Year 12 Unit 1 Revision Day

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Transcript Year 12 Unit 1 Revision Day

Year 12 Unit 1 Revision
8th April 2013
Examination: 14th July
Groups of 5 on each table
Programme for the day:
10:00am- 11:15am: MLK and the Later Southern Campaigns 1955-68
Warm up knowledge quiz
Terrific Timeline of change – knowledge check
Presidents hall of fame
Exam question planning
Sample answers – how to achieve excellent technique
11:15am-11:30am: break
11:30am-12:00: MLK Northern Campaigns & fragmentation of the
Knowledge check – MLK and northern campaigns
Essay planning – Northern campaigns
Knowledge check – why did the movement fragment in later 1960’s?
Essay planning
12:00-12:20: Lunch
12:20-13:45: Black Power
Knowledge check
Essay planning
13:45-14:00: Plenary
Revision plan
Session 1
MLK and the Later Southern
Campaigns 1955-1968
Warm up knowledge quiz
You have 5 minutes to get all of the answers – prize
for team with the most – no cheating
• 12 questions
• 8 images
• 20 marks in total
11 questions
What legislation was passed in 1964 and what did it say?
Which President was in office when the 1965 voting rights act was passed?
What was the name of the governor of Arkansas who ordered the National
Guard to keep 9 black students out of Little Rock High School in 1957?
4. Where was the first ‘sit-in’ held in 1960?
5. In which city in Alabama in 1963 did racist police chief Eugene Bull Connor
reacted violently to King’s demonstration gaining national attention for the civil
rights movement and giving King’s leadership the spotlight, resulting in pressure
on Kennedy to push a Civil Rights Bill forward
6. What local organisation did MLK form to organised the bus boycott in 1956?
7. What organisation was formed by MLK after the bus boycott which was
specifically formed to address the problems in the South and provide an
alternative direct, non-violent action to the litigation strategies of the NAACP?
8. Which student- led movement was formed in 1961?
9. Which campaign of 1961-62 is interpreted as largely a failure for King after he
was seen to have given in to the authorities by compromising with the
authorities and in the end, despite interstate terminal facilities being
desegregated, the city closed parks, refused to desegregate schools, took the
seats out of the library. It was also seen as a failure as it did not provoke federal
involvement due to bad publicity of black violence
10. In which Southern state did SNCC have their so called ‘finest hour’ in their
freedom movement which culminated in the ‘Freedom Summer’ of 1964?
11. How many of Selma’s 12,000 black population were registered to vote in 1965?
12. Why was King and SCLC criticised by SNCC after this campaign in 1965 in the
same city?
8 images – name the person and campaign
Terrific Timelines of Change – How
well do you know your stuff?
1. Put the events in the correct order – write on
to your A3 copy of the timeline
2. Then code them Litigation (Legal Action),
Direct Action, King (SCLC), CORE, SNCC,
3. Then decide which ‘summary’ statements
match with each event and annotate on the
summary statements (you can add to your
timeline in your own revision time)
Greensboro Sit Ins
James Meredith
and University of
Freedom Rides
Civil Rights Act 2
March on
Civil Rights Act (1)
Voting Rights Act
Montgomery Bus
Browder V Gayle
The Albany
Little Rock
Freedom Summer
1. Significant for demonstrating the economic
power of the black community, showed the
power of non-violent, direct protest, showed
how white extremism helped increase black
unity, brought king to forefront of movement
and led to SCLC formation, churches in fight for
equality, showed effectiveness of working
through law courts. But immediate de jure
success limited to that city only and only buses,
2. Prevented states
from enforcing any
bars to voting for
any group
3. This was the district Court
ruling that followed the Bus
boycott in which segregation on
Alabama Buses was declared
4. Initiated by 4 back college
students in Greensboro . Led to
70,000 students joining in across
the South, King followed rather
than led, SNCC formed as a result
5. Resulted in Eisenhower claiming he had to
6. Prohibited
7. Electrified the movement,
honour his ‘inescapable’ responsibility and tried to
rally nation with reference to Cold War, he sent in
troops. Case showed hug resistance to Brown
ruling, gained support from moderate white
opinion in South who saw violence against the black
students, led to 1958 Cooper V Aaron ruling, made
black community aware that court ruling’s
themselves would not bring change
discrimination in
public places, further
desegregation of
schools, created
Equal Employment
initiated by CORE but used by King to
get CORE, SNCC and SCLC to
collaborate - successful publicity .
Got Bobby Kennedy to enforce
Supreme Court rulings on
desegregation of inter-state travel in
1961. But showed divisions between
groups – CORE claim victory in clash
with SCLC
8. Middle Class crowd of 250,000,
¼ white, MLK speech broadcast
around world, first collaboration
of Civil Rights Leaders, seen to
have influence passage of Civil
Rights Bill
9. This movement was seen to have failed
because of lack of Federal support. Once King
had achieved compromise with city authority
he left the March and protest petered out.
Although inter-state terminal facilities were
desegregated, the authorities reacted by
closing parks, removing seats from cinemas,
selling swimming pool etc. Black violence
achieved bad publicity and local police chief
had avoided violence, thus not enticing support
from federal government
10. Seen as first
time King had really
led the movement
and got it right –
correctly assessed
how Connor would
react. Therefore
showed America
how racist the
south was. Force
Kennedy to push for
Civil Rights Bill
11. SNCC’s finest hour: Voter
registration drive got lots of white
northern volunteers, 3 young
activists murdered by
segregationists, MFDF formed,
successfully politicised poor
blacks. But also contributed to
the increasingly violent tone of
12. Final civil rights act, seen as
weak, passed by Johnson – weak
due to backlash and riots 1964-68
and Vietnam
Presidents Hall of Fame – how much
did they help or hinder the cause?
Make a top trumps card for each President
Decide on a number of 10 for:
• Supportive attitude to Civil Rights
• Legislative Change achieved during their
• How important you think they were to the
cause of Civil Rights
Supportive attitude
Supportive attitude
Supportive attitude
Legislative Change
Legislative Change
Legislative Change
Overall importance to Civil
Rights progress
Overall importance to Civil
Rights progress
Overall importance to Civil
Rights progress
Eisenhower 1953-61
Was helpful to the cause in some ways but far less inclined than Truman to propel the US towards Racial equality.
He shared typical white fears of dominance by black Americans – born in South and had grown up with segregationist views
As a Republican he was ideologically opposed to large-scale federal intervention in any great issue.
He was also aware of the damage inflicted on the Democrat Party in divisions over Civil Rights – Republicans had made
unusual gains in votes in the South because of this and he was keen to retain them – if he adopted a firm civil rights
policy he could only lose these Southern white votes
He only met black leaders (King, Wilkins, Randolph) once. Avoided talking to Congressman Adam Clayton Powell.
Brown ruling 1954: He refused to use Federal power to enforce the ruling. He was silent on the decision which signified his
lack of support for the ruling. He refused to condemn the pro-segregation Southern Manifesto
Bus Boycott 1956: refused to give Federal support
Little Rock 1957: Showed his reluctance to act – said he could never envisage sending in Federal Troops to enforce a court
ruling. When he made speech during the crisis he made no mention of integration – tried to rally nation (without
seeming to place blame on Southern extremists) by saying Soviet enemies would make propaganda out of Little Rock
therefore justifying his choice to send in troops. He acted because of concerns over US’s international prestige and
influence. He also did not respond when Faubaus then closed Little Rock
Civil Rights Act 1957: Seen as a ploy to win black vote – it was then weakened in the debate in Congress and Eisenhower did
not oppose this. The bill was passed but a much weakened version – did little for black Americans gaining vote as any
official who obstructed a citizen would be tried by a white jury anyway. Did establish a Civil Rights Division in Justice
Office and a Federal Civil Rights Commission (first since Reconstruction).
1960: Civil Rights Act. Eisenhower introduced over concerns on bombing of black churches and houses: - both parties
eventually supported it as they wanted black vote. Made it a crime for federal authorities to obstruct court-ordered
school desegregation. Only added 3% of black voters to the register by 1960. But did show acknowledgement of
Federal responsibilities which encouraged Civil Rights Activists t o campaign for more legislation
Kennedy 1961-63
Debate over whether Kennedy’s support for Civil Rights was politically motivated in election campaign of 1960
Seen as slow to help black Americans: no great popular mandate for action (only one narrow election victory in 1960),
congress full of influential Southern Democrats, Kennedy planned legislation to help the poor and improve
healthcare – if he pushed civil rights too much he might not achieve these main aims of legislative change in
Helped Black Americans:
Appointed 5 black federal judges/ 40 blacks in Civil service. But also 20% of Deep South Judicial appointments were
Justice Department: appointed his brother Bobby Kennedy as Attorney General – but 57 suits against illegal violations
of black voting rights in the South compared to only 6 under Eisenhower
Symbolic gestures: more black Americans invited to Whitehouse than ever before
Created EEOC to give greater economic opportunities to black Americans – but had few triumphs
Kennedy’ hand was forced to act by success of civil rights activists: 1961 Freedom Rides – forced to get Bobby Kennedy
to get an Interstate Commerce Commission ruling to enforce Supreme Court Rulings on terminal and interstate
bus seating
‘Prodded into action’ 1962 – James Meredith case – got NAACP and Supreme Court ruling which meant Kennedy sent in
Birmingham 1963: Helped greatly in response to the violence demonstrated by white mobs – Kennedy said he felt
March on Washington 1963: Initially opposed the March. Then endorsed it under pressure from mass activism – no
doubt it pressed Kennedy to support passage of bill – this was NOT Kennedy’s action – it was in response to the
Civil Rights Movement
Housing – he failed to bring any major change. With 1962 congressional election looming Kennedy played down his
initial promises to end discrimination - only introduced a measure which was for future change, not immediete
Civil Rights Bill: finally proposed one in Feb 1963 – seen as a moderate attempt to desegregate – bill got stuck in
congress – Republican opposition
Overall record on Civil Rights was mixed – did make symbolic gestures signifying support for change, created EEOC. But
his main action was prompted by Black activists. Many frustrated by lack of voter registration efforts.
He was slow to bring change because it was politically risky. Southern opposition very strong. But he had paved the way
for 1964 Civil Rights Act and morally committed the Presidency to reform. This did damage the Democrat Party in
the South which shows the risk Kennedy was prepared to take
Johnson 1963-1968
Early career as a Senator – opposed Truman’s Civil Rights programme but argued that change at that point was
pointless in context of the amount of opposition from Southern Congressmen at that time
Seen as ambivalent on Civil Rights
But by 1954 Brown case – one of only to support the Supreme Court’s decision but still appeased Southern racists –
diluted parts of 1957 Civil Rights Act
He change his view on Civil Rights by 1955 – Presidential ambitions realised that he could not be seen as too Southern
– aware of Northern Black voters. Time was also ripe for change – he realised that he needed to go along with it in
light of growth of activism (Brown/ Montgomery)
1964: Civil Rights Act – he supported it: duty-bound after Kennedy’s death – managed to get the bill passed with skilful
negotiation with Southerners in Congress
1965: Voting Rights Act – persuaded Congress of need for voting change – in light of Selma (‘Bloody Sunday’) Johnson
was forced to ask Congress for a bill.
He therefore engineered a legislative ‘revolution’- historians attribute this to his skills of persuasion but also sense of
atonement for Kennedy’ death and of course context of pressure of mass activism.
He also used his executive authority to help black Americans: federal funding to schools in the South who supported
desegregation/ Thurgood Marshall as Supreme Court Judge/
Why didn’t he do more?
Opposition from Congress after 1966 – difficult to sustain initial support for ‘war on poverty and discrimination’/ Riots
from 1965 -68 provoked White backlash - loss of support for further change. Polls showed 88% of whites after
riots supported no further federal intervention. Also bid deficit from Vietnam War detracted from US domestic
Overall: Played an important role in ending De Jure segregation in the South – Southern politics was transformed.
Economic and political change created way for larger, richer black middle class. Black unemployment decreased by
34%. But his critics said he created a welfare dependency culture and did not do enough. Although he could be
seen to have done as much as he could within the time he had – and the context
Most historians agree that Johnson was more genuinely driven to support change compared with Kennedy who was
more calculating in his approach. Although the bulk of historians of Civil Rights argue that the main reasons for
change were the achievements of the Civil Rights Movements themselves
Exam question planning:
‘How important was the contribution of Martin Luther King to the civil
rights movement in the years 1955- 68?’ (2009)
‘To what extent was the Federal Government responsible for improving
the status of black people in the United States in the years 194564?’ (2010)
‘How far was peaceful protest responsible for the successes of the civil
rights movement in the years 1955-64?’ (2010)
‘How far were the forces opposed to civil rights responsible for the
failures of the civil rights movement in the 1960s?’ (2011)
How accurate is it to say that Martin Luther King’s policy of peaceful
protest was the most important reason for the successes of the civil
rights movement in the years 1955- 68? (2011)
How successful was Martin Luther King’s campaign for civil rights in
the years 1955–68? (2012)
‘How accurate is it to say that peaceful protests were the most
important reason for the improvement in the civil rights of African Americans in the years 1955 -68?’ (2013)
How accurate is it to say that Martin Luther King’s policy
of peaceful protest was the most important reason for the
successes of the civil rights movement in the years 195568? (2011)
POINT (what role does this factor
have? More or less important than
Evidence to support POINT
Evidence to
challenge it
Sample Essay
What is good about it?
What about Black
Power? Is it relevant
to this question?
Session 2: MLK and Northern Campaigns &
Division of the Movement
Knowledge check quiz 2:
• In which Western city did riots break out in 1965?
• Which Northern city did King choose to relocate the SCLC focus to in 1965?
• Who was the mayor there who King thought could be won over (had black
• In the July rally in 1966 in this city, how many people turned out which was a lot
less than King hoped for
• What did the police turn off that angered Black youths and resulted in riots?
• Which white neighbourhood did 500 black youths walk into to demonstrate the
inequalities of ghettoisation?
• After King’s northern campaign what new movement attracted many black youths
from Northern cities?
• Which president did not support King in his Northern campaigns in 1966?
• Which Southern march in 1966 was seen to have distracted King and SCLC from
Northern campaign?
• What new leader of SNCC joined on this March?
Summary of what happened in the
Use the handout to make a timeline –
make sure you are confident on what
good about it?
Why were King’s campaigns less successful in the North than the South?
Lack of black
Lack of
federal and
Evidence to support
against your
Why did the movement
become divided in the
Session 3: Black Power
Task 1: Memory Boxes. Add your answer in each box to recall
what you know about the Black Power Movement
Who founded the BPP?
What was the NOI?
Name two campaigns of the
Give two reasons why Black
Power declined.
What campaign did Marion
Barry lead?
What medical impact did the
BPP have?
Which campaigner became
associated with the Afro hair
Give two ways in which Black
Power raised the self-esteem
of Black Americans
Which Jazz composer is
associated with the
successes of the movement?
Name two black TV stars
from the 1970’s
What were the names of the
athletes involved in the 1968
Olympic Games salute
Give three words to sum up the
significance of the movement
Give three limits to the
achievements of Black Power
Example 1
The Black Power movement was first created by the
Nation of Islam then later the creation of the Black
Panthers became the militant part of the movement. It
was a hugely significant part of the Civil Rights
Movement in the 1960’s because it offered an
alternative vision to the peaceful protest advocated by
Martin Luther King. Some of the main success of the
Black Power Movements in this period include the
raising of Black pride and self-esteem and the creation
of practical help in tackling the problems of
ghettoisation. This essay will explain the achievements
of Black Power.
Example 3
The Black Power Movements of the 1960’s actually achieved a
great deal for Black Americans even if they did not lead to
the significant legislative changes achieved by the
campaigns of peaceful protest. The most important
achievement of the Black Power Movements was the
impact that the groups had on the self-perception and selfesteem of Black Americans. This helped Black Americans to
challenge the deep-rooted social and economic problems
of ghettoisation in the North which Martin Luther King and
the NAACP had not managed to address. Black Power
offered an alternative vision in the 1960’s when the
limitations of desegregation were clear to those who lived
in the North.
Example 2
It is entirely inaccurate to argue that the Black Power Movements of
the 1960’s achieved ‘nothing’ for Black Americans because of the
undeniably significant impact of the movements had on black pride,
culture, society and self-esteem. Despite the clear limitations of the
movement in gaining widespread multiracial support or influencing
substantial legislative change, the message of Black Power offered
an alternative vision which was inspirational to thousands of Black
Americans who had been left disillusioned by the limitations of the
Peaceful methods of protest and irrelevance of the desegregation
achieved by the 1964 Civil Rights Act in light of the de facto
segregation and poverty which existed in Northern Ghettos.
The extent to which the Black Power achieved change for Black
Americans should be assessed by considering the level of influence
the political and economic impact, the cultural impact and extent to
which it created a sense of pride, and the extent to which it failed
because of divisions and violence.
How accurate is it to say that Black
Power achieved nothing for Black
Look at the sample answer - how does it
tackle the question well?
Identify the factors/ line of argument
Unpack this question – annotate what factors you
would cover?
How accurate is it to say that the growth of Black Power was the
most important factor in the weakening of the civil rights
movement in the 1960s?
Key to a good essay
• Answers the question in the intro by establishing a
clear argument and explaining how the essay will be
• Deals with ‘factors’, not one side for and then against
• Deal with the factor in the question first (if there is
• Detailed, relevant, specific evidence used to support
arguments (no story telling)
• Conclusion really weighs up the argument – strong/
assertive/ no sitting on the fence
• Avoid ‘I’
• Careful on abbreviations
• What will you do for history over the rest of
the week?
• What is your plan?
• What kind of revision activity helps you the
• What grade do you want – how is it going to
help you achieve your life goal?
Homework for Monday 15th April:
•Complete essay on reasons why USA had
failed to defeat Vietcong by 1968
•Complete reading on Chapter 8 Nixon
•Complete revision for exam – practice
essays please!
Next revision sessions
MLK – focus on his significance
Hispanic and Native Americans