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0.1 Overview, procedere what to do and how to do it Raumordnung, Raumplanung SS 2012 DDr. Kurt Fedra [email protected]

© K.Fedra 2012

Introduction: Kurt Fedra Director, Environmental Software & Services GmbH, Austria, building environmental information and decision support systems for more than 30 years.

2000 Dr. sci., University of Geneva (interdisciplinary) thesis on environmental DSS 1983-1995: IIASA, Project Leader, Advanced Computer Applications, Manager of Computer Services.

1982-83 postdoctoral year at MIT, R. Parsons Laboratory, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 1978-1982: IIASA, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis , Scholar, Resources and Environment 1978 Dr. phil., University of Vienna, Biology, thesis on a simulation model of the ecology of the North Adriatic Sea Teaching Environmental Systems Analysis, Geomatics, at several universities (Austria, Italy, Switzerland), short courses world wide © K.Fedra 2012 2

What is it about ?

Better (spatial) planning, for a better world.

• What is spatial planning ?

• functional, systemic view, applied systems analysis, quantitative methods • What are the objectives (what is better ?) • criteria, objectives, constraints • How to do it: • instruments, models • Hands on experiments (LUC) © K.Fedra 2012 3

Components, Objectives: Topics: Format: Vehicle: spatial planning quantitative methods, models seminar (interactive) eLearning platform (CourseWare, AT:net project) Main tool: LUC, a web-based land use change model, scenario analysis, hypothesis testing, forecasting; © K.Fedra 2012 4

Seminar (Websters) 1. A group of advanced students studying under a professor with each student doing original research and all exchanging results through reports and discussions 2. An advanced or graduate course featuring informality and discussions © K.Fedra 2012 5

Seminar (Websters) Informality, exchanging results through reports and discussions: • • • through electronic, web-based communication: virtual classroom, library, feedback web discussion forum, mailing list on-line lectures, tests, assignments © K.Fedra 2012 6

Seminar scope and topics: Part 1: Introductory Block: WHAT and HOW? (March 19/20 2012) • Basics: introduction, language, background, concepts, methods RAISING QUESTIONS Part 2: eLearning, on-line lecture units,, assignments, discussion, model use Term paper presentations by end of May © K.Fedra 2012 7

Seminar scope and topics: Short term plan: TODAY: TUESDAY: introduction, overview scratching topics and tools as far as we get, fast track AS OF WEDNESDAY: your turn, YOUR INPUTS, YOUR QUESTIONS ?

Followed by: weekly reminders, see: © K.Fedra 2012 8

Efforts and tasks: Total (minimal) effort: 34 hours 1. Introductory lectures: ~ 10-12 hours 2. 10 – 12 “units” == topics, weekly: • On-line ~30 -150 minutes, each unit with tests, mini assignments embedded in the lectures: direct response or simple research: post to the discussion board (mail to the list, submit to the comment tracking system).

3. An individual term paper of min. 5 -10+ pages (20+ minute presentation) select YOUR topic. Also as teams of 2, max 3 9 © K.Fedra 2012


• 2-3 weekly cycles, overlapping, expert system supervised (reminders, ranking) • reminders by mail • eLearning: Anywhere, anytime, at your own pace © K.Fedra 2012 10

Murphys law (42?): [ ANY TASK ] always takes longer than expected, even when considering this rule.

start earlier …..

© K.Fedra 2012 11

Efforts and tasks: • ACTIVE PARTICIPATION • Discussion board • Background reading (PDF library), – upload new files, keywords, – add abstracts, submit a review/comment • Glossary of terms, links, case studies • Term paper: original, in time for discussion: process rather than product !

© K.Fedra 2012 12

Getting started: 1. VISIT: 2. REGISTER on-line (start as guest) NOTE: always use the SAME eMail address … 3. REGISTER at the web forum: • same user name, “subscribe” 4. BROWSE the web site 5.

get/fill/submit the Questionnaire 6. Take the introductory test 7. Stuck ? Confused ?

ALWAYS ASK: [email protected] (private) [email protected] (public) © K.Fedra 2012 13

YOUR objective: Collect Brownie points: your “standing” for all “activities”, Brownie points are assigned that contribute to HOW TO EARN THEM: register, answer the questionnaire, take the test, create your profile, post to the board, stimulate discussions, discuss other posts, go through the lectures, comment, add to the GLOSSARY, take up challenges and mini-assignments from the lecture, submit and discuss your term paper, … suggest something brilliant, surprise us !


© K.Fedra 2012 14

15 © K.Fedra 2012

Questionnaire Q1 • 26 simple questions, 7 grade Likert scale that measures agreement/disagreement with a statement • • • • • FAST ANSWERS (first reaction) !!!

NOT a test NO right or wrong answers, Explores attitudes and believes Results and analysis on-line (eventually …..) © K.Fedra 2012 16

Questionnaire Q1 NOT a test …… as such THE TEST is: how fast I get an answer !

download the questionnaire from: SP1.doc ~/SP2.doc

send the completed questionnaire to [email protected]

© K.Fedra 2012 17

Questionnaire Q1 18 © K.Fedra 2012

Questionnaire Q1 19 © K.Fedra 2012

Questionnaire Q2 20 © K.Fedra 2012

The questionnaires Q1, Q2 1. Download MS Word files from 2. Submit by eMail 21 © K.Fedra 2012

Introduction: what to do When you register on-line , ADD a profile: WHO are you ?

– academic age, interest WHY are you here ?

HOW many and which countries, regions, do you know ?

Specific questions ?

Post to discussion board OR send a short eMail to: [email protected], [email protected]

Seminar web pages, forum, tools, on-line lectures, background reading: © K.Fedra 2012 22

Introduction: what to do edit the registration form 23 © K.Fedra 2012

Introduction: get started On-line registration: You will be subscribed to a mailing list: [email protected]

PS: the server is case sensitive ….

On-line questionnaires Q1, Q2 – download, fill out [quickly], send back by eMail ( [email protected], [email protected]

) On-line test : multiple choice for calibration © K.Fedra 2012 24

Seminar = Interaction

Interactive – please ask !

I don’t know what you don’t know, unless YOU tell me.

There is no such thing as a stupid question (unless I don’t know the answer  ) Use the on-line support tools at © K.Fedra 2012 25

Secondary agenda I: Help develop an on-line web-based distance learning course

Spatial Planning

1. Background material: 1. PDF/HTML documents, 2. Land use change model, MC DSS (the good city) 2. Structured interactive lectures, integrated assignments, exercises 3. On-line multiple-choice tests © K.Fedra 2012 26

Secondary agenda II: Help develop and test an on-line web-based Land Use Change model LUC: define scenarios, explore, interpret suggest changes, improvements © K.Fedra 2012 27

Seminar style: 1.

Lectures: introduce a “topic”, raise some questions, pose challenges: 1. In the current block 2. On-line, eLearning, follow the suggestions 2. Ask/develop a set of questions, derived from the “lecture units” and on-line background material 3. Select mini-assignments (research tasks) 4. Experiment with the Land Use Change Model 5. Discuss the answers (discussion board) 6. Ask more questions 28 7. Have fun.

© K.Fedra 2012

Seminar style: Ask/develop a set of

questions A well posed question contains the seed of the answer, implies the procedure towards a “solution”.

© K.Fedra 2012 29

well posed question

• : Well structured: clear, without ambiguity, contradiction • • All terms defined, measurable ?

Method to find the answer is at least feasible (part of the question) • Nature of the answer defined, quantitative or comparative • Instructive (answer leads to more good questions) © K.Fedra 2012 30

Scientific method:

Test hypotheses (ask the question: is it TRUE or FALSE ?) Implies the statements can be tested, are subject to logical inference or experimentation.

Neo-Positivism, falsificationism (Popper), constructivism.

© K.Fedra 2012 31

Scientific method:

Quantitative methods: Measure what can be measured, make measurable what can not be measured.

32 © K.Fedra 2012

Scientific method:

Quantitative methods: Measure what can be measured, make measurable what can not be measured.

AND: Numbers beat no numbers Galileo Galilei - any time.

1564 - 1642 © K.Fedra 2012 33

Scientific method:

Quantitative methods:

if you can not model it, you have not yet understood it.

© K.Fedra 2012 34

assumptions, hypotheses, theses • Space is important (we do need it: what for?) • Space is limited = precious • Demands on space are conflicting (stress, inequality, waste and pollution, resource use,…) • Efficient use of space improves the quality of life ?

• Spatial problems are MAN MADE, so they can be “solved” by man © K.Fedra 2012 35

assumptions, hypotheses, theses • Space is important (we do need it: what for?) • Space is limited = precious

“Buy land, they don’t make it any more !”

Samuel Longhorn Clemens © K.Fedra 2012 36

Procedure: • Select, elaborate a question (well posed) • Compile answers • Submit (question and answer) – by eMail, – post to discussion forum • Tools: comment on “usability” © K.Fedra 2012 37

Topics for questions: visit the seminar home page: ~/topics.html

~/planning.html (definitions) 38 © K.Fedra 2012

Topics for questions: • • • • • • • Planning objectives Planning instruments Quantitative tools, valuation Prediction of developments Impact assessment Modeling, scenario analysis Optimization, DSS 39 © K.Fedra 2012

Topics for lecture units: 1.








Introduction: concepts, aims, instruments • Land use planning examples: FAO guidelines, South African White paper Modelling basics • Land use Change modelling: introduction, scenarios, resources Environmental/Strategic Impact Assessment Simulation of impacts: air, noise Site suitability, NIMBY Sustainability, equity, efficiency © K.Fedra 2012 40

Your turn:

Questions ? ASK !


there are no stupid questions other than those unasked !

© K.Fedra 2012 41