Gliding Adventure

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Gliding Adventure
8 April 2007
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On turning the ripe old age of 50(!!) I thought I’d do something out of the
ordinary - Aero Gliding.
The family bought me a flight for my birthday and it took me 9 months to
get around to arrange the occasion. Easter weekend seemed like a good
Despite lousy weather they still arranged a flight for me. I wasn’t
It was everything I’d imagined. The instructor even allowed me to take the
controls and that was a bonus. I’m not sure how long I was up there but it
was amazing! Because of the lousy weather we didn’t get to find any “hot
spots” to keep our height and we had to head in before the “front” came in
– as you’ll see, we only just made it.
I’ll certainly go again – but next time I’ll pick a nice sunny day to do it next
Anyone interested in taking a joy flight? I’d certainly recommend it!
I hope you enjoy the photos.
• We set off for Cunderdin despite the lousy
weather on Easter Sunday (8 April 2007).
Cunderdin Gliding Club – the office
Any takers?
Hey! Look at me! It’s really me!
Bye! See you soon (I hope)!
Inside looking out!
Getting instructions just before take-off. A joy stick? Oh is that what it’s
Faster, faster, faster! Hey – I hope that crack in the window is OK!
Up – Up – Up – Up – and awwwaaaaaayyyyyyyy!
There’s no going back now!
Going round and round and round to get some height – wheeeeeeee!
It’s a bit salty down there.
Just a bit more height………..............
Yup! We still have our wings. So quiet up here.............
This is where we took off from.............
Coming in to land……..
Oh dear! Hope that storm doesn’t flip us over!
A tow back to the hangar! No more gliding today.
No wonder he’s got broad shoulders!.
No wonder they called it the Pilbara Storm!
Time for a squash at the local pub!
Yep! That’s me – handbag and all!
In the cellar at the Cunderdin Museum. Worth a look!
Meckering earthquake house.
Lookout! It’s Northam.
Many thanks to the Cunderdin Gliding Club