Transcript Document

PowerPoint® Lecture Slide Presentation prepared by BRETT CHRISTIE
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Chapter 3
Lesson Planning and Lesson Plan
R O B E R T P.
Lesson Planning
Prepare a written plan
• Given thought to a lesson
• Can be modified
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Characteristics of a lesson plan
Objectives - accomplish content standards
Equipment - # of equipment/how used
Instructional activities - movement skills taught
Teaching hints – organizational hints, learning cues,
equipment arrangement, student grouping, teaching
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
What goes into a Lesson Plan
Title and Description
• Title of Lesson
• Name of student-teacher (you)
• Grade Level
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
What goes into a Lesson Plan
Content Standards and Objectives
• Actual West Virginia CSO’s
• Wellness
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
What goes into a lesson plan
• All Equipment needed for a lesson
• The number of each type of equipment needed
• Specific Music
• Equipment to play music if needed
• Location that you are going to put equipment
• Discussion of how you will distribute equipment
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Lesson Planning
• Four part lesson plan:
Fitness activities
Introductory activity
Lesson focus
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Closing game
Introductory Activity
• Warm-up
• 2-3 minutes
• Sets tone for rest of the class
• Physiological preparation for activity
• Minimal instruction & direction by the teacher
(Unless you are practicing class management skills)
• How students will receive immediate feedback
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Fitness Activity
• Enhance health-related fitness and promote lifetime
• Personalized activities
• Exercise all parts of the body
• Brief discussions about health and fitness
• Success is key
• 5 minutes long
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Lesson Focus
• Designed to teach physical skills
• Meet wellness standards
• Repetition and refinement of skills
• Sequential, success-oriented setting
• Teaches skills necessary to function comfortably in
lifestyle activity
• Emphasis on instruction that focuses on the process
of skill development
• Longest section of a lesson
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Closing (Game) Activity
• Stresses and reinforces skills learned
• May be a game that uses skills learned in the
lesson focus
• Leaves students with a positive feeling about
physical activity participation and physical
education class
• Avoid using game as a bribe
• May include a quiet activity – to calm down
students & prepare them to return to a classroom
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Reflective Teaching
Normally reflect after a lesson. Because you are not
teaching this lesson – there will be no reflection
• the process of sitting back and asking the question, “How
could I have done that better so that students would learn
• Learning from others
• Not doing the same exact thing year after year
• First lesson is not as polished as the 2nd and 3rd lesson –
learn through trial an error
• Reflect each day
• Make notes on your lesson plans for how you want
to change them for the next year
• Keep a file or portfolio of inspirations
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Create an elementary lesson plan that meets
one health-related wellness CSO and one
physical-education related CSO
• Send in your lesson topic on Sakai
• I will try to update the information each
• Your group will examine each of the
• Your group will help you teach your lesson
Copyright © 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings