無投影片標題 - STMGSS

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Transcript 無投影片標題 - STMGSS

Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
What is rural – urban migration ?
Rural-urban migration
 Is the migration of people from rural to urban areas
 Occurs in both developed and developing countries
 In developed countries, such flow of population began
in the early 19th century, but has slowed down
 In developing countries, such flow started in the early
20th century, and is getting faster as time goes by.
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
(B) What are the causes of rural-urban migration ?
Push factors in the rural areas
Pull factors in the urban areas
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Push factors in the rural areas
 Overpopulation - the man-land ratio is very high
 Few job opportunities
 Low living standard - low income, malnutrition
 Poor social services and facilities - transport, education,
medical service, recreation etc.
 Poverty - the strongest factor
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Pull factors in the urban areas
 Many job opportunities
 High living standard - high income, good nutrition
 Good social facilities and services - transport,
education, medical service, recreation etc.
 Better jobs - the most important factor
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
(C) What are the problems caused by rural-urban
migration ?
Rapid population growth
High unemployment
Conflicts between local people and migrants
Shortage of facilities and services
Shortage of houses
Favelas in Brazil
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Rapid population growth
 Waves of immigrants from rural areas never stop.
 Very few people leave the city.
 Therefore, there is a big net gain in population.
 Most immigrants are young adults.
 They know little about birth control and family
 The birth rate is very high.
 However, the death rate is very low.
 Therefore, there is a big natural increase in
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
High unemployment
 There is a great increase in population.
 Economic development is slow.
 The increase of job is not fast enough.
 Many people are unemployed.
 High unemployment may lead to social problems.
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Conflicts between local people and migrants
 They are different from each other in religion, tradition,
custom outlook, educational level, language, race, etc.
 Therefore, misunderstandings arise.
 The local people do not want those outsiders:
– to share their facilities and services;
– to take away their jobs;
– to bring along problems of congestion and pollution.
 Therefore, the local people do not like the immigrants.
 The immigrants thus feel being looked down on and
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Shortage of facilities and services
Urban population increases too fast.
The city government has very limited resources.
The number of facilities like electricity and water
supply, and services like schools and hospitals only
increases very slowly.
The facilities and services cannot meet the needs of
Life quality becomes poor.
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Shortage of houses
Urban population increases too fast.
The increase of houses is too slow.
The poor immigrants cannot afford good housing.
The government is not fast enough to provide public
Cottage areas or shanty towns appear and spread.
The living conditions are very poor there.
Favelas in Brazil
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
In big cities in Brazil, 40% of the people live in shanty
towns called ‘favelas’.
These favelas are built on the outskirts of the city.
Many basic facilities, like water and electricity supply,
are absent in the favelas.
Sewage and refuse are not properly collected and
disposed of.
Sanitary conditions are poor.Diseases spread easily.
The people are very poor. Most of them are unemployed.
Most children have no schooling.
Terms to learn:
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
 Migration - the flow of people from one place to another
 Rural-urban migration - people moving from the
countryside into the city
 Push factors - the bad conditions that drive people out of
their homes
 Pull factors - the good conditions that attract people to
come to live in that area
 Migrants - people who come to live here from other
 Squatter area - an area of unlawfully built huts and
houses with poor facilities and services
 Shanty town - a squatter area where the poor live
 Favela - a shanty town on the outskirts of a Brazilian city
Unit 16: Moving into the urban city
Favelas in Brazil