Coach Instructor PowerPoint

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AYSO Coach Instructor
Presented by:
(fill in Section/Area or Region)
© AYSO 2006
Instructors for the AYSO Coach
Instructor Course
(List instructor names)
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Course Overview
Session 1 - Introduction, Role of and Criteria for Coach
Session 2 - Coaching Program Overview
Session 3 - Impromptu Speaking
Session 4 - How To Teach Coaching Courses – AYSO’s Safe
Haven,U6, U8, U10 and U12
Session 5 - Planning A Successful Coaching Course
Session 6 - Evaluations Form review/ Teaching
Session 7 - Presentations (each student must complete a
15 minute presentation) dependent upon the # of
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
– Provide an understanding of the minimum
performance standards required for a Coach
Instructor candidate to become a Certified Coach
– Understand the administrative requirements as a
Coach Instructor…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Learning Objectives
– Role of the Certified Coach Instructor
– Requirements to be an Advanced Coach
– Criteria for qualification as a Coach Instructor
– Administrative requirements…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Student Skills Acquired
– Knowledge of AYSO National Coaching Program
– Knowledge of criteria and characteristics
necessary for a volunteer to become an Certified
Coach Instructor
– Skills necessary to become an effective Certified
Coach Instructor candidate
– Practical exercise…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
– Be a U12 Coaching course graduate
– Have taken Introduction to Instruction
– Be recommended by the Region Coach
Administrator, Area Coach Administrator or
the Section Coach Administrator…
Who wants to be an AYSO Coach
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Our problem as AYSO Coach
Soccer is just a game!..
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
One wish for all coaches:
Mutual respect between all coaches.
The understanding that the only person who
knows how you feel is another coach.
You teach the AYSO National Coaching
Impromptu Speaking
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
The National Coaching Program reflects and
fulfills the vision and mission statements of AYSO.
AYSO Vision Statement:
To provide world class youth soccer programs that
enrich children’s lives
Mission Statement:
To develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs,
Which promote a fun, family environment based on our
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
The AYSO National Coaching Program is
accredited by:
The National Council for Accreditation of
Coaching Education.
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
AYSO Coaching Courses:
AYSO’s Safe Haven
Under 6 Course
Under 8 Course
Under 10 Course
Under 12 Course
Intermediate Course
Advanced Coaching Course
National Coaching Course
Annual Coach update
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
3 hours
5 hours
15 hours
18 hours
56 hours
1-1,000 hours…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
An AYSO Coach Instructor can teach?
Upon successful completion of this course
you will be able to teach (not authorize):
AYSO’s Safe Haven
Under 6 Course
Under 8 Course
Under 10 Course
Under 12 Course
Annual Coach Orientation (update)…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
All AYSO instructors should present the National
AYSO Coaching program.
All AYSO courses are designed to be presented
using players as demonstrators.
Coaches in attendance should see how a
professional works with a particular age group…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
AYSO Instructors must:
• Use the AYSO materials
• Teach what is in the manuals
• Stay on track
• Support the AYSO National Coaching
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
AYSO’s Safe Haven (2 hours)
The Safe Haven teaching plan is located on the website –
This certification presents information on child &
Volunteer protection for the AYSO coach.
This course is the certification course for AYSO
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Annual Coach Update (1 to 1,000 hours)
This training provides continuing education
for coaches in the Region and is developed
by each AYSO region.
Program updates and program requirements
are reviewed in this training session…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
U6, U8, U10 and U12 courses
The first four AYSO coaching courses, U6, U8,
U10 and U12 courses, are designed for
short sided play.
Yes! AYSO recommends that all children
under the age of 12 play short-sided
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Why Short Sided Soccer?
– Young soccer players need special consideration.
– They are children playing a child’s game.
– They must be regarded as young children, not mini
– Fun and activity factors must be a central part of a
child-centered program. Educators agree early
learning experiences are the most important and
produce the most retention…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Why Short Sided Soccer?
– They are essentially self-oriented and relate
naturally to one or two others, not to large
– Most children cannot sustain prolonged activity.
– They function best in suitable starts and stops
(rest periods).
– Concentration span is limited, so frequent changes
of pace and activity is essential…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Why Short Sided Soccer?
Start of Tactical Development…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Your Program vs. National Program:
There could be a difference between the program
that is being run at the local level and the National
Coaching program material.
What will be explained in this session are the
AYSO National U-6, U-8, U10 and U-12
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
What material do you think you should
The AYSO National Coaching Program!
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
The U5, U6, U8 and U10 programs are
designed as discovery programs.
The young players should learn to discover the
wonderful game of soccer, not be taught the game
of soccer by adults.
The best teacher of the game is the game itself.
The primary goal for instructors of these courses is
to ensure that the coaches they are instructing
understand this concept…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
U5 Program (not a course)
Special Program
The Master Coach
The Jamboree should be the standard U-5
Short-Sided program throughout AYSO.
The jamboree can also be used as an
alternative method of conducting the
standard U-6 Short-Sided program…
AYSO Coach Instructor Program
U-6 Program
A U-6 player will experience:
Three (3) a side play with a total of five (5) players
per roster, no Goalkeepers.
See U-6 Coach Manual for age appropriate
Knowledge of The Game
Objectives of The Game
Principles of Play…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
U-8 Program
A U-8 player will experience:
Five (5) a side play with a total of seven (7)
players per roster, no Goalkeepers.
See U-8 Coach Manual for age appropriate
Knowledge of The Game
Objectives of The Game
Principles of Play…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
U-10 Program
A U-10 player will experience:
Seven (7) a side play with a total of nine (9)
players per roster with Goalkeepers.
See U-10 Coach Manual for age appropriate
Knowledge of The Game
Objectives of The Game
Principles of Play…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
U-12 Program
A U-12 player will experience:
Nine (9) a side play with a total of twelve (12)
players per roster with Goalkeepers.
The primary focus of the U12 Coaching Course should be
one of technical cleansing for players.
U12 coaches should, after attending the U12 course, be
able to identify and fix any technical problems that players
might have developed.
The lesson plan is the U12 Coaching Manual…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
U-12 Program
See U-12 Coach Manual for age appropriate
Knowledge of The Game
Objectives of The Game
Principles of Play…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Conducting Any Type Of Clinic:
1) Establish a Need
A) Purpose - to train and qualify coaches for the benefit of
youth teams within a region.
B) Determine the number of people needing or wanting the
C) Determine suitable dates and accommodate participants'
D) Think about Sponsorship…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Sponsorship:
Can be obtained through the region or area,
or through an independent outside source.
Reduce cost for attendees, encourage more
Minimal individual fees charged to participants,
encourages participation in the course…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Organization:
Delegation of Responsibilities
Publicity director
Equipment manager
Facilities coordinator
Locate additional qualified, certified instructors
on an "as needed basis”
Can you think of anything else?…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Get your Course registered in
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Think participants needs:
Food (lunch brown bag, etc., or may be
provided by region)
Paper and pencil
Suitable clothing
Water, sunscreen, towel, ball, chair etc,…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Field aid – goals, pinnies, cones, stakes, grids, balls,
Books – i.e. Age-appropriate Coach Manual,
Guidance for Referees & Coaches, etc…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Materials :
Volunteer Registration forms
Coach Program Booklet
Short-sided Games Guidelines
Soccer Accident Insurance Brochure
Manuals etc,…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Materials :
First aid kit and a medical person, if possible,
paramedic, nurse or doctor
Extras - course T- shirts, liquid refreshments,
snacks, door prizes, etc…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Equipment needs:
Projector & Screen
Extension Cord
Flip Chart
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Budget needs:
1. Facilities
2. Staff
3. Printing costs
4. Accommodations for visiting instructors
5. Guest speakers
6. Advertising
7. Equipment
8. Regions may charge a nominal fee for clinics. A fee has
been found to be an excellent reminder of the date. Clinics
should be self-funded…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Publicize in advance using posters, brochures
email, web-sites and communication among
regional and/or area and/or sectional personnel.
Emphasize that the clinic's goal is to teach how to
coach, not to become soccer players.
Participation in heavy exercise is voluntary and
dependent upon the physical condition of participants…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Site acquisition
1. Utilize a neutral location if possible
2. Acquire necessary permits
3. Consider inclement weather
4. Orientation (seating capacity)
5. Location of refreshment facilities…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Clinic Implementation
Eight to ten participants per staff
member (ideal)
Remember Players to demonstrate…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Using Experts for classroom lectures or panels:
Qualified coach instructors certified at the
appropriate level
Local doctor or sports psychologist
Assistance from neighboring regions
Referee for Laws of the Game
Ask for constructive criticism…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Registering a Coaching Course:
Who authorizes your clinic
How to register a coaching course.
Process roster of attendees locally or submit roster
of graduates to the AYSO National Office
E-mail ([email protected])or call 1-800872-2976 and ask for the National Coaching
Program Coordinator…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Lesson Plans:
Obtain lesson plan and course materials from
Use AYSO coaching manuals as instructor notes…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Time is the enemy!...
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Teaching Assignments
Evaluation forms…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Important Notice
Any lead Instructor who has failed to
account for a roster within the 60 day
period following the scheduled training date
will not be authorized to conduct additional
training until the past due roster is returned
or its status satisfactorily resolved…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Role of and Criteria for Coach Instructors
Coaching Program Overview
Impromptu Speaking
How To Teach Coaching Courses
Planning A Successful Coaching Course
Teaching Assignments
Evaluations Form…
AYSO Coach Instructor Course
Any Questions?...
Thank you!