Schools Forum 1 July 2010

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Transcript Schools Forum 1 July 2010

School Funding Reform 2014-15
David May
Strategic Finance Manager
School Funding 2014/15 – Budget Planning
Effective Schools Forums
Dedicated Schools Grant
Other Funding Allocations
Effective Schools Forums
• Partnership: shared understanding of the priorities,
issues and concern of schools, academies and LA.
• Effective Support by LA in an efficient and
professional manner
• Open, honest and objective advice from LA
• Responsiveness to requests from school forum
• Strategic View of the whole of the educational
community whilst acting as representative of the
group that has elected them
• Challenge and Scrutiny of proposals
Timetable 2014-15
12 Dec
Pupil data and factors published (LA’s can estimate
their 2014-15 DSG school block allocation)
18 Dec
DfE confirms DSG schools block allocation for 201415 (prior to Academy recoupment)
23 Dec
LAs submit 2014-15 academic year HNB place
Timetable 2014-15
16 Jan
School Forum agrees formula to be submitted to EFA
21 Jan
LAs submit final pro-forma to EFA
23 Jan
School Funding Briefing Session
28 Feb
Deadline for LA to confirm budgets for their
maintained schools
31 Mar
Deadline for EFA to confirm academies budgets
EFA Confirm High Need Block Allocation for 2014-15
June 2014
Early Years Block Updated for January 2014 Early
Years pupil numbers
April 2015
Early Years Block Updated for January 2015 Early
Years pupil numbers (7/12 adj – Sept 14 – Mar 15)
School Funding Reform 2013/15 - Overview
• New Funding System introduced in 2013/14 that
– ensures as much funding reaches schools as possible;
– provides equivalent and consistent funding between
maintained schools and Academies; and
– supports the needs of pupils.
• Simplification of local formulae is a major change and
the first substantive step towards a national funding
Dedicated Schools Grant - Funding Blocks
2013/14 DSG
Dedicated Schools Grant
Early Years
Schools Block
Pupil No’s
GUF 2013 / 14
High Needs Block
Academy Recoupment (24)
Adjusted DSG
• 2014/15 Funding Allocation
– Provisional Allocation – December 2013
– Updated Allocation (Jan 14 Count) – June 2014
– Final Allocation (Jan 15 Count) – April 2015
• Review of Formula
– Significant change - Need to ensure appropriate full consultation
– Delay implementation until April 2015
• Financial Risk and Cost (£0.500m)
– Projected Outturn 2013/2014 – Deficit £0.225m
– Change in pupil data and baseline information – Contingency
Schools Block
• Awaiting data and funding allocations
• Impact of updated data
• Change in Pupil numbers
– Primary + 343
– Secondary – 722
• PFI Implications
• MFG protection
• Key Agenda Item – January 2014
Centrally Retained Services - Can be centrally
retained before allocating formula but no new commitments or
increases in expenditure from 2013-14 (Schools Forum
approval is required to confirm the amounts on each line)
Admissions (£203,676)
Servicing of Schools Forum (£44,642)
Capital expenditure funded from revenue (£0)
Contribution to combined budgets (£0)
Schools budget centrally funded termination of employment
costs – Historic costs (£245,000)
• Schools budget funded prudential borrowing costs (£0)
• Schools budget funded SEN Transport costs (£0)
Centrally Retained Services - Can be centrally
retained before allocating formula with agreement of Schools
• Funding for significant pre-16 pupil growth, including new
schools set up to meet basic need, whether maintained,
academy or free school *
• Funding to enable all schools to meet the infant class size
• Funding for falling rolls to prepare for a future population bulge *
• Equal pay back-pay
• Places in independent schools for non-SEN pupils
• Remission of boarding fees at maintained schools and
• Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) and Music Publishers
Association (MPA) licences (£100,000)
* Need to consider implications
High Needs Block
Significant Change
Significant Risk
Projected Overspend in 2013/14
Limited flexibility
Prudent provision 2014/15
• Schools Forum – January 2014
DSG - Summary
Turbulence and Risk with the new System
Brought Forward 2012/2013 Underspend of £0.320m
2013/14 – Key Issues – 3&4 year old and HNB
2014/15 – Key Risks – 3&4 year old and HNB
Need to use any Unused DSG from 2012/13 and
2013/14 to manage the risk
Pupil Premium
• 2013/2014 Pupil Premium is £900 for disadvantaged
pupils & Service Premium is £300 per pupil
• 2014/2015 final year of 4 year phased
implementation = £2.5bn
• Limited information available at this stage
• £1,300 Primary Pupil Premium in 2014/15 increase of
£400 from Sept 2014
• £945 for Secondary Pupil Premium in 2014/15
increased from £900 from Sept 2014
• Expect December with the funding announcement
Free school lunch for every child in infant
Headline information released
New Money confirmed
Need the detail to understand funding implications
What value to be received per Meal
Impact and implication will defer based on the
individual profile of each school
Education Services Grant introduced in
Allocated to local authorities and academies on a simple per-pupil basis
according to the number of pupils for whom they are responsible
Local Authority receives £15 per pupil for statutory functions relating to
all pupils
Local Authority receives £116 per pupil for additional responsibilities
relating to Maintained Schools
Academies receives £150 per pupil for additional responsibilities
relating to Academy status.
Over time the Academy rate will reduce to the Local Authority Rate
(Academy rate in 2014/15 £140 per pupil)
Local Authority funding is reduced as schools become Academies