Transcript Slide 1

Ljubljana 20.04.2011

Project idea: Recreational and Long Distance Tourist Bicycle Lanes along Sava River, Connecting Capital Cities Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belgrade, Contribution of the Cities to the Water Path – RELOADCycle

mag.Igor Cotič, u.d.i.a. Boštjan Cotič, u.d.i.a.

Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

Project objectives

-to foster the integrated management of the Sava river waterfront/riverbank -learning from a good practises within Danube region and EU -to improve planning and infrastructure for tourism -to promote sustainable tourism and transport through cross border cooperation -to step up institutional capacity and cooperation and improve information flows between member states and non-Member -to establish common guidelines for cycling to foster integrative spatial planning in the Sava River Basin -to open possibility for creation of transnational/cross border tourist package in the Sava River Basin

Sustainability issues:

- Economic issues will be pursued through new tourist products, local jobs, ..

-Social issues will be covered by transnational and cross-border co-operation of the three cities, people to people contacts and general public involvement. -Environmental issues will be addressed through the promotion of sustainable transport and promotion of environmental friendly potential developments along the Sava River.

Ljubljana 20.04.2011

Thank you for your attention

mag.Igor Cotič, u.d.i.a. - [email protected]

Boštjan Cotič, u.d.i.a. – [email protected]

Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia