Graduation Rates - Forsyth County Schools

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Forsyth County Schools Sue Derison, Information Systems September 10, 2010

 Enrollment and Withdrawal reported in Student Data Record file and each year end (AYP, State Report Card)  Codes for enrollment type and withdrawal type are mandated by this report

         “A” Home School “B” Previous WD “C” Continuing “I” After Incarceration “N” Never attended (K) “O” From other state or country “P” From Private School “R” Re-entered other “S” After illness      “T” From another GA system “U” Within same system “V” SB10 “W” School Choice “S” USCO

        “C” Court or Legal “D” Death “G” HS Graduation “H” Home Study “T” Another GA system “V” Advanced in system “W” transfer in system “X” Out of state, country or to private        “Y” SB10 to State School “Z” SB10 to private “1” SB10 to public “2” School Choice “3” USCO (Safe School) “4” DJJ “5” Non-compulsory

       “B” Marriage “E” Expelled “F” Financial Hardship/Job “I” Incarcerated “L” Low Grades/Failure “M” Military “O” Adult Ed/Post Secondary (GED)     “P” Pregnant/Parent “R” Removed for Lack of Attendance “S” Serious Illness/Accident “U” Unknown

 ◦ ◦ Graduation Rate is used as Second Indicator for high schools in AYP Schools must have 4 years of data West 2010-11; Lambert 2013-14  Graduation Rate and Drop Out Rates are given in the State Report Card issued by Office of Student Achievement

Year 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 GA 79.9% 78.9% 75.4% 72.3% 70.8% 69.4% 65.4% FCS 89.1% 87.5% 85.8% 83.4% 81.2% 80.4% 78%

SubGroup Hispanic Students with Disabilities Limited English Proficient (LEP) Economically Disadvantaged 2007 48% 2008 56% 51% 58% 40% 48% 43% 56% 2009 73% 53% 54% 66% 2010 79% 55% 53% 73%

2010 -11 Diploma Recipients (Regular Ed) 2008 9 th Grade Drop Outs 2009 10 th Grade Drop Outs 2010 11 th Grade Drop Outs 2011 12 th Grade Drop Outs (5 2011 Completers th yr, SE, Att) 2010 -11 Diploma Recipients (Regular Ed)

Apples to Oranges Leaver Method : THOSE WHO LEAVE Cohort Method : THOSE WHO STAY TO FINISH WITH THEIR CLASS IN 4 YEARS Required by NCLB all states to implement no later than 2012.

Requires use of unique Identifier system.

 ◦ ◦ ◦ In Four Consecutive School Years Plus the Following Summer: First time 9 th graders (Date entered 9 th Grade) Add into group each year all students transferring into the school who have same first time 9 th grade year Subtract all students withdrawing in each of those years   Students found in other districts or documentation confirms non Drop-out will not count against a school School in GA that has most recent enrollment will be “charged” with the student

On-Time Graduates On-Time Graduates Other Completers SpEd or Att Off-Track Continuers >4 yrs Dropouts Unknowns

 ◦ ◦ Indiana 2006 Persistence Rate: 90% 2007 Cohort Rate: 76.5%  ◦ ◦ North Carolina 2005 On-Time Rate: 96.1% 2006 cohort Rate: 68.1%  ◦ ◦ Mississippi 2003 Completion: 81.3% 2005 Cohort: 60.8%

    Change in demographics: increase in subgroups Continued resource allocation for documentation of withdrawals School and community understanding of what the graduation rate means and how it will change Data Quality..Data Quality..Data Quality
