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Transcript NA_TrainingSlides_ChildrensCentres

Northamptonshire Analysis
Children’s Centres training session
11th and 12th November 2013
Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement
Session aims
• The main aims of today’s session are
– Provide you with an overview of
Northamptonshire Analysis, demonstrating
the key functionality of the site
– Take you through setting up a user account
– Provide training on accessing and using
Children’s Centre profiles
– Outline the proposed future developments
planned for the site
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About Northamptonshire Analysis
• Northamptonshire Analysis is a website which brings
together a wide range of information and intelligence on
the county in one easily accessible place
• It is anticipated that Northamptonshire Analysis will
become a strategic planning tool for use by NCC,
partners and wider stakeholders across the County
• Data within Northamptonshire Analysis will drive
strategic assessments such as the Joint Strategic Needs
Assessment, Partnership Strategic Assessment and
Economic Assessment
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How do I access the site?
• Northamptonshire Analysis is a public facing website
• The website address is:
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Site overview – what can it do?
• Northamptonshire Analysis provides access to:
– Local and national datasets, split by 10 relevant themes, which are
available in tables and dynamic reports
– Locality Profile reports
– Access to documents, resources and products such as:
• Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
– Links to county interactive mapping sites
– Links to other useful websites
– ‘At a glance’ statistics on Northamptonshire
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User accounts
• The majority of data and information is available to be
accessed on the site without the need for a login
• However, users can apply for a user account which
provides the following benefits:
– Access to certain tools which may be restricted to certain groups
– Ability to save ‘favourites’ so you can access them directly through
your user account when you sign in
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User accounts – Children’s Centres
• A specific user group has been created for Children’s
Centre profiles
• Therefore, in order to access these profiles you will need
to register for a log in
• Instructions on how to request a user account is
attached to this handout
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Children’s Centre profiles and resources
We will now look focus on the Children’s Centre profiles
and datasets which have been produced
• The plan!
• Frequently asked questions
• On to the site
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What went before...
...once a year.
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and now for something completely different...
Links to
Fed by
data sets
Sitting in an
online resource
area with tools
to compare
against other
areas across
the county.
by a data
upload plan
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Suite of
developed with
centres through
work with NCC
Alerts to new
and updated
data through
of the site, it’s
and creation of
a dynamic tool
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Expanded suite
of resources
improved to be a
really useful tool
Children’s Centre profile sections
Poverty and
Reach Area
Overview of the area.
Where possible, data for the reach
area, if not the district it is within.
Contained Geographies
Data broken down for the lowest
possible geography within the
reach area.
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Children’s Centre profile – useful tools
1 - Click on a section at the beginning of the profile to jump straight to it.
2 - Click on the
top of the profile.
at the end of each section to jump back to the
3 - Click on link at the beginning of a section to go to the data section.
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Children’s Centre profile – useful tools
4 - Click on this to create a link in the address bar that goes directly to
that areas profile.
5 - Click here to create a PDF of the profile.
6 - Click on indicators to show metadata for
the data.
7 – If in doubt, use the Contact
Us/Feedback section of the
navigation bar.
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• What is metadata?
– Metadata is information about data or data about data that provides
supporting context and additional information about the data.
• Examples of metadata include:
– Information about the title, subject, author of a document constitute
metadata about that document.
– Metadata may also describe the conditions under which the data was
acquired, its accuracy, date, time, method of compilation and
processing, amongst other things.
• By clicking on the ‘metadata’ link within any of the
datasets or profiles it will bring up the metadata for that
particular dataset/profile
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There are several geographies included in the profile...not all fit perfectly.
Daventry Example:
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Geographies – The MSOA question
What works best?
• Leave whole figures and have a resource that shows
what proportion falls in which area
This means that the total number for the area is shown but
we are able to give proportion and ratio information
• Break down within the system
This will give an indication of numbers in the section that fall
in your reach area but these will never be exact figures and
we could not include proportion and ratio information as it
cannot be split
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Not on the site
• What you will not be able to find:
• CIN and LAC data – the current arrangements for accessing
this data through the secure SharePoint site will continue,
removing the need for this data to be added to the site.
• Some of the previous “creative” indicators – where
possible we have sourced other datasets that indicate where
particular, difficult to identify cohorts are.
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What to do next
• Sign up – let the team know who needs to be included in the
Children’s Centre user group by sending a list of user emails
to [email protected]
• Have a play – the more you use the site, the easier it is.
Investigate the Children’s Centre Resource Area, other
themes and Advanced Dataviews and Profiles.
• Set up some favourites and save some links – the site
contains some really useful functionality. Spending time
setting these up will save time in the long run.
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Future developments
• Although the site is live Northamptonshire Analysis is
still in development
• A plan detailing priority areas for development has been
produced which focuses on the short term actions for
the next 6 months
• In addition to the development of the Children’s Centre
profiles, other current areas of focus include:
– Supporting development and presentation of strategic needs
– Improving the site structure to enhance the functionality and
navigation of the site. This will enable the site to have sections
tailored to meet the needs of various stakeholders
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Help and support
There are some frequently asked questions available on the site:
A number of initial user guides have been produced. These are
available on the site and can be accessed through the following link:
Should you still have queries please do not hesitate to contact the Place
Information Team. Contact can be made through submitting a feedback form:
or by contacting the team using the contact details:
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Any questions?
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