Strategic Planning The Big Picture

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Strategic Planning
The Big Picture
Region 3 ESA
September 30, 2004
Effective schools develop plans
All schools in Region 3 ESA have
been given the opportunity to engage
in planning
Some schools in Region 3 ESA are
required to engage in school
improvement planning due to NCLB
So what is the “big picture”?
Peter Senge encourages school
administrators to move from being
“lone rangers” to “leaders”.
Stephen Covey reminds us to
“begin with the end in mind”.
Step 1: Data Retreat
The purpose of a data retreat is to
evaluate information relative to your
school’s effectiveness. The data
gathered and the reflections held will
empower stakeholders to make datadriven decisions. These decision will
impact student learning and school
Step 2: Disseminate information
Provide a CRT workshop with
teachers to learn more about
academic achievement
Begin to make “hunches” about data
School Improvement Coordinator
begins outlining school plan with the
School Plans Calendar
NCLB School
Improvement Schools
have between Sept.1
and Nov. 15 to amend
Application and
develop School
Improvement Plan
Region 3 ESA districts
engaged in School
Planning should use
the months of Sept.Nov. to develop a
school plan. ESA staff
previously assigned to
districts will assist
School Improvement
Coordinators with
these efforts.
Outlines for School Plans
NCLB School
schools have been
given an outline for
plan at the School
Conference in
Pierre. Region 3
ESA staff are ready
to assist SICs.
Region 3 ESA
districts may use a
suggested outline
to write their school
Suggested Outline
I. School Profile
II. Identification of 2-5 priority needs.
III. Statement of a goal related to each
identified priority need.
IV. The causes/contributing factors stated
for each goal.
V. One or more measurable objectives for
each goal.
VI. Work plan with activities and details for
each objective.
Step 3: School Profile Workshop
Region 3 ESA staff will assist School
Improvement Coordinators and/or Chief
School Administrators in creating a draft
comprehensive school profile. The school
profile is a significant required piece of
most plans, applications, and accreditation
Four workshops have been planned in
October, 2004.
Step 5: SIC completes draft of
school plan
Assistance in this process may be
sought from ESA staff and School
Support Team individuals identified by
NCLB School Improvement Schools
must have a completed document
approved by LEA by November 15.
Step 6: Peer Review (NCLB
identified schools)
NCLB School Improvement Schools
must attend a Peer Review between
November 15-19, 2004.
Region 3 ESA has scheduled the peer
reviews in Yankton and Chamberlain.
Peer review assignments and dates
will be announced October 1, 2004.
Step 6: Peer Review Region 3 ESA
districts (non-NCLB identified)
Region 3 ESA staff will facilitate a
peer review process with interested
districts during the first week of
Peer review dates will be announced
October 1, 2004.
Step 7: Personal Professional
Development Plan Workshops
Region 3 ESA staff will facilitate
workshops on-site for teachers to
develop a personal PD plan relevant
and focused on the District or School
These workshops will be scheduled
by the district and can begin as soon
as the needs, goals, and objectives
are designed.
Step 8 *only for NCLB School
Improvement districts
After peer review, District SI plan is
sent to SST member for
recommendation for approval
LEA approve school SI plan within 45
Step 9 Implement Plan
Districts should begin using plan to
drive activities and decisions as soon
as possible.
School Improvement teams should
regularly monitor (quarterly) progress
using benchmarking process.
And the cycle begins again
Look at the data
Revise the plans