Transcript Document

Кондитерское объединение
About the company
At the beginning of 2003, the brand
"Confashion" was designed and brought to the
market. Its name comes from two English words
«Confectionary Fashion». In February 2003
production capacities of the factory were fully
loaded with work. During the first year of the
factory’s work the product portfolio of the
company was completely updated, hundreds of
new products that met the latest market
requirements, were developed. “Confashion”
produces sweets, waffles, and cookies that are
loved by customers. The philosophy of the brand
of the confectionary association sets high
standards not only to the product itself, but to
the packaging design concepts and product
quality as well. On the basis of market research
we identified vacant market niches. New
production equipment was purchased and
installed for packaging the produce.
The new products of Saratov factory
are well known and loved by consumers in many
regions of Russia and the CIS countries.
Assortment renewal and product
quality improvement
The enterprise is continuously working on the assortment that best meets the
changing tastes of the consumers. At the same time all the new products preserve high
quality and competitive prices.
Assortment renewal and product
quality improvement
We launched restyling of products coveted by the consumers. We started producing such bakery
products as waffles and biscuits. We have already restyled such well-known products as "Lyuboskaz“, "Sartek ",
"Minutki" , "Glamour", and "Lady Jam". This group will also include a brand new product: "Vitamine" biscuits,
enriched with iodine.
In the nearest future we are planning to restyle the rest of the bakery group products.
We launched production of such product as packaged "Sweet roll" that is loved by customers
because of its original shape and classical tastes.
On the shop shelves one can find new chocolate collections, such as: "Moonlight Sonata", "Parma
Violet", the alluring "Wonder Nut", and "Confashion De Luxe". Each of these titles is surrounded by a legend,
each of these chocolates has a wonderful taste.
New Year Program 2014
Период запуска
Октябрь 2013
Active participation in the life of the
Confectionery Association "Confashion" is actively involved in the life of its home city. The company has
recently become the head sponsor and partner of three events:
By taking part in the fashion event called «Top Fashion» that was held in the restaurant "Churchill" we have
confirmed our credo, which is "Confectionery fashion».
Buildings, premises and
internal territory
The territory of the enterprise with the total area of
2.5 hectares contains two production buildings with
seven departments, administrative building,
warehouses for end products and raw materials,
boiler section and section for repair and maintenance
of vehicles. The company has a remote warehouse
complex as well.
The main part of the company’s complex was
built in 1983 and has been used until present time.
The deterioration for communications exceeds 70%; it
is 50% for the buildings.
Today, the Company implements a set of
measures to restore the buildings, structures and
networks and renovate the territory of the enterprise:
We are repairing the roof with the total area of ​more
than 1500 m².
Buildings, premises and
enterprise territory
Our plans include:
-Redecorating industrial sites;
-Restoring industrial floors;
- Repairing indoor and outdoor lighting;
-Repairing sanitary facilities;
-Restoring fences around the territory;
-Repairing ventilation systems, heating and air
-Reconstructing administrative complexes;
-Restoring asphalt and concrete pavement, lawns
and green spaces;
-Conducting major repairs of the water supply and
-Constructing of local cleaning facilities;
Major repair of electric networks.
Buildings, premises and internal
The abovementioned measures will allow:
-to improve working conditions;
-to eliminate emergency situations;
-to increase the investment attractiveness of
the enterprise;
-to improve the reputation and image of the
company in the region;
-to improve the environmental situation at
workplaces and in the neighborhood.
There are 37 functioning lines at the enterprise,
which allow to produce more than 20 kinds of
confectionery products:
- classic biscuits;
- crackers;
- milk caramel;
- chewing candy;
-classic waffles;
- waffles with fruit filling;
- truffle candy;
- marshmallow.
Resources of the factory allow to produce other
types of products such as marmalade, soufflé, ginger
bread and multi-component sweets.
In order to expand the range of products,
we need to carry out capital repairs on some of the
working lines, replace some items with a more
modern, automated equipment .
Qualitative and timely repair of
equipment will allow the factory :
-To improve product quality ,
-To increase line performance ,
-To increase lines’ capacity,
-To reduce production costs.
Automation of working lines will simplify the work
of factory workers, eliminate harmful factors of
production in terms of occupational safety,
accelerate the process of preparing the company for
certification of ISO quality management system
Currently the enterprise:
-is implementing preplanned and emergency repairs
of the equipment;
-has 2 automatic product packing lines installed;
-has purchased equipment for vacuum packaging of
sets of chocolates;
- is developing and implementing the system of
automation for individual production processes;
- is constructing a site for storage and automatic
delivery of vegetable oil;
- is replacing the outdated refrigeration tunnels
with modern systems with autonomous
- is replacing old equipment with modern automatic
hand disinfectants;
- is negotiating with foreign manufacturers of
automatic systems for raw materials layout.
The confectionary factory has a socially
responsible attitude to its employees, and
provides mandatory warranties provided by
the legislation of the Russian Federation,
- Official employment;
- Timely payments of taxes to the social
authorities and the pension fund;
- Granting vacations, including extra ones in
view of harmful working conditions and
student’s vacations;
- Payment of disability lists;
- Payment for harmful working conditions,
including the provision of milk, etc.
The company also provides its employees with the following additional guarantees , besides
the mandatory ones:
- Payments for work experience ;
- Supplementary health insurance ;
- Compensation related to employee illness or loss of close relatives;
- Payments at retirement age ;
- Payments for team management;
- Payments via the system of mentoring young professionals;
- Valuable prizes and gifts for professional and national holidays;
- Christmas gifts for children of employees ;
- Drinking water supply, etc.
Apart from the abovementioned, the Company regularly organizes corporate activities aimed
at increasing the loyalty of each employee, developing the corporate spirit, and improving the
social and psychological climate of the company.
The company provides further training at its own expense for the employees that require it.
IT Infrastructura
It is hard to imagine the development of modern business without an advanced information
infrastructure. The Company pays special attention to implementation of IT projects at the
During 2012, the Company :
- purchased and installed modern high productivity server hardware;
updated personal computers ;
purchased and installed its own printing equipment;
introduced a centralized system of electronic trading ;
developed and prepared for introducing electronic document management system;
purchased the equipment for installing a unified system of smart output of performance
indicators on indicator panels in workshops, warehouses and personal computers of the factory
workers online;
purchased and is preparing to implement electronic control system based on 1С: 8 package;
designs and plans to implement a modern system of video monitoring processes in
During the year 2012, the Company focused on warehouse logistics system. The
following activities were implemented:
introducing a targeted system for storing raw materials and end products with
integration of left-over stock via the newest systems into the enterprise information
increasing storage space by upgrading product storage systems and introducing shelf
shortening shipping time by upgrading the warehouse equipment .
In the block of logistics supply we implemented:
- Spectral analysis of suppliers, the ABC system among others;
Information integration of the system of forming the enterprise needs according to
multi-factor analysis of current balances, planned parishes, trends and dynamics of
three year long statistics.
From the beginning of the year, the Company works within a system of tender
purchases, including the electronic tenders on its own server. The system of selecting
suppliers allows to control pricing, SM quality, and their supply terms.
Social responsibility towards the
The company is committed to safety and livfe comfort
for the city residents and company employees :
in June 2012 under the patronage of the Ministry of
Agriculture we built a crosswalk across the dangerous road
near the factory’s central entrance;
During 2012, we planned to install several playgrounds for
children in the courtyards of houses located in the vicinity
of the factory;
With the support of the enterprise we organized major
repair works in the apartment of a disabled family in the
city of Saratov.
We are continuously implementing a set of measures
aimed at eliminating harmful factors of production:
We measure the noise and confirm that the standard
norms are not exceeded;
We developed a recovery plan aimed at significant
increase of the amount of greenery around the premises.
Mass media about “Confashion”
Newspaper «КоммерсантЪ»
Date published : 11.12.2012г.
СМИ о Конфэшн
Newspaper «Родной город»
Date Published : 26.12.2012г.
СМИ о Конфэшн
Newspaper «Родной город»
Date Published : 16.01.2013г.
СМИ о Конфэшн
Newspaper «Московский Комсомолец» в Саратове»
Date Published : 20.02.2013г.
Thank you for your attention!