CONCRETE - Civil Engineering Society @ Legenda Education Group

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Transcript CONCRETE - Civil Engineering Society @ Legenda Education Group

Ikmalzatul Abdullah
A mixture of cement, water and aggregate which
takes the shape of its mould and when cured at a
suitable temperature and humidity, forms a solid
Variations in the appearance of concrete surfaces
results from:
 Materials; grey, white or colored cement. Color,
shape and grading of aggregates.
 Formwork profiles and textures.
 Work to surfaces after casting, varying from light
spraying and brushing of freshly cast concrete.
Dense Concrete
The quality of concrete varies considerably and it is
important to understand the factors which make for good
and consistent quality.
In short these are: suitable cement, aggregate and
water. Thoroughly mixed in proportions which make
possible the lowest water: cement and cement:aggregate
ratios consistent with through compaction.
Drying must be prevented and a sufficient temperature
maintained until the required strength attained.
Very broadly, for any given type of aggregate, high
density in concrete is associated with high strength,
hardness, durability, imperviousness, frost resistance and
thermal conductivity.
Properties of Hardened Concrete
Strength properties
Chemical resistance
Frost resistance
Resistance to abrasion
Resistance of concrete to fire
Thermal movement
Moisture movement
Strength Properties
Higher early strengths are obtained by using
special cements, or by steam curing Portland
cement concrete, and provided concrete is fully
compacted strength at all ages increases as the
water:cement ratio of the mix is reduced.
Concrete which is made with a low
water:cement ratio and is very thoroughly
compacted has good resistance to the
absorption of water.
Admixtures can sometimes contribute to
impermeability, but no concrete is completely
impervious to water vapor.
Chemical Resistance
The chemical resistance of Ordinary Portland
cement concretes increases with crushing
strength, but special cements and sometimes
special aggregates are needed where
conditions are severe.
Frost Resistance
Concrete may be damage by expansion of ice
crystal, which are most likely to form in
capillary pores or cracks, resulting initially from
mixing water which was surplus to that
required to hydrate the cement.
Resistance to Abrasion
Depends upon the hardness of the aggregate
particles and on the ability of the mortar
matrix to retain them.
Resistance of Concrete to Fire
Loss of strength is less with leaner mixes and with
Portland blast furnace cement.
High alumina cements with crushed firebrick can
classed as refractory concrete.
Loss of strength is considerably less where
aggregates which do not contain free silica
(limestone and furnace formed aggregates) are used.
Low density in cellular and lightweight aggregate
concrete improves fire resistance.
The survival of concrete in fire depends upon the
protection afforded to the steel reinforcement by the
concrete cover.
Wire reinforcement helps to retain this but once the
cover has spalled off, the steel conducts heat readily
Thermal Movement
The coefficient of thermal expansion of
concrete varies from 6 to 13 x 10-6 according
to mix proportions, types of aggregate and
curing conditions.
Limestone and broken brick aggregate
concretes suffer about half the movement of
ballast concrete.
Moisture Movement
Concrete shrinks when it dries and expands when it
is wetted, the greater part of the initial drying
shrinkage being irreversible.
Movement increases with the richness of a mix, with
water:cement ration and where rigid aggregate is not
used, (in lightweight aggregate and aerated
On the other hand, moisture movement can be
halved by high pressure (not low pressure) steam
If the stresses induced by shrinkage exceed the
tensile strength of concrete, cracks tend to occur and
this is particularly likely where concrete dries out
before it has had time to develop much strength, or
where concrete elements are fixed rigidly at their
Obtaining good appearance on concrete
requires special techniques and control, and
therefore involves extra cost (finishes).
High quality smooth surfaces are difficult to
achieve and generally more interesting
appearance results where aggregates are
exposed (by scrapping ‘green’ concrete)/
Materials of Dense Concrete
Ordinary plain concretes require cement,
water and aggregates.
Should be reasonably free from impurities such as
suspended solids, organic matter and salts, which
may adversely affect the setting, hardening and
durability of the concrete.
This requirement is usually satisfied by using
water which is fit for drinking, or where the quality
of water is no doubt, it may be assessed by
comparing the setting times of cement pastes and
the compressive strengths of concrete made with
it and with distilled water respectively.
Sea water does not normally reduce the
strength of Portland cement concrete and can
safely be used for plain concrete.
However, efflorescence may occur and
because salt promotes the corrosion of steel
sea water must not be used for reinforced
It must never be used with high alumina
As aggregates forms the bulk of hardened
concrete and transport is costly, it is usually
desirable to use local material.
Aggregate must be sufficiently strong, free
from constituents which can react harmfully
with the cement, be well graded and have
very small, or no moisture movement.
Shape and texture affect the properties of
unhardened concrete and in hardened
concrete the weather resistance, hardness,
appearance and thermal conductivity of the
aggregate are sometimes important.
Natural and crushed gravels, sands and
crushed stones such as granite, basalt, hard
lime stones and sandstones are in common
use as aggregated for dense concrete.
 Normal concrete strengths are substantially
lower than those of the natural aggregates
which are commonly available and the
strength of aggregates is rarely a limiting
 In fact, aggregates of moderate and low
strength reduce the stress in the cement paste
and can increase the durability of concrete.
The bulk density of natural dense aggregates varies.
 Very heavy aggregates such as barytes have been used
for biological shielding for radiation.
 Aggregates should be free from significant quantities of
substance which:
 Are chemically incompatible with cement (sulphate
and organic material). Certain aggregates which
contain reactive silica cause alkali aggregate reaction
with hardened cement paste containing more than 0.6
% soda.
 Reduce bond with aggregate (clay and oil coatings)
 Expand (bituminous coal)
Decompose (organic matter)
 Attract moisture (salt)
 Causing stain (pyrites)
 Gravels and sands should be washed by the suppliers
to remove soluble matter and silt.
Specific Surface
 The larger the superficial area of the aggregate
particles by reason of angularity of the aggregate,
rough texture of a high proportion of small particles,
the less workable the concrete will be. On the other
hand, angularity and rough texture allow a greater
adhesive force to develop.
The proportion of the different sizes of
particles is known as the grading of an
aggregate which is usually expressed as % by
weight passing various sieves conforming to
BS 410:1976.
Conventionally, aggregate which is mainly
retained on a 5mm BS sieve (natural gravel
and crushed gravel and stones) is called
coarse aggregate and aggregate which mainly
passes through a 5mm sieve is called fine
Water:Cement Ratio
Concretes which are required to provide strength,
hardness, durability, imperviousness and resistance
to chemicals must be as dense as possible and this
requires a low water:cement ratio expressed either:
 Total weight of water / weight of cement
Or as free water:cement ratio.
Free water being the total weight of water in
concrete less the weight of water which is absorbed
by aggregates.
Any water in excess of the small quantity required to
hydrate the cement- about 4.7 liters per 50kg for
Portland cement and 9.5 liters for high alumina
cement – causes voids.
The strongest of the concrete are obtained by
using a workable aggregate with the lowest
water:cement ratio which enables the mix to be
thoroughly compacted by mechanical means.
A low water:cement ratio also reduces the
shrinkage of concrete and increases its durability.
Loss of strength due to the conversion of high
alumina cement is much more pronounced at
higher structural work the water:cement ratio
should not exceed 0.5 for reinforced concrete and
0.4 for prestressed concrete.
This term is used to describe the ease with which concrete
mixes can be compacted and the highest possible workability
must be aimed at so that concrete will be as completely
compacted as possible while using the lowest possible
water:cement ratio.
Workability should be obtained by the use of a well graded
aggregate and one which has the largest maximum particle
size which will pass readily between and around the
reinforcement, rather than by increasing the cement:
aggregate ratio which increases the shrinkage and cost of
The use of smooth and rounded, rather than irregularly
shaped aggregate also increases workability but in high
strength concretes there may be no overall increase in
strength, because with equal water:cement ratios irregularly
shaped aggregate produces the stronger concrete.
Ait entraining admixtures improve the
workability of mixes (and improve the frost
resistance of hardened concrete) but the
reduction in density of the concrete is
accompanied by a loss of strength up to about
On most building sites a rough indication of
workability is obtained by the slump test.
Manufacture of Concrete
Concrete can either be made wholly on the site or the
potential advantaged of factory production can be
partially secured by the use of ready mixed concrete or
wholly secured by the use of precast products.
The process of manufacture are:
Checking and storage of materials
Tests on mixed concrete
Formwork and reinforcement
Transport to formwork and placing
Removal of formwork
Construction joints
Storage of Materials
Storage of materials must prevent
deterioration of cement and contamination
and segregation of aggregates.
Cement must be kept dry.
Paper bags cannot be relied upon to prevent air
setting and resulting lumpiness.
Exceptionally, where it is not certain that cement
can be stored in dry conditions or it can be used
soon after delivery it may be advantageous to use
hydrophobic Portland cement.
Particular care should be taken in storing extra
rapid hardening and ultra high early strength
Portland cements and supersulphated cement.
High alumina cement should be preferably be kept
in a store separate from Portland cement.
Paper bags should not be stacked more than 4 or
5 feet high to avoid warehouse set caused by
Cement should be used in the order in which it
was received.
Aggregates should be kept on clean hand
surfaces and not directly on the ground.
The various sizes of aggregates should be kept
separately and where possible stock piles should
be duplicated so that deliveries can drain for at
least twelve hours before use.
Accurate batching of cement, aggregates and
water make for saving in cost of designed
mixes by enabling a lower control factor to be
It used to be customary to specify and to
batch cement and aggregates in proportions
by volume, as so called nominal mixes, but
volume batching tends to be inaccurate
because both cement and sand are subject to
bulking and coarse aggregate is difficult to
measure accurately by volume.
Cement in batched by weight and normally
and preferably the aggregate also.
Varies in bulk density from about 1120-1600kg/m3
according to the way in which the container is
Where a weighing device is not available, the bag
can be used as a unit.
Dry and wet sands have the same volume, but
damps sand has a greater volume and if sand is
measured by volume and allowance is not made
for bulking concrete mixes may be seriously under
Coarse aggregate
Deep and narrow gauging boxes reduce error in
volume batching but the method is laborious.
Properly maintained weight batching machines are
very accurate and easy to use.
As the water:cement ratio determines the strength
and durability of concrete, the amount of water
contained in each batch is critical.
The gross weight of water (kg) per batch is
water:cement ratio x weight of cement (kg).
The tanks fitted to the larger mixers have gauges which
enables a measured quantity of water to be added to each
This must be adjusted from time to time to allow for the
water contained in the aggregate.
During the progress of work if changes in the moisture
contents of aggregates are small, provided the quantities of
cement and aggregates and the type of aggregates remain
the same, the quantity of added water can be adjusted so as
to maintain the workability indicated by a slump test on the
first batch.
Concrete may be mixed on the site, or ‘at works’ for precast concrete
or for delivery to the site a ready mixed concrete.
On site mixers
 The most commonly used type are batch mixers of the single
compartment drum type.
Truck mixers
 Some mixers incorporate weight batching equipment and
attachments for hand scrapers to assist in loading the hoppers
and normally 200 liter and larger mixers can measure volumes of
 So that water is evenly distributed, it should enter the mixer
before or at the same time as the other materials.
 The proportion of coarse aggregate should be reduced for the first
batch or two each day to compensate for the loss of mortar which
sticks to the blades and inside the drum.
 The time required for thorough mixing varies according to the
characteristics of the mix and of the mixer.
When the concrete has been mixed the
complete contents of the drum should be
discharged in one operation to avoid
segregation of the larger stones.
Mixer should be thoroughly washed out and
cleaned daily and even after short stoppages,
to prevent ‘caking’ with hardened concrete
which reduces the machine’s efficiency and
they should be cleaned out when the type of
cement is changed.
Tests On Mixed Concrete
Consistency of Manufacture
The slump test, which is easy to carry out,
indicates variations in the shape of grading of
aggregate, or in the proportion of water being
The slump test gives an approximate indication of
the workability of Portland cement mixes which
are neither too stiff nor too plastic.
The compaction factor test is more accurate, but
neither test is suitable where the maximum size of
aggregate exceeds 40mm.
Compression Tests
Cubes made before and during the placing of
concrete on the site are tested in crushing
machines to give some indication of the
strength which would be acquired by the
actual work.
Preliminary Cube Tests
Preliminary compression tests require very
accurate control of materials and test
The materials intended to be used are mixed
in the laboratory in the proportions to be used
in the work.
Work Cube Tests
Samples of the concrete which is being placed in each part of
the work should be made into cubes in accordance with BS
Specimens to be tested should be kept free from vibration and
under damp sacks for 24 hours +1/2 hour before removing
them from the moulds.
They should be marked and stored in water at a temperature
between 10 and 21’C.
They should be covered with damp material to be taken to a
laboratory where they must be stored in water again for
24hours before being tested.
A typical specification requires that if a cube fails at 7 days to
attain the strength specified for that age, another cube made
from the same concrete may be tested at 28 days.
If the second cube fails to attain the strength
specified for 28 days, the specification may
give the contractor the opportunity of testing
cores cut from the placed concrete to prove
that the concrete which was placed provides
the strength required.
Formwork provides the shape and surface texture of
concrete members and supports them during setting and
It must be grout-tight, true in line, level, face and profile
and strong enough to accept all constructional loads
including those resulting from mechanical compaction.
Formwork is the best constructed in units for easy
erection, striking without damaging the concrete and so
that it can be reused.
The faces of formwork should be treated with mould oil
to give a clean release but avoiding excess oil which
stains concrete and which may interfere with bond for
Reinforcement should comply with the following
BS 4449:1978 hot rolled steel bars for reinforcement of
BS 4482:1982:1969 hard drawn mild steel wire for the
reinforcement of concrete
BS 4486:1980 hot rolled, and hot rolled and processed high
tensile alloys steel bars for prestressing of concrete
BS 4757:1971 nineteen wire steel strand for prestressed
BS 4483:1969 steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete
BS 5896:1980 high tensile strength steel wire strand for
the prestressing of concrete
Reinforcement should be free from loose mill scale,
loose rust, oil or grease.
Reinforcement should be placed in the exact
positions shown on the drawings and the specified
cover ensured, eg by spacers fixed to the
Great care should be taken to avoid damage or
disturbance to formwork when positioning
Transport to Formwork and Placing
Whether concrete is moved from the mixer by lorries,
barrows, dumpers, mechanical skips or pipeline it is important
that the composition of the mix is not altered and that
segregation does not take place.
All pant, chutes, etc should be thoroughly cleaned after use
without allowing the waste water to enter formwork.
‘Wet’ mixes are particularly likely to segregate and where
possible, these should not be dropped into position.
Chutes should be arranged so that a continuous flow is
discharged at the lower end.
Immediately, before concrete is placed, formwork should be
thoroughly cleaned out and formwork and reinforcement
should be re-checked.
Trapped air which should not exceed about 2 % when
concrete is placed must be released if the maximum
density associated resistance to chemicals, water vapor,
frost and abrasion is to be be obtained.
Thorough compaction is also very important where
concrete faces are to be exposed to view.
Air is very liable to be trapped against form faces and at
joints between hardened and newly placed concrete.
Compaction should commence as soon as possible once
water has been added to concrete although so long as it
remains possible to fully compact concrete by the means
available, delay in doing so may not be serious up to
perhaps two hours even in cold weather.
In order to obtain the desired strength, compacted
concrete must be free from physical disturbance,
Water must be retained in the concrete
Temperature must be controlled
Removal of Formwork
Formwork must be left in position, and the supports
maintained, until concrete is sufficiently strong to safely
support its own weight and any loads which may be put
on it.
Concrete should have a cube strength at least twice the
stress to which the concrete is likely to be subjected at
the time of striking.
The times which should elapse before formwork is
remove vary considerably according to the cement used,
temperature of the concrete during curing and other
Supports should be eased away uniformly and very
slowly so that the load is not suddenly imposed on partly
hardened concrete.
Formwork must be stripped carefully to avoid damage to
arises and projections, especially where vertical surfaces
are exposed within 12 hours of casting.
After stripping formwork, it may be necessary to protect
concrete for damage by knocks, shocks and vibration;
from drying in hot weather and from loss of heat in cold
Construction Joints
Whenever concreting is interrupted the construction
which are inevitable formed are potentially weak.
They may allow water to enter and they are always
visible, particularly after a period of weathering.
The positions and design of construction joints should
therefore be decided at an early stage.
Joints should be straight, either vertical or horizontal, and
in walls in positions related to window openings and
other features.
Generally, in columns, construction joints are made as
near as possible to the beam haunching and in beams
and slabs within the middle third of span.
Vertical joints should be formed against temporary but
rigid stop boards which must be designed to allow
reinforcement to pass through.
Lightweight Concrete
 Aerated concretes
 Lightweight aggregate concretes
 No fines concretes
Weighing less than 1920kg/m3
Are made in densities down to about 160kg/m3.
Advantages of using lightweight concrete than dense
 Savings in costs of handling materials and of supporting
 Superior thermal insulation and fire resistance
 Superior sound absorption of unplastered surfaces; some
of which offer better key for plaster
 Usually easy to cut, chase and nail into.
Compressive strength and the modulus of
elasticity are reduced (although the latter
reduction may improve resistance to mechanical
The moisture movement of aerated and
lightweight aggregate concretes is high.
Reversible moisture expansion is usually as great
as the initial drying shrinkage.
Protection of reinforcement against corrosion may
Sound insulation reduces as density of concrete
Three Main Ways
Lightweight concretes are made in 3 main ways:
 Aerated or cellular concrete
 Minute and non communicating cells are formed by
introducing air or gas into a matrix of cement with,
in all but the lightest non structural concretes,
ground sand, pulverized fuel ash or other fine
siliceous material as fine aggregate.
 Lightweight aggregate concrete
 Made by incorporating a cellular coarse aggregate
 No fines concrete
 Made by omitting the fine aggregate and the
smaller particles of coarse aggregate so as to leave
1. Aerated Concrete
Have the lowest density, thermal conductivities and
Like timber, they can be sawn, screwed and nailed, but
they are non combustible.
For work in situ, the usual methods of aeration are by
mixing in a stabilization foam or by whipping air in with
the aid of an air entraining agent.
Full strength development depends upon the reaction of
lime with the siliceous aggregate, and for equal densities
the strength of high pressure steam cured concrete is
about twice that of air cured concrete.
No further curing is required after autoclaving.
Blocks are usually cut at works to the required size from
larger units.
Strength sufficient for structural work are obtainable
but the modulus of elasticity of aerated concrete is
about one tenth of dense concrete.
Creep at working loads is not thought to be greater.
Moisture Movement
The moisture movement of cement not being
restrained by rigid aggregate, air cured aerated
concrete has very high drying shrinkage and without
frequent shrinkage joints, this concrete if placed in
situ would crack.
Weather Resistance
Unprotected single leaf aerated concrete block
walls have good resistance to rain penetration
and to frost.
However, for densities of 825 and 497 kg/m3
water absorptions are about four times and
eight times greater than that of dense
concrete and external rendering is desirable
wherever reinforcement is present.
Thermal Insulation
Thermal conductivities of 0.084 W/m degree Celsius and
less are obtainable in dry concrete.
External surfaces should be rendered or otherwise
protected to avoid serious loss of thermal insulation due
to absorption of water.
Fire Resistance
Fire resistance as defined by BS 476: Part 8: 1972 tests,
is good, for example for walls without finishes:
102mm loadbearing wall
2 hours
102mm non loadbearing wall 4 hours
142 mm non loadbearing wall 6 hours
Aerated concrete is much softer than dense
Requires protection from abrasion in the lower
parts of walls and in similar positions.
It can be easily sawn, worked with simple
tools and nailed into.
Retention of nails is better cut nails than wire
nails, and with the denser concretes.
2.Lightweight Aggregate Concretes
Deal with structural applications.
Foamed slag, expanded clay, expanded slate and sintered
pulverized fuel ash concretes are suitable for reinforces
concrete structures with
 strengths in compression up to 62 N/mm2
 densities 30-40 %
 thermal conductivities 50% or more, less than those gravel
As with dense aggregate concretes, the strength properties of
lightweight aggregate concretes depend upon:
Type of aggregate
Grading of aggregate
Cement:aggregate ratio
Water:cement ratio
The degree of compaction
Moisture Movement
Drying shrinkage is generally about twice that
of dense concrete.
The poor workability of some lightweight
aggregates should be compensated for by the
addition of sand or an air entraining agent
rather than by using a richer mix which would
increase drying shrinkage.
Although the proneness of lightweight
concrete to shrink and crack may be largely
offset by its lower modulus of elasticity, the
precautions advised for aerated concrete
should be taken.
3. Non Fines Aggregates
Commonly applied in concretes which contain
only a single size 19.0 to 9.5mm coarse
aggregate (either a dense aggregates or
lightweight aggregate) with sufficient cement
to join the particles while leaving voids
between them.
The density is about 2/3 to ¾ that of dense
concretes made with the same aggregates.
No fines concrete is almost always cast in situ
mainly as loadbearing and non loadbearing
The surface of no fines concrete provide and
excelled key for external rendering and
internal plaster finishes, which are essential to
prevent air movement through walls with loss
of thermal and sound insulation.
Any rain which penetrates external renderings
will travel inwards only 20 to 50mm or so, but
damp courses and construction joints should
be designed to throw such water outwards.
Dry Shrinkage
Aerated and lightweight aggregate concretes
have high drying shrinkage but that of no
fines concrete is usually less even than that of
dense concrete made with the same
Also because no fines concrete shrinks more
rapidly than dense concrete, plasters and
renderings are less likely to crack.
Thermal Insulation
The thermal conductivity of no fines gravel aggregate
concrete is comparable to that of typical brickwork.
Sound Insulation
The sound insulation of plastered no fines concrete walls
is slightly inferior to that of solid brick walls of
comparable thickness.
Aggregate should be damped before being placed in the
moxer, cement and then sufficient water should be
added so that particles of aggregate are coated with
cement without it bridging between them.
Because no fines concrete exerts only about 1/3 of
the pressure exerted by ordinary concrete, formwork
can be of light construction.
It does not require to be grout-tight and if expanded
metal is used the mix can be seen as it placed.
Light reinforcement is advisable across the angles at
A coating of cement grout reduces the likelihood of
Mixes should pour freely.
Some gentle rodding may be needed but vibration should
never be resorted to.
The concrete should be placed evenly in horizontal
As no fines concrete does not segregate horizontal joints
can be at three storey interval;
Cement slurry should be brushed on immediately before
placing new concrete.
Lightweight aggregate concretes may accept nails but
plugs should be built into walls made with dense
The End