The Daily 5 - Curriculum

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Transcript The Daily 5 - Curriculum

November 28, 2012
Level & Shuffle
1- Awareness
2- Exploration
3 – Synthesis
4 - Refinement
I have heard of the Daily 5.
I have read about the Daily 5 and am just
starting it in my classroom.
I am currently using Daily 5 in my classroom
and am starting to incorporate the CAFE.
I amusing the Daily 5 and CAFE consistently
and confidently in my classroom.
Morning Agenda
How can we make the most of our ELA block?
What is the DAILY 5 and the CAFE?
How do we prepare student to work
How do we launch the DAILY 5 in our classrooms?
How does the DAILY 5 and CAFE support our ELA
Where can we get further support in the DAILY 5 &
Reflect & Assess
How do you manage your
ELA/Literacy block?
Do you get a chance to confer
with small groups of students?
Do you work on specific
learning strategies for specific
groups of students?
Are students getting the
opportunity to practice their
language skills daily?
Are your students independent
the Daily 5
The Daily Five is a literacy structure
that allows for differentiation in the
classroom and provides consistency.
It is an integrated literacy
instruction and classroom
management system.
It is a system of five literacy tasks
that teaches students independence.
The Daily 5
Read to Self
Read to Someone
Listen to Read
Work on Writing
Word Work
Trusting students
Providing choice
Nurturing community
Creating a sense of urgency
Building Stamina
Staying out of students’ way
once routines are
the CAFE
CAFE is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding
the system includes goal-setting
with students in individual
conferences, posting of goals on a
whole-class board, developing
small group instruction based on
clusters of students with similar
goals, and targeting whole-class
instruction based on emerging
student needs and fine tuning one
on one conferring.
The Daily 5 & CAFE in Action
What sets The Daily Five Apart?
For Teachers….
Deliver 3 – 5 whole group
lessons each day
Teach 3 – 4 small groups of
children each day
Confer with 9 – 12 individual
students each day
Hold all students accountable
for eyes-on-text
For Students…
Engaged in the act of reading
and writing for extended
amounts of time
Receive tailored instruction
through whole group, small
group, and/or individual
conferring, by their skilled
classroom teacher, each day
Receive focused instruction on
building and maintaining
10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence
1. Identify what is to be taught
2. Setting Purpose – Sense of Urgency
Today we are going to…..
Tell the students why…
3. Brainstorm behaviors desired using an I chart
What does it look like, sound like, feel like?
Read the whole time.
Stay in one spot.
Read quietly.
Get started right away.
4. Model most desirable behaviors
Show what it looks like – 3 dimensional
 As they do this, go over I chart and then ask: “Will ____ become a
better reader if he does this?” (Self assessment is so important.)
10 Steps to Teaching and
Learning Independence
5. Model least desirable behaviors
Michael Grinder calls this “training your muscle memory”. As a
child is modeling this, go through chart and ask children, “Will ___
become a better reader if he does this?”
 Then, have the child show you he/she can do it correctly.
6. Place students around the room
Children want to be comfortable
 At the beginning we place them and after awhile we show them
how to choose. We ask them, “Where do you read best?”
7. Everyone practice and build stamina (3 minutes)
Don’t set timer, look for body clues.
10 Steps to Teaching and
Learning Independence
8. Stay Out of the Way
 Use
“the magical power of a teacher’s eye”
 Watch for “The Barometer Child”
9. Quiet Signal – Come back to Group
 When
stamina is broken, use signal.
10.Group Check In – “How Did You Do?”
 This
is time for self reflection and sharing.
Setting up the Daily 5
Establish a gathering place for brain and body
Developing the concept of “good-fit” books through
a series of lessons
Shoe Lesson
Creating anchor charts with students for referencing
Short, repeated intervals of independent practice
Calm signals and check-in procedures
Using the correct model/incorrect model approach
for demonstrating appropriate behaviors
Part 1 of 3 – “I –Charts”
Day 2
(repeat from Day 1)
Model and practice “Three Ways to
Read a Book”
Read the pictures
Read the words
Retell a familiar story
Review I-chart
Model and practice student behaviors
of “Read to Self”
Continue working on Stamina --- 4
Part 2 of 3 Building Stamina
Day 3
Discuss “Where to sit in
room” and record on
an anchor chart
Continue with above
adding 1-2 minutes
each day extending
Day 4
Continue to review Ichart
Teach how to choose
“Good Fit Books”
record on anchor
Continue stamina
For older students, teach how to choose “Good Fit Books” – record on
For younger students, discuss “Good Fit Books” with five finger rules when
all Daily 5 is running smoothly and if they are ready. Until then, they may
choose the book which interest them.
Five Finger Rule
Read a page in the middle of the book.
Put up one finger for every “clunk” you have.
0 finger – too easy
1-3 fingers – just right!
4-5 fingers – quite hard – go slow!
6 and more fingers – too hard for now.
Why good fit books are important to reading.
When can I introduce the next Daily 5?
When the students build the following stamina,
you can introduce next Daily Five.
Kindergarten – 7-8 minutes
Primary – 8-12 minutes
Intermediate – 12-16 minutes
* Before moving on to launching the next Daily
Five, the behavior during those practice rounds
should be NEAR PERFECT.
the CAFE
Why are strategies essential?
Strategies for Comprehending &
Responding – ELA Curriculum
and building upon
prior knowledge and
•Previewing text
•Setting a purpose
•Anticipating the author’s or
creator’s intention
connections to personal
knowledge and experience
•Using the cueing systems to
construct meaning from the text
•Making, confirming, and adjusting
predictions and inferences
•Constructing mental images
•Interpreting visuals (e.g.,
illustrations, graphics, tables)
•Identifying key ideas and
supporting ideas
•Self-questioning, self-monitoring
and self-correcting
•Drawing conclusions
•Adjusting rate or strategy to
purpose or difficulty of text
summarizing, and synthesizing
•Interpreting (identifying new
knowledge and insights)
•Evaluating author’s or creator’s
•Evaluating author’s or creator’s
craft and technique
•Responding personally, giving
support from text
•View, listen, read again, speak,
write, and use other forms of
representing to deepen
understanding an d pleasure
CAFE Strategies
How are CAFE strategies similar to Comprehend and
Respond Learning Strategies?
Remember to follow the process towards independence:
You do – I watch
You do – I help
I do – You help
I do – You watch
Guided Practice...CAFE...Interventions
Schedule - example
9:00-9:20 CAFÉ group with teacher/other students
at Daily 5(1st choice)
9:20-9:40 Large group mini-lesson
9:40-10:00 CAFÉ group with teacher/other students
at Daily 5 (2nd choice)
10:00-10:20 Large group mini-lesson
10:20-10:30 CAFÉ group with teacher/other
students at Daily 5 (3rd choice)
Pinterest, Twitter, the 2 Sisters
Let’s get rolling with the Daily 5
Setting Up the Daily 5 – materials, environment
and lessons – Read to Self; Listen to Read; Read
to Someone
Work on Writing & Word Work – What
activities will correspond to the contexts and tasks of
your current ELA unit. Daily 5 is practice
Are you ready for the CAFE Menu?
– Utilizing RAD data
If you encounter problems… ask
yourself these questions:
Did I allow enough time for training muscle memory?
Have I reviewed the I-charts?
Am I staying out of the way and allowing the children to
work independently?
Am I allowing choice?
Are some children allowed to reflect and set goals each
day ?
Have I had behaviors modeled correctly and
Who can I collaborate with for support?
Online Chats (Twitter)
Learning Communities
Observation & Reflection
Daily 5: Take one step at a time!