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Combined CAUDIT/CAUL/ACODE e Literacy Workshop – 5-May-03, Adelaide

"e-Literacy - It's Time to Place a Peg in the Ground!“

Workshop title:

• Experience developing an IT literacy needs matrix – what can we learn from this? Christine Walker, IT Training Manager, Monash University [email protected]

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IT Skills Matrix -

lessons learned

: Career Development and Performance Management are the drivers to success Collaborative approach is necessary >Human Resources staff > training staff - all faculties > IT professionals – technical skills requirements > Library/Information Literacy professionals > Course advisers > IT Help Desks Blended approach to cater for all skills levels and learning needs

Critical Success Factors

• Skills Matrix as a training initiative is aligned to University IT Strategic Plan • Ensure corporate governance and support University-wide • IT Training Steering Committee and • Skills Matrix Working Party representative of key stake holders • Collaborate and consult, review often • Staged implementation plan

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Define Scope

Assumption: all staff, regardless of their position, depend on IT services to some extent as part of their employment.

IT Skills Matrix Stage 1: Identifies core skills categories which are relevant to ALL staff “… to work effectively and efficiently within the Monash environment…” > Generic not role specific Consider range of variables throughout Faculties for staff roles and responsibilities > Target Lowest Common Denominator

Scope continued…

• Skills Matrix has a role in Staff Development and HR Induction programs • supports application and recruiting process for new staff • charts individual learning pathways at staff performance review • benchmarks basic IT skills requirements • Aims to raise individual confidence, increase productively levels, support career development

Three core categories identified




General Computing - using a computer, managing files, printing documents Communications - use of my. monash portal, email, calendar, voicemail services and the Internet Document management- basic word processing, simple spreadsheets, presentations - prioritized as Level 1,2 and 3

Training Needs Analysis

What do I need to learn?

• Self paced, online Pre test and Assessment tool multiple choice quizzes, not compulsory •

How do I want to learn?

• Wide range of training resources accommodate different learning styles, budget, location: Online self paced interactive tutorials Full text online manauls Face to face instructor led sessions Reference manuals – online and print Recommended reading – Library catalogue references, videos, bookshop titles

Skills Matrix - Three step process

Step 1: check the Core Categories definition of skills to work efficiently within the Monash environment and relative to your role.

Step 2: assess your current IT skills using the Pre test and Assessment online tool consisting of multiple-choice quizzes Step 3: plan your individual training program, selecting from the range of Training Resources provided. Collaborate with your manager at Performance Appraisal for individual career development


• The IT Skills Matrix as a Training and Career Development Resource > must be strategically positioned > readily accessible > part of Staff Induction programme >integrated with LMS training, Library Information Literacy programmes > 24 x 7 access via portal Training Channel, links to strategic locations • Promote for high degree of dependancy • Dynamic resource – regularly updated, not static

Stage 2: Role specific skills matrix • Library - Information Literacy programme • Finance - SAP for assets management, accounts payable • Student Administration - Syllabus Plus, Callista systems • Content Management System - applies to Web authors, editors / approvers • Learning Management System - Web Ct workshops for academics and administrators.

Web Ct User Group, links to Computer skills training

Stage 3: Technical skills matrix

• Network, Desktop Support, Help Desk, Customer Service staff • incorporates Core Categories – e.g. Communications skills • supports Standard Operating Environment • links to external vendor programmes – preferred suppliers

Stage 4: Student specific skills matrix

• Enhances the academic experience • Promoted at enrolment – Resources cd rom • Course advisers, lecturers encourage basic computing skills • Undergraduates, Mature Age students • 3 Core Skills Categories apply • Free training resources - Monash Learningfast TeachMe links to individual tasks • online manuals in pdf, • ICDL Pilot Programme currently underway • Recommended reading, Bookshop titles

Time to implement !!!

Let’s start by telling each other what we are doing to develop IT Literacy standards.