Introduction To - Santiago Canyon College

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Transcript Introduction To - Santiago Canyon College

Introduction To
After the Civil War
By Stephen Reed
Terms to Understand:
• Presidential
• Congressional
• “Radical”
President Johnson and Congressional Republicans
increasingly came into conflict over Reconstruction
Congressional Republicans turn to impeachment as
the method to remove Johnson from the Presidency
Impeachment is a 2 Step Process:
The House votes articles of Impeachment (to impeach
means “to accuse and bring to trial”).
If the Senate votes to “convict” the President, he is
then removed from office.
The Senate failed by one vote to convict Johnson.
The South is Divided into 5 Military
Occupation Districts
Radical Reconstruction
The First Reconstruction Act of 1867
“Black Codes”
The 14th Amendment
The 15th Amendment
Debate in Women’s Movement over
whether to press for suffrage
• Ku Klux Klan
The End of Reconstruction
2 Major Events brought the Era of
Reconstruction to an end in 1877:
1. The Presidential Election of 1876
2. “The Compromise of 1877”
• Hayes got all disputed electoral
• Democrats got all Federal Troops
removed from the South