Transcript Archival

Archival Information System 2.0
in Estonia
Lauri Leht
Head of Digital Archives
National Archives of Estonia
Presentation at EBNA in Vilnius on October 8, 2013
The evolution and impact of AIS
• First data in separate databases, accessed by single
• Data in local databases, accessed by local archivists
• Some more data in a national database without public
access, access by all archivists
• Database goes online, access by public 
BOOM!!! The public can see what we have!
• Digitised images connected to AIS 
BOOM!!! Birth of online genealogy
• AIS connected to other specific databases 
BOOM!!! Videos, photos and maps online
• Online order management system connected to AIS 
BOOM!!! Revolution in the work processes
AIS = the backpone of modern archives!
1999 – the old desktop-based AIS for entering data
2000–2004 – the first phase of data entering projects,
30% of titles entered into AIS
2004 – online access system = AIS 1.0 (3 million titles)
2005 – online system for digitized images = Saaga
2004–2009 – the second phase of data entering projects,
all the titles entered into AIS (9 million)
2009-12 – online systems for photos, films, maps,
2011 – digital archives software SDB for digitally born
records and digitized images
2013 – online management system of customer orders
2013 – AIS 2.0
AIS 2.0
Writing of functional requirements – 2011
Tender – beginning of 2012
Contract signed – June 2012
Deadline in contract – June 2013
Current phase – beginning of inhouse testing
Realistic deadline – end of 2013
The essence of AIS 2.0
• Connects together all other systems (digitised
images, digitally born data (SDB), photos,
videos, maps etc)
• Replaces the old desktop-based application
for entering data
• Multi-dimensional search functions
• Other institutions can use AIS for managing
and keeping their archives data
Multi-dimensional search
• Several dimensions for starting and narrowing a
free text search
time periods
geographical places from a text list
geographical spot or area from the map
persons and institutions
hierarchical fonds structure
= Facetted browsing
• Cyrillic letters = latin letters (иванов = ivanov)
Multi-dimensional search
• Several dimensions for starting and narrowing a
free text search
time periods
geographical places from a text list
geographical spot or area from the map
persons and institutions
hierarchical fonds structure
= Facetted browsing
• Cyrillic letters = latin letters (иванов = ivanov)
Multi-dimensional search
• Several dimensions for starting and narrowing a
free text search
time periods
geographical places from a text list
geographical spot or area from the map
persons and institutions
hierarchical fonds structure
= Facetted browsing
• Cyrillic letters = latin letters (иванов = ivanov)
Multi-dimensional search
• Several dimensions for starting and narrowing a
free text search
time periods
geographical places from a text list
geographical spot or area from the map
persons and institutions
hierarchical fonds structure
= Facetted browsing
• Cyrillic letters = Latin letters (иванов = ivanov)
Important tools for archivists
• Browser-based entering and changing data
• Possibility to rearrange archival units data
• Possibility to import electronic archives
descriptions in XML
• Access restrictions
• Data of archives management reports
• Export to other systems and portals
Important tools for archivists
• Browser-based entering and changing data
• Possibility to rearrange archival units data
• Possibility to import electronic archives
descriptions in XML
• Access restrictions
• Data of archives management reports
• Export to other systems and portals
• Transferring of data from AIS 1.0
• Training of archivists
• Introduction in everyday work
Always asked:
• Financed by EU
• Cost 0,4 mEUR
• Contract with Tieto Estonia
Thank you!
[email protected]