Welcome to Room 52! - Goethe International Charter School

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Transcript Welcome to Room 52! - Goethe International Charter School

Welcome to Room 52!
Ms. Lopez & Frau Kwiat’s
4th Grade Class
A message from Ms. Lopez…
• I am honored and delighted to teach a
roomful of such talented and dynamic
• We will work together to make this
year a rigorous, exciting and
successful experience for every child.
• My door is always open. Please do not
hesitate to contact me with
• Write a note in your child’s agenda and
I will promptly respond or ask to meet
with you for any further clarification.
via Email
• If you prefer to contact me through school
email, my address is:
[email protected]
**For emails received Monday-Thursday, I
will respond within 48 hours.
**For emails received over the weekend, I
will respond on Monday or Tuesday.
• Instruction begins promptly at
8:15. Please ensure that your
child arrives to school on time.
• Please send handwritten and
signed notes in the morning
regarding any carpool pick-up or
after-school care changes.
Homework System
• The students must bring the following
to class on Tuesday-Friday mornings:
1. Daily Reading Log
(Time spent: approximately 30 minutes)
2. Math assignment
**provided in class daily
(Time spent: approximately 15 minutes)
Homework System (cont’d)
• The students must bring the following
to class on Friday morning only:
3. One
completed option from
homework menu.
(Time spent: students should spend about
10 minutes daily on their one chosen
Homework Policy
• Students will write assignments into
their agenda on a daily basis.
• Also, Please take time to look over
your child’s homework each night.
This will help ensure a successful
4th grade experience. It is required
that a parent/guardian signs the
agenda daily to confirm that
homework has been looked over.
Homework Policy
• If homework is not submitted first-thing
in the morning, it will be considered
late work and accepted for partial credit
only. In order to keep you notified about
missing assignments, a notice will be
stapled inside your child’s agenda.
Please make sure to sign and return the
notice the next day.
Daily Schedule
• 8:15-8:35
Pledge/attendance, journaling and submit
• 8:30-10:00
Instruction in German (The subject matter will
vary throughout the year, but will generally
consist of: vocabulary/grammar, science,
math facts practice, etc.)
• 10:00-10:10 Snack
Daily Schedule (cont’d.)
10:10-11:10 Math
11:10-11:35 Vocabulary/Spelling
11:35-12:15 Lunch
12:15-12:30 Independent
• 12:30-1:00 Guided Reading
• 1:00-1:30 Social Studies/Science
Daily Schedule (cont’d.)
• 1:30-1:50 Recess
• 1:50-2:35 Writer’s Workshop
• 2:35-2:45 Clean-up/Dismissal
General Grading Scale
4 (100%-90%) Work is neat, organized, turned in on time and
meets all requirements of the assignment. Extra effort and depth
of thought are demonstrated. Errors are at a minimum.
3 (89%-80%) Work is complete, neatly done and on time.
Clearly presented, thoughtful ideas are supported by details. A
few errors are present.
2 (79%-70%) Work is complete and meets most requirements
of the assignment. Answers are general with few supporting
details. Adequate effort is demonstrated.
1 (69%-60%)
Work has been turned in, but many of the
assignment requirements have not been met. Ideas may be
incomplete or difficult to follow. Multiple errors are evident.
0 (59%-0%) Work shows little effort, is missing or plagiarized.
General Grading Scale (cont’d)
✔+ You got it!
✔ You’re almost there!
✔− Needs improvement
Academic Expectations
• 3 assessments (beginning,
middle & end of year)
• CST in May
• Fiction & non-fiction genres
• Fluency goal @ 152 wpm
Guided Reading
• Teach comprehension strategies
• Teach students how to read and
respond to all types of literature
including context texts.
• Develop background knowledge and
• Engage students in conversations
about their reading.
Independent Reading
• Introduce students to all types of literature.
• Model strategies in mini lessons that
effective readers use.
• Encourage students’ reading interests.
• Provide and encourage independent
reading level.
• Engage students in conversation about
their reading.
Spelling & Vocabulary
• Greek & Latin root word study
• Students will complete activities in class daily
(unfinished work will be homework).
• Word list on back of weekly Fridge Facts for
additional reinforcement at home.
• Quiz every Friday
• 3 assessments
(beginning, middle &
end of year)
• CST in May
• Numbers and place
• Addition/subtraction
• Multiplication/division
• Estimation
Data & graphs
Problem solving
Social Studies
Native American Indians
Spanish explorers and early settlers
Gold Rush
Scientific Process
The Solid Earth
Populations and Ecosystems
Magnetism and Electricity
Independent Study Projects
• 1 project every 5-6 weeks.
• Tied to social studies/science IB units and used as a
summative assessment.
• Students will be provided with clear guidelines and
rubrics. Research time will also be provided in class.
• Please communicate if a due date extension is
Field Trips
• As an anticipatory experience for our IB
units, we will provide many field trip
opportunities for our students!
• This is only possible with parent support.
The best way you can help is volunteering
to drive a carpool and chaperone.
Class Expectations
Curiosity opens my mind
Ideas lead to knowledge
Responsible choices show respect
Cooperation strengthens others
Learners often take risks
Empathy creates community
Essential Agreements for a
Peaceful Classroom
1. Respect each other.
2. Listen & wait your turn.
3. Treat others the way you want
to be treated.
4. Help others.
5. Have fun & be flexible!
Discipline Policy
1. Non-verbal warning
2. Reset
3. Reset & lose recess for 5 minutes
4. Thinking Seat Sheet
5. Letter/phone call home
6. Parent Conference
• When students fill up the marble jar
collectively, they will receive the
“gift of time”!
1. Extra recess
2. Games in class
3-Way Pledge: Student,
Parent & Teacher
Student Responsibility:
1. Come to school ready to learn as a
2. Be respectful to peers, teacher &
3. Be responsible for self.
3-Way Pledge: Student,
Parent & Teacher
Teacher Responsibility:
1. Teach state standards.
2. Make learning engaging and relevant.
3. Small group & individual instruction.
4. Available for extra help.
5. Work with parents/guardians.
3-Way Pledge: Student,
Parent & Teacher
Parent/Guardian Responsibility:
1. Read at home & ask questions.
2. Check student’s homework daily.
3. Ask student what they learned in school
each day.
4. Communicate with teacher regarding
School website
zur Klasse 4A
Academic Expectations
• Students are able to pronounce known words properly
• Students will continue to challenge themselves as they begin reading
and comprehending chapter books
• Throughout the year, students will be placed in book clubs, thus being
able to hold literary discussions with peers
• Students will continue to expand their vocabulary
• Students will be expected to write in various genres throughout the
year (i.e. journal entries, create stories, analyze literature)
• Students will be expected to apply learned grammar appropriately as
they compose their own texts
Academic Expectations
• Students will become more familiar with proper use of grammar
• We will firstly focus on verb conjugations in present tense and then in
some of the past tenses
• By the end of the year we will furthermore be familiar with some of the
German “cases,” such as Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ, Akkusativ
German in the Classroom
• As part of Goethe’s immersion philosophy I am minimizing the use of
English in the classroom
• I encourage my students to speak as much German as possible throughout
the class to actually use the language
• Through various media, such as music, poetry, and videos, students will
experience German as a language that is alive
Weekly Spelling/Grammar Tests
• Beginning this coming week, students will be given 10 German spelling
words with translation
• The spelling words will be given on Mondays, the test will be held on
• On actual test, students need to be able to spell the German word correctly
and know the English translation
• Some grammar questions we are working on might also be included
• Worksheets will be distributed on a regular basis as well and should be
turned in the following day
• If no worksheets are given for homework, students should choose an
activity from the homework menu
Reading at Home
• Students can take out German books from the classroom library to
read at home
• Those books will be taken out in their “book baggies” and will be
returned daily to school
• Students may also read German books they have already at home
• I also recommend the Goethe Institute Library
• Students are expected to read German at home at least 2-3 times per
week for a minimum of 30 minutes
German-English Dictionary
• Please make sure your child owns a German-English dictionary!!
• For additional questions please do not
hesitate to e-mail me at
[email protected]
• Please allow 48 hours for me to respond