Atmospheric neutrino Oscillations in Soudan 2
Transcript Atmospheric neutrino Oscillations in Soudan 2
Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations in
Soudan 2
Peter Litchfield
For the Soudan 2 Collaboration
Neutrino and background data
Azimuthal, zenith and L/E distributions
Bin-free likelihood analysis
Feldman-Cousins analysis for confidence limits on m2 and sin22
Results submitted to Phys Rev D and more details in hep-ex/0307069
Soudan 2 Detector
1 kiloton fine grained drifting calorimeter
Individual tracks reconstructed, good energy and
pointing resolution
Excellent particle id, ~3% flavour misidentification
Veto shield flags cosmic ray generated events
e quasi-elastic
Data Sets
5.90 kiloton years of data taken between 1989 and 2001.
488 contained and partially contained and e candidate events with
no activity in the surrounding veto shield.
516 contained events with in time shield activity, produced by
secondary neutrons and gammas from cosmic ray muon interactions.
Used to simulate the background in the neutrino events.
3624 MC neutrino events generated using the Bartol 96 flux and the
NEUGEN neutrino event generator, inserted in the data stream and
processed identically to the data events.
Data divided into;
high resolution sample (high energy events with reconstructed
recoil protons and pions) which have good pointing accuracy
The rest, low energy, low resolution sample.
Neutrino events distinguished
statistically from neutron and
gamma events via the depth
distribution in the detector
Background depth distribution
represented by the shield tagged
sample, neutrino by the MC
Neutron interaction length ~80cm,
gamma conversion length ~15cm
Backgrounds dependent on event
energy and topology
Data divided into 6 samples and
fraction of background fitted
independently in each.
~10% overall background
Zenith and Azimuthal Angles
Unoscillated MC+background
Oscillation probability
P sin 2 2 sin 2 1.27m 2
High resolution events
L depends only on the zenith
angle, not the azimuthal angle
e-flavor events agree with the
MC prediction up to a
normalization factor
-flavor events show a zenith
angle dependent depletion
Soudan is near the magnetic
pole; no geomagnetic
azimuthal dependence
Best fit oscillation parameters +background
Background contribution
L/E distribution
Unoscillated MC+background
Best fit oscillation parameters +background
Background contribution
High resolution events
e-flavor events follow the MC
prediction up to a ~90%
normalization factor
-flavor events show a
depletion above log10(L/E) of
~ 1.5
Consistent with neutrino
oscillations with m2<~0.025
Likelihood Analysis
Data assumed to be represented by the sum of MC neutrino events,
weighted by the oscillation probability plus background represented by
the shield tagged events
Bin-free likelihood analysis performed.
Likelihood given by (d = depth)
L ln Q ( L / Ei , d i ) N ln M M N e ln M e M e
k 1,5 i 1, N k
Shape factor Q given by
Q k xi , d i k AC k X k ( L / E , m 2 , sin 2 2 ) Dk (d i ) N Rk X Rk ( L / E ) DRk (d i )
k sums taken over the different data sets, background fraction fitted
independently in each
X is a pdf describing the L/E distributions and containing the oscillation
probability for the neutrino events
D is a pdf describing the depth distribution
Likelihood results
Likelihood calculated on a 15x80
grid of sin22, log10m2
Difference (L) from best
likelihood plotted.
No oscillations gives a likelihood
rise of 11.3
Best likelihood
Normalization of MC relative
to Bartol 96=0.91
Fraction of background=9.6%
Feldman-Cousins analysis
Proposed by Feldman and Cousins for the calculation of confidence
levels to allow for statistics, systematic errors, physical constraints and
any biases in the analysis procedure.
At each grid square MC experiments are generated and analyzed just
like the data.
Neutrino events and background events are incorporated at each grid
square according to the fitted amounts at that square in the data
Systematic effects are incorporated into the MC experiments.
For the uncertainty in energy calibration
For the uncertainty in the neutrino flux as a function of energy
For the uncertainty in the /e flux ratio
For the uncertainty in the neutrino cross-sections
Feldman-Cousins analysis
1000 experiments generated at each
grid point and the difference between the
best fit likelihood and the likelihood at the
generated grid square (LMC)
This is the likelihood distribution
expected if the truth was at this grid
The likelihood containing 90% of the
MC experiments (L90) is obtained. If the
data likelihood is less than L90 the point
is within the 90% confidence region.
The probability of the no oscillation
hypothesis is given by the fraction of
experiments at the no oscillation grid
square with likelihood > data likelihood
“no oscillation”
(min m2,sin22)
100000 experiments
L90 surface
Shape is mostly a function
of the background and Monte
Carlo normalization fitting.
Some contribution from the
systematic effects on the
neutrino flux, neutrino crosssections and detector energy
L90 is significantly greater
than 2.3 over most of the
Confidence regions
68%,90% and 95% confidence
level contours are plotted
The 90% sensitivity (defined as
the 90% confidence contour
calculated from the MC
experiments) is slightly bigger than
the data 90% contour, more
corresponding to the 95% contour.
Due to the data electron and muon
best normalisation being slightly
The contour defined by a 2.3 rise
in data likelihood corresponds
closely to the 68% FeldmanCousins confidence level contour
Comparison with other experiments
There is excellent agreement at
the 90% level between Soudan 2,
Super-K and MACRO.
At the 68% confidence level
Soudan 2 prefers the lower part of
the Super-K allowed region
The 3-d Battistoni prediction for
the neutrino flux gave very similar
results for the confidence regions
but required a normalization factor
of 1.05 to be compared with 0.91
for the Bartol 96 calculation
Soudan 2 observes a depletion of the atmospheric flux, consistent
with oscillations.
A bin-free likelihood analysis has been carried out using the FeldmanCousins prescription.
The probability of the no oscillation hypothesis is 5.8x10-4.
The 90% confidence level contours in the sin22,m2 plane are
consistent with those found by Super-K and MACRO.
This is the first experiment to confirm the Super-K results on fully
reconstructed neutrino events covering the full angular and L/E range.
Soudan 2 is a drifting iron calorimeter at a different site to the Super-K
water cherenkov. All detector based systematics are quite different.
The excellent agreement is a strong confirmation that neutrino
oscillations, and thus neutrino mass, exist