Transformative Learning Through Loop Learning

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Transformational Learning Through Loop
ELPS 715
Single Loop Learning
Single vs. Double Loop Learning
Discussion: Single & Double Loop
 In single-loop learning, an individual does not question
the appropriateness or "rightness" of an action or the
assumptions from which it derives; the single change
made is in the manner in which an individual performs
the action
 In double-loop learning, an individual questions the
assumptions or frame of reference from which the action
Single, Double, & Triple Looping
Discussion: Transformational or
Triple Loop Learning
 Robert Hargrove (1999) extended the double-loop learning
concept to what he calls "triple-loop learning.“
 The triple-loop pattern of learning adds another level of
learning by engaging an individual in examining his or her
perception of who he or she is and what his or her role or
purpose is, and transforming that self-image into a new way
of seeing himself or herself and his or her purpose.
 Hargrove describes the triple-loop pattern as
"transformational learning”
 through such learning experiences an individual
fundamentally transforms his or her way of being.
Relationship to the CP Leader
 Learning to become a culturally proficient leader requires:
An Individual to go beyond improving his/her behavior to
2. Reframing thinking & shifting perceptions about who s/he
is and,
3. Asking what is the context of the practice undertaken?
 For the CP Leader, this Transformational model, provides a
three dimensional view of learning to transform the
individual and the organization (Gregory, 2009)
References & Sources
 Double-Loop Learning (adapted from
Argyris, 1990, p. 94)
 Triple-Loop Learning (Transformational
Learning, adapted
from Hargrove, 1999, p. 2)
Out of the Box Coaching (1999) Mary R.