Transcript Slide 1

The new Document
Management functionality
Briefing for eAdmissions users
June 2009
eAdmissions Project
What is the new Document Management functionality?
An improved version of the previous Document
Management form, enabling eAdmissions users to:
 Record the assessment of online documents
 Prepare applications for assessment by other
 Generate emails requesting applicants to supply
This PowerPoint explains how to use it.
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Navigation to the new Document Management forms
The new forms can be accessed
1. From the Document Management button in the SPM Application Queue
Management/Selection Plan tab.
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Navigation to the new Document Management forms
The new forms can be accessed
From the Document Management button in the Manage Selection
Plans/Current Task Actions tab.
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Navigation to the new Document Management forms
The new forms can be accessed:
(Two of the forms) from your Assessor ‘toolkit’ – the Admissions/Selection
Process Management folder.
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Navigation to the new Document Management forms
We recommend that you add View Electronic Document Details to
your Callista Favourites.
Having this form open in
a second Callista
session will allow you to
view and annotate
documents submitted by
the applicant before you
begin to work with your
checklist of document
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The relationship between the forms
There are three forms – the redesigned Document Management form
and two new forms linked to this form.
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Diagram: how the forms are linked and what users can do on each form.
The relationship between the forms
There are three forms – the redesigned Document Management form
and two linked forms.
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Using the Document Management forms
When an application arrives in your queue, copy the person ID
from the Application tab.
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Query in EADF0059 to perform an initial assessment
(We suggest you have this
form open in a second
This applicant has provided
two transcripts and a
passport ID page – you can
open each document.
You can also view/record
comments on the
If the document is an image
of a correctly certified copy
(ie, if it has been uploaded
and verified by staff or a
Monash agent), you can
flag it as such.
When a better version of the document arrives (eg, a
certified copy), you can flag the old version as obsolete.
eAdmissions Project
Start your document requirements list in EADF0024
Remember that you can
get to this form via the
‘Document Management’
button in the application
queue or in the selection
Add the appropriate
Document Types for the
documents that are
required for this course.
For this course the
applicant must meet three
document requirements:
proof of citizenship,
previous study results, and
a curriculum vitae.
From viewing the documents in EADF0059, we know
that two of these have been provided, so we flag them
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as ‘Provided’.
But what if the form already has document types
listed when you first open it?
You may find that the form opens with a list of document types already loaded.
For an explanation of why this is, and what to do, see the last few slides.
For now, let’s follow the example where the form opens blank.
eAdmissions Project
How to link documents to requirements
This checklist is useful
when a ‘pre-assessor’ is
preparing an application
for an assessor.
It may also help you
remember the state of play
with the applicant’s
documents if you have to
look at the application
again later (eg, when more
documents arrive).
You can record comments
about how an applicant is
meeting (or failing to meet)
a requirement.
Now you’re ready to link the actual documents that have been
submitted to fulfil a requirement. Select a specific document
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requirement then click on ‘View Linked Documents’.
Linking documents to requirements in EADF0058
This is the third of the
three Document
Management forms (the
middle form in the
It’s where you link specific
documents to a document
requirement on the
checklist on the previous
(The document
requirement selected on
the previous form shows in
the ‘Document
Requirement’ block.)
If you need to double-check which documents are available to
link, you can zoom to the View Electronic Documents Details
eAdmissions Project
form (EADF0059) by clicking the button.
Linking documents to requirements in EADF0058
When you click on the
‘Doc ID’ list of values the
pop-up shows you all
documents for the
Line by line you can add
any documents that help to
fulfil the requirement
shown at the top of the
For example, if an
applicant has submitted
several .jpgs of the pages
of their transcript, you can
link all these to the
transcript requirement.
In this case you need to link the two transcript documents. If you
need to recheck which documents to link, you can click on the View
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Electronic Documents Details button.
Working with linked documents in EADF0058
Once the documents are
linked, you (or another
assessor) can:
 See whether they’re
flagged as
certified/obsolete in
View Electronic
Document Details
 Open them to view the
actual document image.
 Add/view comments
recorded against the
individual documents.
So EADF0024 and this form together show all the information needed to
assess whether the applicant has met the document requirements for the
course – particularly handy if you’re preparing the
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application for someone else to assess.
Requesting documents in EADF0024
A major benefit of the new
forms is the ability to
generate emails to the
applicant requesting
Flag any document
requirements for which you
require more documents
as ‘To be Requested’.
Save, then click on the
‘Request Documents’
button to open the
template email.
eAdmissions Project
The document request email
You can add instructions to the email, which lists the document types you’ve
flagged as ‘To be requested’. It points the applicant to the document upload
button in the Applicant Portal, where they will also find instructions about
documents (eg, about how and when to provide
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certified copies).
The document request email
You will be sent a copy of the email unless you untick the box beside your
email address. Your additional text (the only part that varies) will be saved
in the comments on the document types you have requested
(the comments that can be viewed from
eAdmissions Project
the checklist in EADF0024).
Viewing email request details in EADF0024
The fact that the email has
been sent for a document
type is recorded in the
‘Has been Requested’
Any additional text in the
email is recorded as a
comment. The same
comment is recorded
against each document
type that was requested in
the email.
eAdmissions Project
What if you open EADF0024 and there are already
document types listed?
You may open the Document Management checklist and find that there are
already document requirements listed.
This would be because the selection plan type has been set up to load
documents and/or standard document requirements to this form when each
applicant’s selection plan is created (options 1, 3 or 4 below*).
* This is demonstration data – these Arts Faculty selection plan types are not
actually set up like this.
eAdmissions Project
Why are so many document requirements loaded?
If the ‘Load Doc Reqs’ tickbox is ticked, a small list of default document types is
loaded whether actual documents of this type have been supplied or not.
These are document types commonly required for international applicants to
Australian campuses, particularly for Faculty of Business and Economics
courses – a very large applicant cohort.
If the ‘Load e-Docs’ tickbox is ticked, document types are loaded for any
documents that have actually been supplied.
eAdmissions Project
A suggestion for faculties on setting up selection plan types
We suggest that option 3 may be the best set-up for domestic selection plan
types. This has the effect that only document types with linked documents are
loaded to Document Management (EADF0024).
So the assessor knows that all document requirements displayed there have
linked documents. She can add any document types that need to be requested.
Faculty Selection Managers can adjust selection plan type set-up
as needed.
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Deleting document types from the EADF0024 checklist
But what do you do if the
selection plan type was set
up so that document types
you don’t need have been
You can ‘boil down’ the
checklist to the document
types required for the
course by deleting
document types.
Where you need to delete
a document type from the
checklist, but there is a
linked document, you need
to delete the linked
document first (see next
Please note, however, that once you have requested a
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document type it cannot be deleted, even
if there are no linked documents.
Deleting linked documents from EADF0058
Deleting the linked
document in the middle
form (EADF0058) is easy
– just select the document
and click on the red cross
‘delete record’ button.
Then you’ll be able to
delete the document
requirement from the
checklist in the other form.
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The relationship between the forms again
The relationship between the three linked Document Management forms should
now be more familiar to you.
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For support in using Document Management
We hope this functionality makes online admissions work better for you.
If you are still unsure about using Document Management after viewing this
 email [email protected] or
 phone the eAdmissions Support helpline on ext. 55551 (+61-3-9905-5551).
eAdmissions Project