Schools Forum 1 July 2010

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Transcript Schools Forum 1 July 2010

School Funding Reform 2014-15
David May
Strategic Finance Manager
School Funding 2014/15 – Budget Planning
• Timeline
• Schools Block
– School Funding Formula
– Centrally Retained Services
• Early Years
• Other Funding Allocations
Timetable 2014-15
3 Oct
School Census Day
10 Oct
School Forum agrees formula to be submitted to EFA
31 Oct
LAs submit pro-forma to EFA
28 Nov
School Census data base closed
10 Dec
Pupil data and factors published (LA’s can estimate
their 2014-15 DSG school block allocation)
12 Dec
School Forum Meeting
18 Dec
DfE confirms DSG schools block allocation for 201415 (prior to Academy recoupment)
23 Dec
LAs submit 2014-15 academic year HNB place
Timetable 2014-15
16 Jan
School Forum agrees formula to be submitted to EFA
21 Jan
LAs submit final pro-forma to EFA
23 Jan
School Funding Briefing Session
28 Feb
Deadline for LA to confirm budgets for their
maintained schools
31 Mar
Deadline for EFA to confirm academies budgets
EFA Confirm High Need Block Allocation for 2014-15
June 2014
Early Years Block Updated for January 2014 Early
Years pupil numbers
April 2015
Early Years Block Updated for January 2015 Early
Years pupil numbers (7/12 adj – Sept 14 – Mar 15)
Centrally Retained Services - Can be centrally
retained before allocating formula but no new commitments or
increases in expenditure from 2013-14 (Schools Forum
approval is required to confirm the amounts on each line)
Admissions (£203,676)
Servicing of Schools Forum (£44,642)
Capital expenditure funded from revenue (£0)
Contribution to combined budgets (£0)
Schools budget centrally funded termination of employment
costs – Historic costs (£245,000)
• Schools budget funded prudential borrowing costs (£0)
• Schools budget funded SEN Transport costs (£0)
Centrally Retained Services - Can be centrally
retained before allocating formula with agreement of Schools
• Funding for significant pre-16 pupil growth, including new
schools set up to meet basic need, whether maintained,
academy or free school *
• Funding to enable all schools to meet the infant class size
• Funding for falling rolls to prepare for a future population bulge *
• Equal pay back-pay
• Places in independent schools for non-SEN pupils
• Remission of boarding fees at maintained schools and
• Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) and Music Publishers
Association (MPA) licences (£100,000)
* Need to consider implications
EYSFF - Rationale for Reviewing Current
• Currently the EYSFF is funding via the DSG, which was
historically based on the January Early Years census and fixed
• From 2013/2014 the arrangements for the DSG changed in that
funding allocated will be adjusted to reflect changes in pupil
numbers between each census date i.e. January 2013 and
January 2014
• This means in effect that our overall funding available in the
early years block will fluctuate with changes in numbers of
children accessing their entitlement
• This has implications in relation to the proportion of our funding
that is currently fixed within the EYSFF formula
EYSFF – Areas for Review & Future
• Number and range of base rates
• Deprivation factor distributed based on participation
and not fixed annually
• Flexibility factor requires review as it is fixed annually
and to ensure funding is responsive to pupil’s
accessing the offer and not on the status of the
• Review of lump sums, both inclusion as supplements
and the level of funding allocated
Other Funding allocations
Pupil Premium
• 2013-14 budget
– Final Allocations have been confirmed by the EFA
– E-mails will be sent to Schools by Friday 11th October
• 2014-15 budget
– Final year of 4 year phased implementation
– Primary pupil premium will be £1,300 from Sept-13
– Secondary pupil premium has not yet been announced
Free school lunch for every child in infant school
• No detail at this stage
Contact Details
• David May: 0191 561-1826
– E-mail: [email protected]
• Karen Atkins: 0191 561-1412
– E-mail: [email protected]
• Annette Parr: 07768507410
– E-mail: [email protected]