Computer Science A, 1

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Transcript Computer Science A, 1

Computer Science A 3: 10/2
Slides based on Horstmann chapter 2&3
Objects and classes
Import, methods, references
Implementing a class
Variable declaration
typeName variableName = value;
typeName variableName;
String greeting = "Hello, Dave!";
To define a new variable of a particular type and
optionally supply an initial value
• Identifier: name of a variable, method, or class
• Rules for identifiers in Java:
– Can be made up of letters, digits, and the underscore (_)
– Cannot start with a digit
– Cannot use other symbols such as ? or %
– Spaces are not permitted inside identifiers
– You cannot use reserved words
– They are case sensitive
• By convention, variable names start with a lowercase
• By convention, class names start with an uppercase
• Object: entity that you can manipulate in your
programs (by calling methods)
• Each object belongs to a class. For example,
System.out belongs to the class PrintStream
• Methods
• Method: Sequence of instructions that accesses
the data of an object
• You manipulate objects by calling its methods
• Class: Set of objects with the same behavior
• Class determines legal methods
String greeting = "Hello";
greeting.println() // Error
greeting.length() // OK
String Methods
length: counts the number of characters in a string
String greeting = "Hello, World!";
int n = greeting.length(); // sets n to 13
toUpperCase: creates another String object that contains the
characters of the original string, with lowercase letters
converted to uppercase
String river = "Mississippi";
String bigRiver = river.toUpperCase();
// sets bigRiver to "MISSISSIPPI"
When applying a method to an object, make sure method is
defined in the appropriate class
System.out.length(); // This method call is an error
Implicit and Explicit Parameters
Parameter (explicit parameter): Input to a method. Not all
methods have explicit parameters.
greeting.length() // has no explicit parameter
Implicit parameter: The object on which a method is invoked
Passing Return Values
You can also use the return value as a parameter of another
Not all methods return values. Example: println
Example: Rectangle
A Rectangle object isn't a rectangular shape–it is
an object that contains a set of numbers that
describe the rectangle
Constructing Objects
new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30)
The new operator makes a Rectangle object
It uses the parameters (in this case, 5, 10, 20, and 30) to
initialize the data of the object
It returns the object
Usually the output of the new operator is stored in a variable
Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);
Rectangualr shapes
Object Construction
new ClassName(parameters)
new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30)
new Rectangle()
To construct a new object, initialize it with the
construction parameters, and return a reference
to the constructed object
Accessor and Mutator Methods
Accessor method: does not change the state of its implicit
double width = box.getWidth();
Mutator method: changes the state of its implicit parameter
box.translate(15, 25);
Importing a Class from a Package
import packageName.ClassName;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
To import a class from a package for use in a
import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class MoveTester{
public static void main(String[] args){
Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);
// Move the rectangle
box.translate(15, 25);
// Print information about the moved rectangle
System.out.println("After moving,”);
System.out.println("the top-left corner is:");
Java API documentation
Rectangle Class
Object references
Multiple object variables can refer to the same object
Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5, 10, 20, 30);
Rectangle box2 = box;
box2.translate(15, 25);
Copying numbers
int luckyNumber = 13;
int luckyNumber2 = luckyNumber;
luckyNumber2 = 12;
Implementing a class
A black box magically does its thing
Hides its inner workings
Encapsulation: the hiding of unimportant details
What is the right concept for each particular black
• Concepts are discovered through abstraction
• Abstraction: taking away inessential features, until
only the essence of the concept remains
• In object-oriented programming the black boxes from
which a program is manufactured are called objects
Class Definition
accessSpecifier class ClassName {
constructors methods fields
public class BankAccount{
public BankAccount(double initialBalance) { . . . }
public void deposit(double amount) { . . . }
. . .
To define a class, its public interface, and its implementation
Method Definition
accessSpecifier returnType methodName(parameterType parameterName, . . .)
method body
public void deposit(double amount){
. . .
To define the behavior of a method
Constructor Definition
accessSpecifier ClassName(parameterType parameterName, . . .)
constructor body
public BankAccount(double initialBalance)
. . .
To define the behavior of a constructor
Instance Fields
• An object stores its data in instance fields
• Field: a technical term for a storage location inside a block of
• Instance of a class: an object of the class
• The class declaration specifies the instance fields:
public class BankAccount
. . .
private double balance;
Instance Fields
public class BankAccount{
private double balance;
BankAccount(){ balance = 0; }
BankAccount(double initialBalance){
balance = initialBalance;
public void deposit(double amount){
balance = balance + amount;
void withdraw(double amount){
balance = balance - amount;
double getBalance(){ return balance;}
public class BankAccountTester{
public static void main(String[] args){
BankAccount harrysChecking = new BankAccount();
Prints out