Transcript Slide 1

The Yellow Jacket
Centralia Middle School
November 2014
– Parent Advisory 7:30 am
•Nov 11th – No School Veteran’s Day
•Nov 12th – Honor Roll Ceremony 6:30 pm
•Nov 14th – Early Release 12:40
•Nov 17th – 21st Early Release 12:20
•Nov.27th – Holiday Dismissal 12:40
•Nov 27th -28th No School Happy Thanksgiving
•Dec 8th – Parent Advisory @ 7:30 am
•Dec 9th – College Seminar with Charlie Hoff 6:30 pm
•Dec. 12th Dance 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
•Dec. 18th – CMS Band/Choir/Strings Concert 7:00 in the Gym
•Dec. 19th – Early Release 12:40
•Dec. 22nd through Jan. 4th Winter Break
•Jan. 5th – Boys Basketball Begins
Dear Parents:
We need your help in preventing traffic problems in
the parking lot before and after school.
Our bus drivers report that many cars are
attempting to enter the lot in the wrong direction.
The first driveway in the parking lot is an exit only.
Please enter the lot in the proper direction, using the
second entry into the lot.
If you a picking up or dropping off a student, please
avoid the bus area (the long yellow diagonal lines
that run to the school sidewalk). If you must use the
parking lot during these congested times, please
keep your car as close to the parked cars as possible,
giving room for the buses to get out of the lot. In
addition, please make sure your students use caution
when going across the lot. We have had several
reports of students running in front of buses…and
it’s not possible to stop something that large in a
hurry! Help keep students safe—thanks for your
Remember that pair of soccer shoes
you had to buy for your child, or
those wrestling shoes that helped
make a successful season? Maybe
those shoes are still hanging around
your house somewhere, even though
your child’s outgrown them. Now you
can clean out your closet, and help
CMS athletes at the same time!
We are starting a sports equipment
exchange at CMS, so that all our
athletes will be able to have the
proper gear they need. If you have
shoes or other usable equipment
that’s still in good shape, please bring
your items to Mrs. Smith in the front
office. If you could use some
equipment for your child, let Mrs.
Smith know. We will help if we can.
You can bring those old band and
choir shirts too…anything that’s still
in good shape can benefit another
member of the Yellow Jacket family!
Thanks for your help.
Due to Mrs. Smith being gone on medical
leave for a few weeks, we will not be
placing a winter shirt order. We do have a
good stock of T-Shirts and Hoodies in the
student store if you wish to purchase one,
please contact the CMS office 330-7619.
We will place another order in the spring.
Attendance Guidelines
for Centralia Middle School
Daily attendance is essential for a successful education in
middle school. In order for students to achieve their full
potential at Centralia Middle school, they must attend school
on a regular and timely basis. Absences are classified in to five
different categories:
Cold and Flu season is upon us. We would greatly
appreciate it if each student would bring a box of
tissue and give it to their 1st period teacher or the
Excused Absences: Any absence due to illness, family
emergency, religious holiday, doctor or dental appointment or
one that has been pre-arranged through the attendance office.
All excused absences should be verified through the
attendance office by phone (330-7619), email
([email protected]) or note within 2 days of
absence. Also, it is the student’s responsibility to collect and
make up all missed work due to the absence. Please note that
teachers are allowed 24 hour notice to provide make-up
Planned Absence: If a student is going to be gone for an
extended period of time, parents/guardians must obtain a
planned absence request form to be filled out by teachers one
week prior to the absence. Teachers can provide school work
once the request is submitted. Please contact the attendance
office to make arrangements.
Unexcused Absences: Any absence that has not been verified
verbally or in writing, by the parent/guardian, to the
attendance office as an excused absence.
Truancy: Any unauthorized absence from school or scheduled
activities during the school day without permission from the
school or parent/guardian is considered a truancy, for
example, skipping class/assemblies, leaving the school campus
without a proper pass or chaperone, and similar behavior.
Early Dismissal: If you need to pick your student up early
please arrive 10 minutes before the time you need to have
student released. Students will not be called out of class until
a parent/guardian has arrived.
Definition of Tardiness:
Tardiness is defined as a student not being at his/her
scheduled location before the bell rings at the start of each
period, including lunch. Tardiness is classified into two
separate categories:
Unexcused Tardiness to School: Students that arrive to school
after 8:08 will be held in ISS until 1st period is finished. The
purpose of this is to not disrupt the learning environment. If a
student is tardy 3 times a detention will be issued.
Excused Tardiness to School: Student who arrive late with an
excused tardy will be given a pass to class. To be excused the
student must have a note stating the reason for the tardy.
Excused reasons for tardiness per board policy are illness,
medical appointments or family emergency.
Winter CMS Dance
December 12, 2014
5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Student Fees & Fines
A lot of Centralia Middle School students have not
paid fee(s) for the current school year. They might
have an overdue library book and/or failed to return
a text book to a teacher. Maybe they did not return
a sports uniform to a coach. When these types of
things happen, a fine is put into Skyward. Parents
can view the fine in Skyward Family Access . In
Family Access parents can also view the CMS
calendar, attendance, grade book, student
information, schedule, fee management, food service,
and report cards. Parents can now pay fees and/or
fines online by logging into Family Access and then
going to Fee Management section. Most parents are
aware of this site and use it on a regular basis. Some
student fines are from previous school years. Once a
fine is added in the Skyward database, it remains
until paid or the item is returned to the school. First
quarter report cards will be mailed to households
next week. If your child owes a fine, it will be printed
on the report card.
- - - - - Changes - - - - Notes to Students, Bus Notes and
Changes in pick up procedures
Helpful hints from the Main office:
Due to the high volume of requests by parents/guardians to change their
student’s pick-up procedures or bus routes, we request that this be taken
care of before your student leaves for school if possible.
The number of requests coming in at the last minute has become
unmanageable. We will no longer be able to deliver notes to students
after 1:30 pm, with the acceptations of an emergency.
Notes sent with your student in the morning should be turned into the
office before school starts.
If your child needs to be dismissed during the school day, then please
come into the main office to sign your student out. Due to state law and
district policy, we cannot allow people who are not on the emergency
contact list to pick up a student without written notification from the
parent or guardian. Parents, or the party identified by parents, will need
to report to the office to sign the students out.
Please allow 10 min. for your child to be released from class when you
report to the office. We will not call the student out of class until you get
to the office.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Lunch with the Librarian
Friday, November 14, 2014
During both lunches
Bring your lunch with you
To the CMS Library
Come and meet the Teen Librarian from
Timberland Regional Library
And see what exciting things are happening
Parent Title 1 Meeting
Date: Nov. 10th, 2014 at 6:30 PM
Location: CMS Library
Purpose: Review How decisions regarding
how Title-1 Funding is Allocated?, Review
Title-1 Activities at CMS, Review Parent
Involvement Plan
Student Lead Conferences
Thank you to the Centralia Middle
School family! Over 83% of our students
attended our student-led conferences,
and shared their work,
accomplishments, and goals with their
families and teachers. This is one of our
best turn-outs ever for fall conferences.
Great job, Yellow Jackets! Thank you
again families—we look forward to
sharing more success with you in the
Centralia Middle School
Honor Roll Ceremony
Parents and students are invited to attend the
Quarter 1 Honor Roll recognition ceremony
Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30 PM in the
commons. All students who obtain a GPA of
3.20 or higher will get recognized for their
commitment to academic excellence.
Are you going on vacation?
Are you taking a long weekend
trip? Is your child going to
be gone for an extended
period of time?
Please get a
planned absence
Planned Absence Forms may be picked up in
the office from Mrs. Rueda
With the holiday season growing near we
would like to remind you that a planned
absence form is required before you leave for
those fun filled vacations.
All planned absences must have the approval
of the
o student’s teachers and
o building administration
o forms must be signed by a parent
o absences should be cleared by the
attendance office at least three days
prior to the absence.
Failure to do so will result in these absences
being classified as unexcused.