Transcript Slide 1

By Emily R and Emily G.
I know I shouldn’t have thought of this….!!!!
I was standing out side of the haunted
school, a shiver going down my spine.
There’s no way I can get out of it!
I slowly crept to the gate. I could see the
front door, but I smelled something funny. I
tracked it down, it was the cellar.
front door
A boarded up door, standing there in front of you.
All wrecked up, you turned around but thinking
about your adventure, don’t give up. “You want
that...” saying inside of your head.
You look at the door. It had a buzzer on the
side. You thought it was a bad idea.
The front door
The buzzer
The buzzer. You’re plan was the buzzer. You
slowly pressed the buzzer. Nothing happened.
You waited a couple of seconds. You got very
worried. Why? You hear some rattling.
You get electrocuted and the ground starts to
shake. The door’s screws started to undo. They
stop for one second for a break. But not for
long. The door slammed on you SPLAT…….
You’re adventure is over END
Black door. Before you open the door, you have
a feeling something is going to happen. You
wondered why you picked this one. You slowly
reached out to the handle. The door opens,
nothing happens. Suddenly the door slams
You hear something slivering across the
floorboards and little tiny steps. What’s going
You see 1 snake, then 2 more, then 4 more.
Suddenly from behind the snakes appears a
hairy, long legged monster. It’s a flesh eating
spider. They slowly come to you, they’re
hungry. ITS THE END
You enter the library, its all dark (no lighting). You
carefully look around the room. In the pitch –
black you trip over a nail. Brightly a glow in a
dark book shines. Thinking to yourself “why is
this here?”. You looked around for a bit, but
could not stand leaving your eye off that book
for 1 second. You pulled out the book. It’s dusty
and broken. Suddenly you STOP breathing, you
dropped on the ground
You went to find out what the noise was. It was a
ghost, the room was filling up with tear water.
She wouldn't stop saying help me (why)?.
Every breath you took you stepped 1 step closer,
she got louder, louder and louder. You wanted
to talk but if you did, the ghost will get louder
and bigger. Waiting to eat you?
You could walk down the hallway and leave her.
Leave her, carry on down the hallway
You ask her what's wrong
You decide to wipe them, the webs wouldn't
move. The webs were covered in hair, they’ve
gone grey, “How long have they been here?”
You see 2 legs, 2 more, 4 more it’s a…. tarantula.
Its covered with grey hair, 8 eyes and long, long
legs. The spider starts lashing out at you.
Behind you is a broom, you slowly reach out
your hand. You hit it and it is unconscious.
You see 2 doors, one’s white and the other one is
black. Which one?
White door
black door
The door cracks open, its all dark, dusty and
rusty. The floor crakes and squeaks every step
you move. No way you can be quiet in this
room. At the end of the dark room is a small
box and a wardrobe. It’s the darkest place of all.
You go to investigate the box. You creep to it,
hoping nothing is going to come out at you.
The box is small and open. Beside you is a
wardrobe. It’s all rusty and dusty but you open
the wardrobe. You see a prom dress.
Open the box
prom dress
Twin 1 takes you to a locked room, the door is
bright but rusty. It’s locked but luckily she has a
small and smelly key. It stinks. You open the
door. It’s all on fire and hot, burning flames
everywhere. There is a little dragon spitting
flames all over; she is adorable. The dragon
looks left then right, what does it mean?
You see a cross, “That’s odd.” you whisper. You
walk to it dodging the fire.
You see the cross is a bit open. It’s made out of
gold. You want to go and investigate the cross.
You walk closer, it gets brighter as you walk to it.
You’re getting weaker then ever. You ask the twin
if she can go to the end of the room. You open
the cross, you find a another piece of a puzzle.
It’s a colourful piece of puzzle. Why just this one?
You decide to meet the dragon next.
You walk to the white board, it drags you closer
and closer with white hand…. It starts to
strangle you. You’re face starts to go red. You
start screaming. No one can hear you.
On the white board it says something to you. It
says, “You can’t escape ha ha ha !!!!”
The baby dragon is ok, just smiles at you
A strange voice says, “Do you have the puzzle
You look around the room with fear.
If you do, you can get that immortality. You don’t
know what to say. You want to know what's
going to happen if you say no. It’s not good. It’s
dark, you can’t see any ghost, that’s good, but
still who’s saying that. You’re just staying with
the baby dragon.
You open the boarded up door. You feel
petrified. Every where you look you see
sticky, thick cobwebs. You see two...then
four...then eyes appear. You
finally make out a small figure coming
closer and closer and he is not alone.
They’re blocking your way. You see, out of
the corner of your eye, a broom. You think
“I can wipe them, then leg it - or I might just
be able to escape.”
Wipe them
leave cellar
You twist the rusty, carved like a dragon’s
head, door knob. It creeks open and you
step in the school one step at the time.
You’re looking around at all the different
doors. You feel a coldness rush past you
and you see something wet and cold in the
distance. You say, “Hello!?” but no one
answers. You repeat, “Hello!?” You know
you want to follow it. But it might be
dangerous. You remember why you came...
You ask her in a concerned voice, “What’s
wrong?” She looks at you and she stops
crying. In that minute she bursts up in
flames. She reaches out and touches your
arm. You start going up in flames with her.
You carry on down the hallway. You look
around at all the doors. You think to your
self, “Am I alone? In that second you hear
a big BANG. You suddenly hear
something breathing heavily. Is it you or
something else? You gulp. You look in
front of you and you see two doors and a
window - all black and rusty, all open. You
hear something running in your direction.
Quickly make your decision, (or he’ll
make it up for you)
You slam the door shut. You look around
and you recognise the room… it’s a
classroom. You in drawers, look behind
doors, under tables - something catches
your eye. It’s a big, golden door. You’re
wondering why you didn’t see it before?
What's inside it? You remember there's a
cellar. What’s in the cellar?
Leave go to cellar
open door
You chose the window so you go though the
window. You look back and the window comes
slamming shut... It rips your arm clean off. You
look in the room you’re trapped in, while
comforting your arm. You suddenly see red
eyes everywhere you look. Red eyes glaring at
you. You tremble with fear. You get a nasty
bite at the back of your leg. The eyes come in
to the light... Red eyed rats. They look like
they've being waiting for you while they’re
ripping you to shreds.
You go to the dress. You see what looks like a
ghost. You try to tell yourself, “Ghost? - not
really!” You keep telling yourself that.
She says, “Get your greasy and pathetic hands off
my dress!”
You realise she's the girl who wore this dress on
her big day. She opens your mouth wide and
sucks the life out of you.
Opening the box you find a puzzle piece.
You put it in your torn up bag that’s being
hanging of you should the whole time. You
turn around to see two twins looking at
you. They say at exactly the same time,
“Choose me, choose me, choose me!”
Twin 1 looks at you with her red eyes.
Twin 2 looks at you with her brown eyes.
Choose one.
Twin 1
Twin 2
You chose twin 2. She walks you to the kitchen
and says, “The kitchen holds all the answers.
The kitchen holds all the answers.”
You go in. You’re one step in when she
laughs and shoves you in. You turn around.
Face to your face what you think is, “A...
talking knife?”
The knife cuts you into a thousand pieces.
You calmly walk to the baby dragon. She
watches ever step you take. You pick her
up and you stroke her head. she cries and
the ground shakes like a earthquake.
She’s crying “MUMMY!” You're able to
settle her. She points to a big golden,
metal door. She starts smiling. You carry
her to this big, golden, metal door. Then
she point to a white board and she says
one word, “Choose.”
White board
You stamp hard on the ground. You angrily
go out the front door holding the baby
dragon and slam the door shut in
frustration, stamping down the path way.
You look at the baby, and you remember
ever think. You go home and take care of
her, always angry with your self about not
receiving immortality.
The End
You put the two puzzle pieces in the door.
The door opens slowly and you put the
baby dragon down on the floor. You see
this big shiny, ancient, gold ball floating.
You lean in to touch it. Suddenly it goes
into you, and you get immortality. You and
the baby dragon, that’s not a baby any
more, live forever, together.