Transcript POA Review

POA Review

Presented by: Jen, Scott, and JoAnn

What is a POA and Why Do We Need it?

 A POA is a guide for your chapter’s activities.

* Awards can be earned using your POA.

How is it Divided?

 Student Development: To promote personal and group activities that improve life skills, develop technical, human relations, decision making, leadership skills, self esteem, and career skills.

How is it Divided?

 Chapter Development. Increases membership, develops teamwork, and member cooperation.

How is it Divided?

 Community Development. Improves well being of citizens, teaches public about agriculture, and develops student’s community involvement and pride.

So…What goes with it?

     Constitution By- Laws Calendar Budget Who does what

What goes IN it?

    Purpose Organization of goals Dates Activities

Statistics on POAs

 2002-2003 42% of chapters turned in a POA. Only 12 of those were in the correct format.

 2003- 2004 100% of chapters turned in a POA. Very few were incorrect.

Consequences for not turning in a POA

 Chapter is ineligible to participate in events or awards above the chapter level.

 120 days past due: Charter is suspended no participation in ANY thing at ANY level.

 Past 120 days: Charter is taken away and ag program is unapproved and chapter is ineligible for state and national funding.


     Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Trackable

Awards for POA

 Superior chapter award. Earned by chapters that complete and document at least one activity related to each of the fifteen areas.

 Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Earned by chapters that supply additional information on 3 activities in each division.

Thank you!!!

   [email protected]

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