Brain Research and Science Class

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Brain Research and Science Class

We are going to find out how you learn best this week.

 How?

   Left-vs-Right Brain Dominance Multiple Intelligences Learning Styles

How will your teachers teach?

 Activate prior knowledge  Stating the objectives and purpose  Instructional phase  Modeling (provides a pattern for your brain to follow)  Checking for understanding (You will be able to show your knowledge in a variety of ways)  Practice and application (Again through a variety of ways)  Closure and extension (Opportunities to challenge those that are at a higher level)

How is your brain organized?

 Two hemispheres and each processes information differently.

 Need to provide full range of activities to activate both sides of the brain. When we get both sides of your brain being used; there is more blood flow and you actually learn more.

Left Hemisphere Dominance  Prefers facts  Relies on logical analysis  Models  Demonstrations  Expectations drive learning  Relies on feedback for success  Clear directions  Need auditory instructions from teacher  Likes multiple choice test questions

Right Hemisphere Dominance  Prefers possibilities  Relies on intuition and hunches to solve problems  Spontaneous  Expands on ideas given  Curiosity drives learning  Jumps into task without directions  Experiments with ideas  Shows others their accomplishments  Prefers essay questions on tests

What does that look like?

Do you remember a time when you learned something well?

 What was it?

 How did you learn it?

 What were the steps?

 How did you practice?

 How did you feel about the learning process?

 What made it so fun or memorable?

Are you visual, auditory, or kinesthetic?

 Visual:       create pictures in your mind and use images to remember prefer reading, writing, making notes and diagrams like to use drama and art make lists and write things down appreciates order and is distracted by clutter Says “it looks right to me” or “don’t you see”

Visual Learner Cartoon!!!!

Auditory Learners

 Like to talk and listen to others  Prefer verbal instructions  Like to be read to  Like to learn from lecture and audiotapes  Hums when readings  Practice aloud and learn by talking to yourself  Says “It sounds right” or “Listen to this”

Tactile Learners

 Often use movement and are action oriented  Seem to gesture when speaking  Tap or drum on desk  Impulsive  Don’t choose to read if possible  Like to act out concepts and “do” things  Finds spelling challenging  Prefers sports and dancing  Says “I feel that it’s right” or “Now I get it”

What type of learner is each below?




What is your Multiple Intelligence?

 We are all smart!  Howard Gardner looked at other indicators besides IQ to test for intelligence.

 There are 8 Multiple Intelligences:  Verbal   Logical/Mathematical Musical      Naturalist Visual Interpersonal Kinesthetic Intrapersonal

Verbal Intelligence

 Likes to use words in different ways  Debates, storytelling, joking, metaphors  Reads for hours  Are also usually auditory listeners  They communicate with a variety of tools such as letters, faxes, emails, texts ….

 Writers, newscasters, journalists have high amounts of this intelligence

Musical Intelligence

 Have the ability to recognize and produce melody or rhythm and rhyme  They like music and are conscious of its impact  Beating out a rhythm like tapping pencils  Highly responsive to sound  Musicians, songwriters and vocalists have high amounts of this intelligence

Visual Intelligence

 Very attuned to pictures, symbols, and drawings  Able to see detail and appreciate graphs, charts  Artists, photographers, and architects have high amounts of this intelligence.

Tactile (Kinesthetic) Intelligence

 Aware of their own body and like to manipulate and handle materials to make sense of the world  Excel in fine motor or gross motor skills  Neurosurgeons and football quarterbacks or the Broadway actor have high amounts of this intelligence.

 They like to learn while moving like walking, building or role playing.

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence

 At home with numbers and reasoning  Identify patterns, recognize cause and effect  Love to solve problems and pose and answer questions  They assess, use spreadsheets and organize information  Accountants, lawyers, and scientists


 Very in touch with nature, animals, plants  Includes geography, landscapes, weather  Prefer to be outdoors  Use patterns and classify and organize  Any occupation that works outdoors!

Interpersonal Intelligence

 Natural ability to interact with others  Social!

 Sensitive and intuitive to the feelings and moods of others  Friendly  Great in team setting and valuable team members

Intrapersonal Intelligence

 Self awareness  Can manage their own emotions and feelings well  Value self-reflection  Value goal setting  Aware of strengths and needs and act on that information

So what does this all mean?

 1. We will use who you are as a learner to help you learn science to the best of your abilities.

 2. You will have opportunities in class to choose how you want to show your knowledge.

 3. We will co-teach at times to offer you different ways to reach your science goals.

 4. If you are struggling, we will offer “extra help” when you need it.

 5. Groups will change regularly based on your prior knowledge of topics. We will assess ourselves regularly.