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I Died On The Cross With The Lord


I died on the Cross with the Lord, Buried and rose with Him

如今一同升到天上,活著不再是我。主住裡 面佔領一切,

And now went to heaven with Him, So I no longer live. He lives in me, has all of me,

看主所看,說主所說,求主所求,作主所作, 祂是我主。

I look what He looks, Speak what He speaks, Seek what He seeks, Do the same deeds, He is my Lord.



I struggle not on my own strength, But His pow’r works in me,

不是自己模倣基督,是主裡面長大。主住裡 面變化一切,

Not by imitating Jesus, But the Lord grows in me. He dwells in me changed every thing,

愛主所愛,樂主所樂,憂主所憂,負主所負, 主心我心。

I love what He loves, Like what He likes, Care what He cares, carry the same, His heart is my heart.



No longer work for my own sake, Only fulfill His will

不是自己奢望何事,只願主話成全。主住裡 面實現一切,

No longer desire for my own, Only wish His word done. He is in me make thing come truth.

聽主所許,信主所許,愛主所許,望主所許, 主話必成。

Hear His promise, Trust in all He says, Love what He promised. Hope He hopes, is words ring true.



I won’t share a yoke with the world, I’m glad to work with Christians,

不是自己單獨追求,也愛彼此建立。主住裡 面聯絡一切,

No longer I seek on my own, But build up each other. In Him we are bound in to one.

同心合意,恆切禱告,靈裡合一,愛裡同工, 主內一家。

Praying eagerly I one mind, In spirit sharing work with love, United in Him.
