Transcript Document

My future with the NDIS
An NDIS Participant Readiness activity funded by the Department of
Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
The Old Way vs The NDIS way
The OLD way
 Tick and flick
assessment of
what supports
were needed and
for how long
The NDIS way
Goals based approach to life and care
Your son or daughter will be asked to think about:
• How they would like life to be in a few years?
• What do they want to change?
• What supports do they need to achieve this?
• What supports do they currently have?
A shift in thinking
Goals in
Health and
Getting you ready for the NDIS Pathway
1. Access requirements to participate in the NDIS
2. The NDIS planning meeting
3. Questions the NDIS planner is going to ask
4. How to get prepared
Access requirements to participate in NDIS
1. Permanent and significant disability affecting ability to take part in
everyday activities
2. Under 65 years of age when first access NDIS
3. Citizenship requirements
• Australian citizen
• the holder of a permanent visa
• a permanent resident
• New Zealand citizen who is a Protected Special Category visa
Let’s have a go!
You care for your son who is 32 years old with Down syndrome
and is an Australian citizen. You live together in Brisbane.
Is he eligible to start the NDIS planning process?
My Access Checker:
Making contact with NDIA – three ways
1. Currently receiving supports funded by the Department of Communities, Child
Safety and Disability Services?
- you may be contacted directly – these details are yet to be finalised.
2. Contact the NDIS directly:
 No referral needed
 Walk into an NDIA office
 Ring 1800 800 110
 Visit
3. Complete an Access Request Form
Access request form
Participant details:
• Date of Birth
• Current residential address
• Citizenship status
• Compensation details
• Centrelink CRN
• Your Doctor can complete
“Evidence of disability form”
• Sign & Date
• May obtain information about you
and your disability from your
current service provider.
• confirms receiving your form &
begins the decision process to
determine if the person meets the
participant requirements.
• This needs to be decided within 21
days (average of 13 days in trial
…not eligible for individual funded supports
A person is not able to be a participant in the NDIS
Local Area Coordinator will link them in with a service or a
broad community support
…eligible for the NDIS
NDIA will contact your son or daughter to organize a time to
join a “pre-planning workshop” before the first planning
Planning process starts
A ‘planning kit’ will be sent to you detailing the information
that will need to provide at the meeting
A new path…
Get ready… your 1st meeting with the NDIA
• The aim of these meetings is to develop an individual plan for the
person with a disability
• The plan includes information on your goals, informal and funded
• The more you PLAN, the more your son or daughter, and yourself will
get out of the scheme.
Make it your plan to PLAN!
……But how do you plan in the NDIS world? Glad you asked 
Get ready…
 Complete the “Adult participant statement”
 Describe how you would like to live your life in the future
 Include information about:
• What is day to day life like?
• Current living arrangements
• Current relationships and supports from other people
• What aids and equipment do you currently use
• Goals – employment, education, social participation, independence, living
arrangements, health and wellbeing
• Michael’s story:
Get set
Gather information from people who assist support workers, teachers, medical services
Copy any existing assessments that describe the
impairment or support needs required
List all community and government funded supports
that are currently being received
Planner meeting…number 1
This experience will be different for everyone
It is the first of a handful of meetings with the Planner
It may be confronting (in a good way)
The Planner wants to learn about your son or daughter and their needs
The plan is to get the right plan for the person you care for and support
Goals in
Health and
Planning meeting discussion points
Sample agenda
Preparation work: adult participant statement
Participant statement: discuss current situation and what the future
situation could be
Setting objectives: turning goals and aspirations into actions
Developing strategies: develop the steps you need to take to achieve goals
Measuring achievements
Managing your personal plan
Setting review dates
Next steps
A day in the life of….The Carer Statement
 In assessing needs the Planner will work in partnership with the participant and
those around them.
 The conversation must take account of the goals to enable greater particpiation
and enable daily life of the participant
 The Planner must also take into account the sustainability of informal supports
and the opportunity to also build capacity in natural supports.
 Operational guildeline – Planning and Assessment
Choice and control...
 Choice and control of how your
funds are managed:
• Self managed
• Nominate another person –
‘plan nominee’
• Registered plan management
• Ask NDIA to manage funding
• A combination of the above
 Choice and control of:
• Who provides your support
• What support is provided
• When support is provided
From all of the information gathered, you will have the
opportunity to consider what has been drafted.
You may need several meetings with the Planner until the plan
is finalised
Once approved, implementation can begin!
…and so it begins…welcome to the new world