Lekima Typhoon Joint Assessment Report

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Lekima Typhoon
Joint Assessment Report
Target Areas
Two Communes in Ky Anh District
Ha Tinh Province
Team Members:
 Mr. Nguyen Trung Dung- PACCOM
 Ms. Nguyen Mai Chi- OXFAM HK
 Mr. Le Quang Hai- CRS
Introduction (cont.)
Survey Date: Oct 11, 2007
People met:
Ha Tinh Provincial Dept. of Foreign Affairs
Ha Tinh Vusta
Ky Anh District People’s Committee
Ky Anh Women’s Union
Ky Thuong and Ky Son Commune People’s
People affected by the Typhoon
Food Security and Livelihoods
Total loss of all stored foods and standing crops:
1,054ha rice area in Ky Son & 298.87ha in Ky Thuong.
Most maize, paddy and bean fields were waterlogged
and damaged. Some of the crops may be used for
cattle feeding only.
Seedlings for the winter season were lost. Replanting
difficult at this stage since fields are still submerged
and area is experiencing continued heavy rain.
Floods brought sand and pebbles into some planting
areas reducing soil quality.
Flooding destroyed irrigation structures.
Risk of hunger from now until next harvest (April
Water, Sanitation, and Health
Minor damage to wells.
330 health clinics had some roof
damage and 1 have collapsed rooms
with some equipment/medicine loss.
Clean-up of dead animals and mud in
and around homes is slow but ongoing.
Shelter and
Other Material Losses
19 houses in Ky
Son and 22 houses
in Ky Thuong
1,335 houses had
roofs blown off.
10 boats sunk and
two others affected
by water damage.
883 rooms damaged (roofs, foundations,
protection fences, etc.) with some equipment
and supplies lost.
Loss of individual student school supplies and
some school uniforms.
Access to primary school in north Ky Thuong
difficult with lack of connection across Rao
Tro River.
Sections of inter-district road No. 22 need to
be cleared.
Access to electricity and landline phones is
still limited.
Damage to some bridges.
Agriculture infrastructure (irrigation, dams,
etc.) needs rebuilding.
Short term (1 to 6 months)
 Food Security
Direct distribution of basic food stuffs
Support replanting of family gardens
Support replacement of lost assets
Roof Repairs/Rebuilding/cleaning & repair of
surrounding buildings
Repair schools and replace supplies/equipment
Support for students who lost supplies/uniforms
Needs (cont.)
Medium Term 3 to 9 months
 Livelihoods
Agriculture inputs for Spring crops by end of Dec.
Larger Livelihoods assessment
Upgrade related infrastructure (e.g. irrigation)
Disaster Management & Mitigation
Train in CBRDM
Train children in swimming
Resources and Commitments
Limited resources
District – Rice (500 Tonnes) & 500 Roofing
Province – Rice (1.5 Tonnes) & possibly
Some small donations and mobilization of
local mass organizations
No Large Commitments yet
Gaps generally match needs at this
Health situation could change quickly
given food shortages and limited
livelihood options.
Short Term Emphasis: Food security and
support for rebuilding family and public
Medium Term Emphasis: Development of
livelihoods and improved capacity for disaster
management/mitigation Support
Need to mobilize resources
Continued support for long term development