FUSD Board of Education Management Oversight Workshop

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Transcript FUSD Board of Education Management Oversight Workshop

Cycle of Continuous Improvement for 2009-2010

Module 2

Fresno Unified School District 2008-2013

FUSD Goals 2008-2013

1.All students will excel in reading, writing and math 2.All students will engage in arts, activities, and athletics 3.All students will demonstrate the character and competencies for workplace success 4.All students will stay in school on target to graduate Annual Targets Cycle of Review

District Improvement Action Plan

Student Success

Operational Excellence High Performing Workforce

• •

Effective Leadership Community Engagement

FUSD 2009-10: Setting the Stage

Planning for Action Reflection C YCLE OF C ONTINUOUS I MPROVEMENT Implementation Strategies Analysis Assessment

Cycle of Continuous Improvement: School, Grade/Course and Classroom

District School Grade Level or Course Classroom & Student


Our Work in 2009-2010 Cycle of Continuous Improvement Skillful Leader/Teacher

FUSD 2009-10: Setting the Stage

Cycle of Continuous Improvement

Cycle of Review SPSA Tool Data Dashboard

FUSD 2009-10: Setting the Stage


Preparing for the SPSA Tool CST Section      During the Cycle of Review meeting with the faculty, assign the staff the task of completing an individual and a subject area “Guiding Questions” The templates ask teachers to identify 3-5 instructional focus areas from last year (you may want to “pre-identify” for specific subject areas) Make copies of the template, schedule time for individual analysis and a department/subject area time for review Schedule a due date to return to you For ELA and Math, you will use this feedback from teachers to synthesize with your own analysis and complete the CST section of the SPSA



Cycle of Continuous Improvement

 How do our instructional activities (adult behaviors) impact student achievement?

 How does the environment we create impact student behavior and achievement?

 We need to study our results from last year, analyze our instructional and behavioral focus areas from last year, and identify any adjustments/changes we need to make for this year, based on these findings …..


Cycle of Continuous Improvement: Our Task 

Complete the “Secondary Prior Year Classroom CST Guiding Questions “ before the next department/subject area meeting

Bring your responses to the meeting, and complete one subject area copy of the “Secondary Prior Year Grade/Course CST Guiding Questions


Cycle of Continuous Improvement: Our Task  Each teacher completes the “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection” Form  Complete the analysis/reflection prior to 1 st meeting– bring to the meeting subject area  Analyze scores in AiS  Analyze implementation of major actions  Reflection and Planning for 2009-10  Subject area team completes one “Prior Year Subject Level Analysis and Reflection”  Lead teacher facilitates analysis, reflection and planning at the course/subject level with faculty– return to principal/ designee


Classroom Guiding Questions (CST)

 Analysis of CST Results in 08-09  Analysis of Implementation of Major Achievements in 08-09  Connecting Implementation Analysis with Student Outcome Analysis– Planning for 2009-10 School Level Grade Level or Course Classroom & Student


Grade/Course Level Guiding Questions  Group review of Grade/ Course Level CST Results  Group Review of Classroom Analysis of Implementation Look for Trends  Adjustments to the Plan for 2009-10 School Level Grade Level or Course Classr oom &

13 The Leadership and Learning Matrix Lucky

Good results with no understanding of the reasons. Replication of success not probable.


Good results with clear understanding of the reasons. Replication quite probable.


Poor results, with no understanding of the reasons.


Poor results with clear understanding of the reasons. Replication of mistakes not probable.

Level of Implementation


Faculty and Leadership Analysis Informs SPSA Tool  By 1 st Principals meeting, principals will bring a summary of ELA and Math analysis and reflection… we’ll share summaries, and discuss input into the SPSA tool.

 SPSA tool times and areas to review: CST, ACS 1, 2 and 3, CELDT, School Culture (CAHSEE for HS)












SPSA Tool in 2009-10: Planning

think this might be? need to make and how will you further monitor your plan?

School Level Grade Level or Classr Now that you have reviewed your implementation and your outcomes, connect these two pieces of data to interpret the effectiveness of your actions. For example, if there was a particular grade or course level that highly implemented the specified actions, did you see their efforts reflected in the data? If so, then how will you go about making sure everyone is implementing fully? If not, why do you If full implementation is occurring, yet improvement in student data is not, this might mean that (1) there is still a gap in implementation somehow you are not catching that you need to reflect upon further; or (2) you are using the wrong approach with these students. What adjustments do you still

Action MLD Universal/ Targeted Universal School Target (from SPSA) 2008-09 Outcome 37% 35% Implementation Rating


Planning/Adjustments to be made Plans for Monitoring

While there are some teachers who need one-on-one coaching, it appears that all teachers would benefit from Prof. Learning on planning for MLD, including engagement and checking for understanding techniques. Our math coach and identified teachers will work together to prepare and present this PL 4 times during the year. After the first two times, this learning will include looking at student artifacts and determining misconceptions and what this means for adjusting instruction.

Leadership will monitor the planning for these workshops. Additionally, after each PL session, the leadership team will conduct classroom walk thrus looking for specific techniques highlighted in the PL. The leadership team will then discuss what they observed and plan for next steps.