Transcript Document

God’s View of Work
Genesis chapter 1 v 24 – 2 v 5
How would you define ‘work’?
“engaging in any physical or mental effort that
aims to make a product or complete a task.”
Do you see your work as a calling from God?
Emil Brunner wrote that “The Christian
community has a specific regain
the lost sense of work as a divine calling.”
Do you believe it or not?
1. God is interested in every aspect of our lives.
2. All work is meant to be done according to
God’s word and for God’s glory.
3. All work/vocations are of value and ‘secular’
work can be a vocation/calling.
4. Work can be a privilege and joy.
How do you see your work as engaging in
God’s mission/kingdom/calling?
Both your personal witness and your public work/calling?
A ‘Theology of Work’
• God is a worker
• God made people to continue his work
“image”, “to govern” & “to care”
• Great Commission, Great Commandment and
Great Creation Mandate/Cultural Commission
Colossians 3 v17, 23, 24 [The Old & New Life]
And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the
Lord Jesus [do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus]...(NLT)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart [willingly],
as though you were working for the Lord and not for people
[human/earthly masters]....
For Christ is the real Master you serve. (GNB)