Transcript Document
My School Based Science
Development Project
Ellie Quinn
What’s on the menu?
My specialism school – what was it like?
Approach to science within the school
Interview with science co-ordinator
Observations of science lessons
Science intervention groups
Science lesson
Some misconceptions
Science quiz…with prize for the winner!
Canon Burrows Primary School
Church of England Primary
school with a two form
Year 4 host class.
Science taught on weekly
Science planning
completed over the
holidays in my host class.
School was well resourced
e.g. plenty of WORKING
science equipment.
Science in Canon Burrows
Science co-ordinator worked in the nursery.
Science co-ordinator had studied science at A-level and
had completed a science secondary PGCE (specialising in
All co-ordinators in the school have the responsibility of
devising the medium term plans.
Recent science events in school:
The Lighthouse
Keepers Lunch
Science topic with
literacy links which
took place in the
spring term 2011.
Used throughout the
school (from nursery
up to year 6)
Used picture/story
book to make
common crosscurricular links.
Each class was to
contribute a particular
part of their learning
to the overall finished
What types of Investigations took
Exploring the properties of water (Reception and
Humans and keeping healthy (Year 1)
Floating and Sinking (Year 2)
Properties of materials (Year 3)
Types of forces (Year 4 and 5)
Micro-organisms (Year 6)
Changes to the science teaching
February to December last year – science consultant.
School recognised a need for intervention with science in
the school.
Changes made so that there is now a scheme or work
for every year.
This has meant however that due to the change some
classes are covering the same topic twice. This is
evident later in my science lesson.
Each teacher is given a medium term plan which
correlates with ‘Spellbound Science’. Each topic has a
plan alongside it which shows knowledge, enquiry, key
vocabulary and key resources.
Key points made by the science
Removal of science from SATs has had a detrimental
impact on science teaching.
Crucial to have a strong link with staff, this helped her
planning. It is also useful for ordering resources.
Best ways to keep up to date are training days and press
Science is recommended to take place on a weekly basis
however it is ultimately up to the class teacher when
this takes place as long as all topics are covered within
the term.
Science Lesson Observations
Reception – Knowledge and understanding of the world
(Investigating the level of waterproofing in materials)
Year 2 – Changing materials (LO: to identify that some
materials occur naturally and some are manufactured.
LO: To state that some materials can be altered by
bending, squashing, twisting and stretching).
Year 5 – Earth and space (LO: to investigate the
position of the sun).
Science Intervention Groups
Groups of 3 or 4 children taken
out during afternoon lessons
(Year 4).
Children were taken in ability
groups, starting from the higher
ability to the lower ability.
LO: To make a complete circuit
in which a motor moves
clockwise and anti-clockwise.
LO: To be able to change the
speed of the motor.
Learning Outcomes:
1) I made a complete circuit in
which the motor moved
clockwise and anti-clockwise.
2) I was able to make the motor
speed up or slow down.
How did the children succeed?
Difference between the higher ability and lower ability
was evident in their use of vocabulary, familiarity with
the equipment and problem solving skills.
Majority of children were able to recall previous learning
on electricity topic.
Some children using terms such as ‘theory’ instead of
Children able to change the speed of the motor and used
trial and error to change the direction of the motor.
Science Lesson
LO: To plan and conduct an investigation to answer the
question “Can you make a circuit without any wires?”
LO: To form a conclusion to answer the question.
Learning Outcomes:
1) I have planned and carried out an investigation to
answer a question.
2) I have formed a conclusion to answer a question.
3) I know what “conductor” and “insulator” mean.
How did the children succeed?
Children worked in Kagan teams.
Children able to identify materials and sort them into
insulators and conductors.
Class discussion on paper clips.
All children achieved the LO.
Some children needed help with recording the results.
Science Display
Circuits wall display – Year 4
“add more wires to the
circuit to make the motor
spin faster”
“put the battery on
opposite side of battery
holder to change the
direction of the motor”
“rolling the aluminium
foil makes it a better
Misconceptions Quiz – True or
The Great Wall of China is the only human made object
visible from the moon.
The change of seasons is due to the Earth being closer to
the sun in summer and further away in Winter.
Dogs sweat by salivating.
All bats are blind.
Sunflowers track the sun throughout the day.
Humans evolved from chimpanzees.
Eating less than an hour before swimming causes cramps.
Human blood when inside the body is blue.
Swallowing chewing gum takes years to digest.
Alcohol makes the body warmer.
Humans can catch warts from toads and other animals.
Some good ideas…
Last slide…
Any questions?