Transcript 2003 Edition of MUTCD Part 7
Part 7
Traffic Controls For School Areas
Section 7A.01
STANDARD statement changed to GUIDANCE statement TCDs in school areas should be related to: Volume, Speed Street Width, and Students’ Age & Number
In-Street School Crossing Signs
Changes made to sections 7A.04, 7B.08, and 7B.09
to include the use of In-Street School Crossing Signs at unsignalized school crossings
At the crossing
In advance of crossing
Size of School Signs
Changes the labels of the three Columns in Table 7B-1 Revises the STANDARD statement to reflect the changes of the labels “The Conventional Road sign size shall be used…...”, instead of “the Standard sign size shall be used ……” More …
7B.01 Size of School Signs
Sign Size Changes: 24 x 12 in 24 x 10 in 24 x 12 in & 21 x 15 in (optional) Sign Additions S4-6 S4-5 OR S4-5a S5-1 (Metric)
Sec. 7B.07 Sign Color for School Warning Signs
S4-5 & S4-5a signs with a fluorescent yellow green background fluorescent yellow-green background with a black legend and border for the SCHOOL Plaque only S1-1 School Advance Warning Sign (S1-1) School Crossing Sign
7B.08 School Advance Warning Assembly
Additions to the GUIDANCE and STANDARD statements Guidance : except where a physical barrier such as fencing separates school children from the highway.
Standard : or in advance of the first installation of the School Speed Limit Assembly.
New Figure 7B-2 Examples of Signing for School Crosswalk Warning Assembly
7B.11 School Speed Limit Assembly
Distance between School Speed Limit sign and School Property Line changed: 100 ft in 2003 MUTCD 300 ft in 2000 MUTCD Figure 7B-3
School Speed Limit Assembly - CMS
Addition to the last OPTION in 7B.11
Fluorescent yellow-green pixels may be used when school related messages are shown on a changeable message sign.
Section 7B.11 School Speed Limit Assembly
New paragraph to the last OPTION for the FINES HIGHER (R2-6) sign. R2-6
7B.12 School Reduced Speed Ahead Sign (S4-5 & S4-5a)
New S4-3 S2-5a
Phase-in target compliance period: 15 years
Section 7C.03 Crosswalk Markings
New SUPPORT statement New paragraphs to the GUIDANCE 1. Crosswalk lines to extend to the edge of the intersecting crosswalk 2. Engineering study needed for locating school crosswalks at uncontrolled locations
Section 7E.04
New STANDARD: Adult Guard Clothing = ANSI 107-1999, Class 2 Student Patrol Clothing = ANSI 107-1999, Class 1 Phase-in compliance date: 5 years Student Patrol Adult Guard
ANSI Class 1 ANSI Class 2
Section 7E.05 Operating Procedures for Adult Crossing Guards Option:
The STOP paddle with red or white flashing lights on both sides of the paddle.
STOP Paddle With Flashing Lights