Transcript Document

Steve Paul
1955 -2011,
Kuznetsov Andrei 7 form
Steven Paul Jobs, was born in February, 24th 1955, - the
American business-magnate and the inventor. Was the
founder chairman of board of directors and CEO
corporations Apple
Jobs was born to San Francisco (state of California)
which have named it Stephen Pol has been adopted by
the Floor and Clara Jobs.
Jobs studied in high school and at senior school
Homestead (state of California), and after school visited
lectures in company Hewlett-Packard
In the end of 1970th years Jobs together with founder Apple Steve
Voznyakom and others has designed, has developed and has put on the
market one of the first successful of a series of personal computers Apple II.
In the beginning of 1980th years Jobs was one of the first who has seen
commercial potential management of the mouse of the graphic interface
of the user that has led to creation Macintosh
In the autumn of 1974 Jobs has returned to
California and has started to visit meetings of
amateur computer club. It has got a job in Atari the manufacturer of computer games wishing to
earn money for travel to India
The history Jobs's business-activity has brought the big
contribution to a symbolical image of the original
individual businessman of the Silicon valley.
Its work on promotion of development of the products,
being simultaneously functional and elegant, has got to
it set of followers
In 1996 Apple has got NeXT, and Jobs has returned to
the company which has based, and has stayed it CEO
with 1997 for 2011. In 1986 it has got division
computer schedules Lucasfilm which has been allocated
as Pixar Animation Studios.
In 1996 Apple has declared, that will buy NeXT for 429
million dollars. The transaction has been completed in
the end of 1996, having returned Jobs in the company,
which it has based. Jobs has headed Apple after
discharge then CEO Gil Amelio in July.
After purchase NeXT the most part of technologies of the
company has found the application in products Apple - first of
all NeXTSTEP which has turned in Mac OS X . Under direction
of Jobs the company has considerably increased sales with
the advent of iMac
Last years the company has branched, having presented
and having improved other digital devices. In 2007 Apple
has entered on the market of cellular telephones, having
presented a touch mobile phone iPhone
In October, 2005 Bean Iger Jobs has quickly
settled attitudes with Jobs both Pixar. on
January, 24th, 2006 Iger have declared, that
Disney has agreed to get Pixar for 7,4 billion
With the advent of a portable musical player iPod
appendices for digital music iTunes and iTunes
Store the company has entered on the market of
household electronics and distribution of music.
Jobs also reminded the employees, that the present
creators deliver meaning, that granting of working products
in time is not less important, than innovations and
attractive design.
Steve Jobs has died on October, 5th 2011
from a cancer.