Transcript Document

METR2413 Final Project
Spring 2004
This presentation is to serve as an information
resource and guidelines on the final project for
use by students in Introduction to Synoptic
Meteorology (METR2413).
Project description and grading
Presentation mechanics
Delivery of project
Project Description
Due date: First day of finals
5pm Monday 3 May
Project is to be based on the Meteorological
topic chosen in class.
Each project is a PowerPoint presentation,
assessed from a .ppt file, not from a talk
The audience for your presentation is the other
members of this class
Each presentation is based on a 10-15 minute
talk which translates to 10-20 slides
MS PowerPoint will be used to create presentation
Page count does not include title and reference
Project Description
Research for the presentation is the
responsibility of the student.
Textbooks or other books
Web sites
Journals or magazines
You must use at least one example from each
medium in your references
Make sure your web source is reputable
You must acknowledge all your sources in your
reference list.
Don’t plagiarize !!
Project 40 points total, scaled to count 15% of
your final grade
20 points
Is information accurate and scientifically correct?
To the point and not wandering
Organization: 10 points
Fit target audience as listed in introduction
Layout of presentation ordered and logical
Good mix of graphics and text
10 points
Good choice of colors; Clear graphics
Presentation: flows and moves
Special effects can hinder as much as help
Presentation Mechanics
Introduction Slide
Tell us what you wish to present
Body Slides (Information on the topic)
Conclusion Slide(s)
References Slide(s)
Presentation Mechanics
The presentation should be done in such a way
that the audience “gets the point” of your
presentation/topic without having to read a
whole narrative. So, be concise!
Bullets of important information
Key words or phrases
Photograph courtesy of M. Laufersweiler
 Reference photos,
graphics both in the
presentation and
formally in the reference
 One or two bullets
should accompany
graphic as explanation
Normally one would just
discuss graphic during
oral presentation.
Graphics/Text Animations
They can be very effective, but
Test them to make sure that they work
 If they are too complicated, they can be
distracting or annoying
You are allowed to be creative and innovative.
However, be sure to use color schemes that will
work in all environments.
Also, remember, some in your audience may be
color blind or cannot distinguish certain colors.
Follow AMS reference style as much as
possible. For examples, check out AMS journals
in 14th floor lounge or CoG library.
Koval, J. P and G. S. Young, 1999: Computer
training for Entrepreneurial Meteorologists. Bull.
Amer. Met.Soc., 82, 875—888
Laufersweiler, Mark J., 2002, photograph from
website http:/
Name the PowerPoint file as yourname_final
Example: karolyd_final.ppt
Burn to CD and turn in to instructors, or
sftp to rossby.metr.ou.
 put in directory /class/metr2413_final
E-mail [email protected] to notify instructors
of upload.
Selection of your topic
You will have a chance to select a topic
You may swap your topic with another student,
if you both agree
You may not generate your own topic
By the end of the first week back after Spring
Break, you must email the instructors with your
topic number and title