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...preparing for the future
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
The Jackson Purchase
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Economic Impact of the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant
The USEC Regional Annual Economic Impact by
county - $140.7 M*
McCracken County
Ballard County
Graves County
Massac County
$ 8,500,000
Marshall County
$ 8,500,000
All Others
*Includes: payroll, charitable contributions, business
memberships, procurement dollars, and tax payments.
Mission: Provide community consensus to our local elected officials on
strategic optimization of the national assets of the Paducah Gaseous
Diffusion Plant and promote the development and use of those assets
for the benefit of our country, state, and community.
Co-chaired by McCracken County Judge Executive and Paducah
Mayor, the task force consists of Jim Zumwalt, Paducah City
Manager, Doug Harnice, Deputy Judge Executive, Jimmie Hodges,
former Department of Energy (DOE) Site Manager; Howard Pulley,
former Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) General Manager;
Steve Penrod, current United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)
General Manager; Charlie Martin, Director Field Services USEC;
Jennifer Beck-Walker, Executive Director, Purchase Area
Development Office; Ray Dailey, Director of Environmental Affairs,
New Page; Clyde Elrod, Private Sector; Rob Ervin, President of the
USW Local 550; and Jeff Parsley, TVA Shawnee Steam Plant Manager
The Task Force will concentrate on three areas of asset utilization for
the facility:
1. Optimization of the existing operational, cleanup, and recreational
activities at the site.
2. Explore and promote new missions, for the site, both short and long
term that will fully utilize site assets.
3. Mobilize at the national, state, and community level support for the
task force’s strategic and tactical recommendations.
The Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) is a vital
component of Kentucky’s economy and has supported
the nation’s national security and energy independence
goals for more than fifty years. Any plan to re-enrich the
depleted uranium hexafluoride (DUF6) stored at the
Paducah site must, as a pre-condition, require that the
work be conducted at Paducah. Any tails re-enrichment
plan should extend the employment of the 1,100
employees at the PGDP for several years beyond the
projected closure date.
The Task Force supports Congressman Ed Whitfield’s
bill, proposed last fall, that DOE would enter into a solesource contract with the existing operator to re-enrich
the tails at Paducah prior to sale and/or disposition.
assist in replacing the loss of these 1,100 jobs, it is
imperative that this site be prepared for the safe use by
future businesses and that efforts be continued to
protect surrounding residents from the adverse effects
of the facility’s legacy wastes.
Task Force supports the continued allocation of
adequate funding in FY 2009 for cleanup. For FY 2008
Paducah took a $20 million reduction in clean up funds
in the President’s $96 million budget proposal. The
Task Force supports the work the Congressional
Delegation in fighting to restore the FY2008 Cleanup
funds for the Paducah site, especially Senator
McConnell’s efforts throughout the process.
more than fifty years, Paducah has supported
operations and now cleanup of the site. The community
has stored the by-products of that cleanup, such as the
9700 tons of volumetrically contaminated nickel on site
for decades. Reclamation of the nickel will bring more
jobs to the area in the face of layoffs at the Paducah
The Task Force supports the efforts of the DOE
solicitation for the deposition of the nickel ingots at
Paducah and the local Citizen’s Advisory Board’s (CAB)
position that allows DOE to provide land/facilities on
the DOE PGDP reservation for processing the nickel to a
useful final product form.
If this position is determined not viable by DOE, the
Task Force requests an investment of some reciprocal
value in return for the removal of this community
resource and the jobs created by the reclamation of this
resource at another location. for the future
Achieving energy independence from foreign oil is
vital to both our country’s security and our national
One step of many in achieving energy independence
is increasing the portion of the United State’s electric
power that comes from nuclear power plants above
the current 20 percent.
The core GNEP concept remains valid; when a used
fuel rod is removed from a nuclear power plant, we
only get energy from less than 5% of the fuel in
nuclear fuel and recycling can get the energy from
the remaining 95% rather than throwing that energy
away. for the future
This issue is particularly pertinent to Paducah, since
the PGDP was on the short list of proposed sites for
the reprocessing facility. Setting aside the potential
benefits for Paducah, the United States must increase
its capacity for nuclear power production, including
reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. That should be
part of a broader energy strategy that also includes
increasing domestic oil production, clean coal
technologies, alternative energy sources and
conservation to wean the country off foreign oil.
France and other countries that are already recycling
uranium from nuclear fuel rods have demonstrated
that recycling plants have positive economics and can
be operated safely. for the future
The Federally owned land at the PGDP and the
plant’s trained workforce make Paducah/McCracken
County an attractive site for a nuclear power plant or
a fuel rod recycling plant.
The impact of having a multi-billion dollar fuel rod
recycling plant which could replace the PGDP when
it is closed would be important to the community.
Support from the Governor’s Office, and the
Kentucky Congressional Delegation
Community driven leadership – PUPAU Task
Force – Co-chaired by Paducah Mayor and
McCracken County Judge Executive
Paducah’s Centralized Location – land, water,
and air transportation modes significantly
reduces transportation costs.
PGDP has 1100 trained nuclear workers with one
of the best safety records in the DOE complex.
Commonwealth training services may include:
Occupational skills training and retraining, job
readiness training, and required customized
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) up
to $2,000,000, Economic Development
Administration Assistance of up to $1,000,000.
EDA can be used for infrastructure improvements.
CDBG can be used for infrastructure, building, or
Kentucky Industrial Development Act –tax credits
for up to 100% of its capital investment for up to 10
years on land, buildings, site development,
building fixtures, and equipment
TVA Economic Development Loan Fund –up to $2
million. The EDLF is for fixed asset purposes such
as plant expansion, and equipment purchases.
Industrial Revenue Bonds – IRBs issued by
state and local governments in Kentucky can
be used to finance manufacturing projects and
their warehousing areas, major transportation,
and processing projects.