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There was once a little girl who was
called Little Red Riding Hood because she
always wore a red cloak with a hood.
One morning her mother said, “Little Red
Riding Hood, your grandmother isn’t
feeling very well. I want you to take her
this tea and cake.”
Red Riding Hood loved her Grandmother
very much and was eager to do as her
mother asked.
“Now don’t stray from the path, and
don’t speak to strangers!” her mother
cautioned her. The child promised to obey
as she took the basket and skipped off
down the path.
The path led through a forest where
there lurked a hungry wolf. As Red Riding
Hood skipped along, he suddenly stepped
out in front of her. She knew nothing of
wolves and so was polite and said, “Good
day, Sir. Please let me pass.”
“Of course I’ll let you pass,” he said,
“but tell me, where are you going and
what do you have in your basket?”
“Why, I’m taking goodies to my
Grandmother, who is sick.”
“And where does your Grandmother
“She lives in the little cottage by the
twin oak trees,” she answered without
thinking that it was none of his business.
“That is so nice of you. I bet your
Grandmother would enjoy some of these
beautiful wildflowers. Why not stop and
pick some for her? Think how happy it
will make her,” said the wolf.
What a good idea, thought Red Riding
Hood. She thanked the wolf and
wandered from the path to a field of
flowers. She picked flowers of yellow and
blue and red for Grandmother’s bouquet.
Meanwhile the hungry wolf slipped away
and reached Grandmother’s cottage first.
He knocked on the door and called out
in a little girl’s voice. “Grandmother, I am
here with tea and cake for you.”
“What is that you say?” answered the
Grandmother in a feeble voice.
“Grandmother it is me, Red Riding
Hood. Can I come in?”
“Just lift the latch and come in dear.”
The wolf rushed into the room and
gobbled up Grandmother in one bite.
Then he dressed himself in a nightgown
and nightcap and hid under the covers to
wait for Red Riding Hood to arrive.
In a little while he heard a soft knock
on the door. Now he changed his voice
to sound like the Grandmother. “Just lift
the latch and come in, dear,” he called.
Red Riding Hood tiptoed
with a worried look. “Why
what big eyes you have!”
“The better to see you,
the furry-faced Grandma.
“But, Grandmother, what
“The better to hear you
“But, Grandmother, what
toward the bed
my dear,” said
big ears you
with, my dear.”
big teeth you
“The better to eat you with!” growled
the wolf, and he threw off the covers,
pounced upon Red Riding Hood, and
swallowed her in one giant gulp. Then,
with a full tummy, he fell sound asleep
in Grandmother’s bed.
A woodcutter who often stopped to
check on Grandmother happened by and
was alarmed to hear loud snoring coming
from the cottage.
He forced the door open and was
horrified to see the fat, sleeping wolf,
curled up in Grandmother’s bed. The
woodcutter raised his ax and carefully cut
open the wolf’s stomach. Out popped
Little Red Riding Hood and her
Grandmother, alive and well! They quickly
gathered enough large stones to fill the
sleeping wolf’s belly, then sewed him up
again and hid out of sight.
The wolf woke up with a terrible
stomach ache and wandered off into the
woods. He never had a appetite for
eating Grandmothers or little girls ever