The Hungarian Crisis 1956

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The Hungarian Crisis 1956
L/O – To identify the causes, events and effects
of the Hungarian Uprising
Hungary under Stalin 1949-53
• Hungary was liberated by Soviet troops
after WW2 and in 1949, COMINFORM
imposed an oppressive communist regime
on Hungary.
• Land was redistributed to other Eastern
European countries.
• Hungarian coal, oil and wheat were
shipped to Russia.
• Non-communist parties were abolished.
• COMINFORM began a reign of terror,
executing political leaders and supported.
• Matyas Rakosi was appointed as dictator.
Matyas Rakosi – Hungary’s Dictator
• Rakosi was dictator from 1949-1956. He
described himself as ‘Stalin’s best pupil’ but
Hungarians nicknamed him ‘the bald
• He was famous for what he called ‘salami
tactics’. He dealt with his opposition ‘slice by
slice’, i.e. dividing his opposition bit by bit.
• His regime imprisoned over 380,000 and was
responsible for more than 2,000 deaths. He
effectively introduced a Stalinist police state.
Peaceful Co-existence
• Stalin died in 1953 and in the resulting
power struggle, Nikita Krushchev became
leader of the USSR.
• Stalin and ‘Stalinism’ was responsible for
more than 20 million deaths of his own
people during his reign of terror. Most
victims were innocent.
• Krushchev sought a more liberal approach to
government and sought to distance himself
from Stalinism. He gave a ‘secret speech’ in
1956 promising ‘peaceful co-existence’ with
the West and an end to Stalinism.
Hungarian Protests
• Krushchev’s ‘Secret Speech’ was interpreted
by many in Eastern Europe as an end to
Soviet Rule. People believed that Krushchev
would let them rule themselves.
• In Hungary, students rioted and attacked
Soviet troops with petrol bombs and
grenades. It was illegal to demonstrate by
law but huge demonstrations took place in
• The protests became violent and police lost
control. Protests began to spread to other
cities in Hungary.
Nagy’s Reform Programme
• In response, Khruschev agreed to the
appointment of a more liberal leader, Imre
Nagy. Nagy proposed reforms:
• Hungary should leave the Warsaw Pact and
become neutral.
• Communist government in Hungary should
• Hungary should became a Western-style
would react
democracy with free elections.
to these
• Hungary should ask the UN for protection
from Russia.
Khrushchev responds to Nagy
• The reforms essentially ended Hungary’s
alliance with the USSR. Khrushchev believed
this was unacceptable and if Hungary left the
Warsaw Pact, others would soon follow.
• Khrushchev knew that people were unhappy
with communism across Eastern Europe. To
allow greater freedom for these countries
would mean the end to Soviet dominance in
Eastern Europe.
• In Nov 1956, he sent 200,000 Soviet troops
and tanks to crush Nagy’s government.
20,000 Hungarians were killed and 200,000
escaped to Austria.
Nagy’s trial and execution
• Nagy sought protection in the
Yugoslavian embassy but was arrested
by Soviet troops when he tried to
• He was accused of treason and was
found guilty in a trial overseen by
Khruschev. He was hanged in June
• Khrushchev stated that Nagy’s
execution was ‘a lesson to the leaders
of all socialist countries’.
International Reaction
• America had encouraged the uprising
and gave economic support. $20
million worth of food and medical aid.
• New US President Dwight D.
Eisenhower (1953-61) praised the
bravery of the Hungarian people and
encouraged them to fight on.
• The UN officially condemned the
Soviet invasion but did nothing more.
International Reaction
• The US stopped short of offering military
help. The American government believed
it was ‘a matter of highest priority to
prevent the outbreak of a war’, which
could lead to nuclear war.
• American’s failure to support the
Hungarians proved that is commitment to
liberating Europe from communism did
not include offering military support.
• This discouraged other radicals in Eastern
Europe from following Hungary’s
Reasserting Soviet control
• Khrushchev appointed Janos Kadar as
the new Hungarian leader. Kadar had
no real power as Hungary was under
the control of the Soviet army.
• But he did published a 15-point
programme of reform:
• Re-establish communist control of
• Use Hungarian troops to stop attacks on
Soviet forces
• Remain in the Warsaw Pact
• Negotiate the withdrawal of Soviet