Focus Group–SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 9/23/08 *S.T.E.M. = Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics


A focus group was conducted to gain insight into the

education learning experience

of Hispanic students. Eligible applicants of the U.S. Dept. Of Education grant were targeted and chosen as participants. Prior to the focus group, respondents were given a short (3-5 minute) self administered questionnaire. The objective of the focus group was to explore the participants


to entering college as it relates to their: • • Hispanic

Culture Socioeconomic

status •


experience and access to computers • Understanding of


courses & related job careers

Results of questionnaire

Focus group demographics:

• • •

All 16

participates … were



st generation college English at home

11 of 16 involved in

Upward Bound Gender Age

… 12 female (75%) and 4 males (25%) … 8 (50%) age 16-17 yrs 4 (25%) age 18-19 3 (19%) age 20-24 1 ( 6%) age 25-29

ED level

, currently attending… 9 (56%) high school

High school

and 7 (44%) college level …6 sophomores, 2 juniors, 1 senior Number of

college units completed*

… 3 (19%) 1-12 units 2 (13%) 13-18 4 (25%) 19 or more

Worked during school English 2 nd language

… 7 (44%): one - 7 hr/wk, five - 20 hrs/wk, one -35 hr/wk … 10 (63%) * Two H.S. students had completed college courses Source: CCRAA Focus Group Questionnaire – 6/5/08 SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 6/10/08

Computer Access & Usage:

All have access

to a computer (Q1&2): • Home … 14/16 = 88% • Another location other than school …13/16 = 81% • Home or location other than school …16/16 = 100% Computer

frequency of usage is polarized

less than once/wk (50%) (Q3): • 8 (50%) use everyday • 6 (37.5) less than once/wk • one 2-3 times/wk and 1- never to either daily usage (50%) or

Nearly all


use computers for schoolwork and email

• Schoolwork …15/16 = 94% • Email …13/16 = 81% • Play games … 5/16 • Job/work … 4/16 • Paid bills …3/16 (Q4): Source: CCRAA Focus Group Questionnaire – 6/5/08 SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 6/10/08

Computer Access & Usage:

• • • • •

Over half

of the participants have used the computer to access MySpace, copy/paste text and videos (Q5): MySpace … 12/16 = 75% Copy and paste text …11/16 = 69% Videos … 9/16 = 56% Make Power Point slides… 8/16 Use Blackboard … 7/16


participants use the computer for the ‘mainstream high tech’ activities , such as, iPoding 6/16, blogging 1/16, Facebook 1/16 pod casting 0/16 (Q5).


, 10 of 16 (63%) rate themselves as ‘very high’ or ‘high’ in terms of

skill level

using a computer for homework/class assignments. About


(5/16 = 31%)

rate themselves as average or below

, average 3/16, low 1/16 and very low 1/16 (Q6).

Low usage of ‘clicker’

, only 2 of 16 ever used a ‘clicker’ in the classroom (Q7).

Source: CCRAA Focus Group Questionnaire – 6/5/08 SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 6/10/08

Recap of Groups

Barriers to Education



1 st Gen


… 11 of 16 - I was lost - Unaware / where to go / how to buy books of online sources to cut cost – books online / rate-my-professor

Cultural Barriers

(6 of 16) - Did not know about SAT - Language barriers / limited English / wasn’t taught properly in H.S.

- Father did not want kids to go to college - 2 of 16 had help at home for math

Socio Economic / Financial Barriers

(14 of 16) - Lack of parent support to attend college / wants kids to work Parents’ fear of cost of college / father sharing tax returns with kids - Citizenship issues to qualify for financial aid - Transportation , major barrier (11 of 16) Source: CCRAA Focus Group Questionnaire – 6/5/08 SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 9/22/08

Knowledge of S.T.E.M. Fields

Students know the STEM fields … but appeared to have limited knowledge of what a specific job entailed ( for example : When participants were asked if they knew what a civil engineer does or what it means to be a physicist, most if not all were unable to respond) 10 out of 16 stated that they wanted to study in a STEM field (unaided) Field of interest … medical, engineering, education, business, science/math and forensic science Barriers to STEM field … Time / education / too much math / preparation in middle school & H.S. 14 of 16 said a class / instructor / other factors (tutor not supportive , bad H.S. math instructor) Source: CCRAA Focus Group Questionnaire – 6/5/08 SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 9/22/08

Student Suggestions • Find a good

role model

( Alma Ramirez, Roy Mason, Jason Hlebakos) • Use


program ( 16 of 16) •

Be passionate

about learning •


was very important (15 of 16) •


at school •

Summer Bridge

• Provide


opportunities •

Involve parents

– bring them to campus /convince them of benefits of college / have them meet graduates • Get involved with

Upward Bound

Project – made the difference Source: CCRAA Focus Group Questionnaire – 6/5/08 SJC Rm200 – MJSC R&P Dept. –XCJH 9/22/08