Weight Management - North buncombe health, PE, & strength

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Transcript Weight Management - North buncombe health, PE, & strength

Lecture #1
A lifestyle based on good choices and healthy
behaviors maximizes the quality of life.
 You only get one body, make it a healthy one
 Wellness is a dynamic process of change and
Emotional Wellness
 Self- Confidence and Self- Control
Intellectual Wellness
 An active mind is a healthy mind – Never stop learning
Spiritual Wellness
 Capacity for love, compassion, forgiveness, joy, etc.
Social Wellness
 Support system, communication skills
Environmental Wellness
 Ultraviolet rays, second-hand smoke
Be Active!
 The more we ask of our body (bones, muscles and
heart), the stronger they become.
 Less active we are, the less we can do.
Adaptability- body will adapt to the stress placed upon it
60% of Americans are not reg. active, 25% not at all active
Benefits of Physical Activity:
 Short Term, Long Term, Mental and Physical
 Less fatigue, self confidence, better cardiovascular health, lower
cholesterol, lower risk for cancer, stroke, osteoporosis and type 2
diabetes (most common form)
1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Stroke
All three are linked to poor diet, inactivity,
smoking and excessive alcohol use.
 15% of all deaths in America are diet related,
 Diets high in fats, sugars, low fiber, high
calories are linked to heart disease, stroke,
hypertension, diabetes, and certain kinds of
 Knock out useless Calories
Water instead of a coke, fruit instead of chips/fries
 Wellness is not just fitness and diet, also
concerns everyday life.
 Wear a seatbelt
 Use sunscreen
 Take vitamins
 Safe Sex
 Unintentional Injuries are the leading cause
of death for people over 45
 Adopt a safe, responsible behavior
Alcohol consumption is linked to 6 of top 10
causes of death.
 Kills 85,000 Americans a year
Tobacco is associated with 8 of top 10 causes
of death.
 Kills 435,000 Americans a year
BMI- Body Mass Index
A measure of body weight that is useful for classifying the
health risks of body weight.
Rough estimate; doesn’t distinguish between fat weight
and fat free weight (muscle mass).
Not great estimate for short people and athletes; should
not be used as a primary means of assessing overall health
Underweight- <18.5
Normal- 18.5- 24.9
Overweight- 25-29.9
Obesity Class I- 30-34.9
Obesity Class 2- 35- 39.9
Obesity Class 3- >39.9
To Calculate
 Divide body weight in lbs by 2.2 to convert into
Multiply height in inches by .0254 to convert into
Multiply result of height by itself
Divide the result of step 3 by the result of step 1
Example:165 lbs / 2.2 =75 kg; 5’ 10”= 70 inches *
.0254= 1.778 m;
75 kg / 1.778 ^2= 23.724
Bod Pod
Skinfold measurements
BIA- bioelectrical impedance analysis
Underwater weighing
Weight Loss requires a behavior change
 Change is voluntary, time consuming and takes a
lot of effort.
Goals must be:
 Obtainable, measureable, and have a timeline
Must recognize the barriers to physical
activity- such as poor diet and inactivity.
Partners for weight loss are helpful for
support and keeping with your goals.
Precontemplation- at this stage, people are
unaware of the health risks of being
overweight; believe they are more important
things that in life than weight loss at the
Contemplation- at this stage, you plan to
take action within the next 6 months; aware
of a weight issue and want to do something
about it; begin to wonder about courses of
action to possibly take.
Preparation- Plan to take action within a
month; small changes have begun.
Action- Outwardly changing behavior;
requires the most commitment of time and
energy; during this time, people try to revert
back to their old, bad behaviors.
Maintenance- Successful behavior change for
at least 6 months; lapses may occur but are
quick to reestablish the new desire behavior;
lasts 6 months to 5 years.
Termination- final stage
 No longer tempted to revert back to old behavior
 Have a new self-image
 For weight loss, termination is a little different
 DON’T revert back to old behaviors
Monitor Behavior and Data
 Start recording your daily physical activities and
make notes about what you enjoy and dislike.
Look for Patterns
 Are the days/times that you don’t exercise, why?
 Do you eat differently (healthy or unhealthy) with
Set Goals
 Should be easy to track; take baby steps at first
Plan of Action
 Obtain Information about parks and gyms
 Check our your pantry and fridge
 Reward Yourself
▪ If you workout everyday one week, go shopping or do
something fun you wouldn’t normally do
Make a Personal Contract
 Find a weight loss buddy to help hold you to it
If it was easy, everyone would do it
Social Influences
Levels of Motivation
Level of Effort
Stress Barrier
Blaming, Procrastinating, and Rationalization
Frequency- Daily
Intensity- Start with low intensity; use interval
training to increase intensity
 Try walking at a pace where you can still carry on a
simple conversation
Duration- start off short; increase to 60 minutes
are tolerated.
Mode- weight bearing as tolerated; use
cardiovascular and strength training together.
Progression- Caloric Expenditure is the goal,
time is the main limitation.
Resistance Training- target large muscle
groups; progress overtime to heavier
resistance and fewer reps.
Variety- change up your workout to keep it
Metabolic Efficiency- the ratio of calories
expended to calories consumed.
Don’t want balance!!! Will not lose weight.
Want to have a higher amount of calories
expended to calories consumed.
The body guards against the loss of fat cells
and will try to become metabolically efficient.
To lose weight, we must try to reduce
metabolic efficiency and lost body fat.
Check body weight periodically.
Look at also the amount of energy you have
throughout the day.
Look at how your clothes fit differently over
Set Goals for yourself.
Find a buddy to help you out and motivate you.
Do 15-30 minutes of physical activity (walk, jog,
bike, swim or walk up stairs).
Drink a glass of water instead of a soda, include a
high fiber food today such as wheat bread,
apples, beans or cereal in your next meal.
Think about your ideal image and set realistic
goals for yourself with a timeline.