Unit 1 Part 1: Foundations of American Government Test Review

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Transcript Unit 1 Part 1: Foundations of American Government Test Review

II. Federalists vs. antiFederalists
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Unit 1 Part 1: Foundations of
American Government Test Review
• 13. What are the 6 Purposes of
Government outlined in the
Preamble of the United States
1. To form a more perfect union 2. establish justice 3.
insure domestic tranquility 4. Provide for the
common defense 5. Promote the general welfare 6.
Secure the blessings of liberty
• 14. Thomas Hobbes, James Harrington, and
Jean Jacques Rouesseau all promoted which
theory of government? What is the most
fundamental characteristic of this theory of
Social Contract Theory: state exists
to serve the will of the ppl
• 15. The idea that people have
the right to abolish an abusive
government was first formally
expressed by Americans in what
Declaration of Independence
• 16. Which theory of government was
popularly used in European history
(also used among the Egyptians and
Mayans) and challenged by the
theory for the basis of many modern
democracies? Explain this theory of
Those of royal birth have
absolute authority to rule
(Divine Right)
• 17. The dominant political unit
today is the __________________.
(This is what you know to be a
nation or country.)
• 18. A _____________ government
divides its powers between a
central government and local
governments. (USA, Mexico,
Canada, India, Brazil)
• 19. Public schools may not
exclude students because of their
sex or race illustrates what
concept of democracy?
Equality of
•20. In what state was
the Federalist circulated
to garner support for
the Constitution?
New York
• 21. How has the internet
satisfied the needs of a
democracy today? (Think of
the advent of social media.)
Keeps ppl informed
about the many
different institutions &
policies of
• 22. What was Ben Franklin’s
opinion on the final
Constitution created by the
As near perfect
as possible
23. What are the four
characteristics that define a
state (i.e. nation)?
Population, government,
sovereignty, territory
• 24. What characteristic do states
lack to be their own independent
• 25. What documents
influenced the Framers in
writing the Constitution?
State constitutions, John Locke’s
Two Treatises of Government,
British tradition, & AOC
• 26. In a ____________________
form of government, all
political powers are
concentrated at the central
level. (Not to be confused with
a dictatorship!!)
Unitary government
• 27. Much of the work of the
Framers centered around the
proposals that had been set out
in the ______________________
Virginia Plan
• 28. In a ________________, the
will of the majority cannot be
used to deprive the rights of a
____________ group.
Democracy; minority
• 29. What are the parts that
make up the Declaration of
Natural rights & 27
• Body of fundamental laws
setting out the principles,
structures & process of
• Plan called for representation in
Congress by population or the
amount of money given to the
central government
Virginia Plan
• Power to make law and
frame public policy
legislative power
• Idea that government should
serve the will of the ppl
Representative government
• Those for whom the
Constitution represented a
too-powerful central
• Statement that Parliament
forced the King to sign, declaring
that even a monarch must obey
the law of the land
Petition of Right
English Charter of liberties
which included such
fundamental rights as trial by
jury and due process
Magna Carta
• Organized action to change
opponents’ behavior by refusing to
buy or sell goods
• Agreement that, in Congress, States
be represented equally in the Senate
and by population in the House of
Connecticut Compromise
• 30. Essay prompt: Two broad purposes of
American government- insuring domestic
tranquility and securing the blessings of
liberty- sometimes come into conflict.
Considering this, do you agree or disagree
with Benjamin Franklin’s view: “They that
can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor