Unit 7 - PowerPoint - Texas War of Independence

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Texas War of Independence
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There had been much animosity between the
Mexican government and the Texans, settlers
from the United States. This feeling increased
when President Antonio López de Santa Anna
abolished the Mexican Constitution of 1824.
He established a constitution that established
him as a dictator. Also, many Southern whites
were migrating to Texas, and they wanted to
bring their slaves. However, slavery in Texas
was outlawed. The Mexican government also
required all landowners be Catholics. Settlers
from the United States, most of whom wanted
to buy land, had to at least claim to be
Catholic. Since many were Protestants, and
some very anti-Catholic, this requirement
angered the American settlers.
Stephen F. Austin
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The Expansionist History
of the United States
The Special Circumstances
of Post-Revolutionary Mexico.
Cultural Differences
Governmental Differences
The Physical Isolation of Texas
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October 2, 1835
The original cannon from Gonzales was found in
1936 after a rainstorm uncovered it a century after it
was buried in a creek bed.
Gonzales was one of the earliest Anglo-American
settlements in Texas. The Battle of Gonzales was a
small conflict between Texas settlers and the
Mexican army on October 2, 1835. This battle
showed clear dissension between the Mexican
government and the settlers in Texas. It began
when the Mexicans wanted to retrieve a small
smoothbore cannon after it had been given to the
settlers to protect themselves against the Tonkawa
Indians. After the settlers refused, Mexican Colonel
Domingo de Ugartechea sent one hundred of his
best soldiers to extract the cannon. Andrew Ponton,
the alcalde, or the chief of Gonzales, refused; and
the people of Gonzales adopted their famous,
“Come and Take It” motto. On October 1 the
Mexican army approached Gonzales, but with no
intention of attacking the settlers. Instead, the
settlers attacked the soldiers. Texan Colonel John
Henry Moore proclaimed the Texans were
defending their legal possession of the cannon and
fighting to reinstate the Constitution of 1824.
The original Gonzales “Come and Take It”
flag was sewn from a wedding gown.
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Siege of the Alamo
February 23 – March 6, 1836
Texan forces captured the Alamo in December
1835, and President Santa Anna marched his
army to Texas. Santa Anna and his men
reached the Alamo in late February 1836 and
San Patricio by the end of the month. William
Travis, Jim Bowie, and famed American
frontiersman Davy Crockett led the Texans. The
battle waged for twelve days; and on the final
day March 6 the Mexican Army prepared for its
final assault. The siege and the assault were a
success, and all of the Texan soldiers were
killed or executed, including Bowie, Travis, and
Crockett. Women and children were spared but
were ordered to warn other Texans that the
Mexican army could not be beaten. The defeat
angered many Texans; many began joining the
fight against the Mexicans, but others quickly
left the Mexican territory.
Davy Crockett and his group of
Tennessee volunteers fight to the last
man against the final Mexican assault
on the Alamo.
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Goliad Massacre
March 27, 1836
Texan leader James Fannin and his men were
forced to surrender to the Mexicans. They believed
they would be held captive and eventually released.
Held captive for a week, the prisoners were
escorted back to Goliad. When President Santa
Anna received word of the captives, he was
angered to discover that the Texans were not
executed on the spot. He had passed a law that all
foreigners be treated as pirates and be immediately
executed. Santa Anna ordered all prisoners be
executed. On March 27, Palm Sunday, the orders
were carried out. Fannin’s men were divided into
three groups, marched out to a prairie, and shot at
close range. The bodies were thrown in a pile and
burned. Along with the Battle of the Alamo, the
Goliad Massacre inspired Sam Houston’s army at
the Battle of San Jacinto.
Colonel James Fannin
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Battle of San Jacinto
April 21, 1836
Sam Houston and the Texan army retreated east following the fall of the Alamo. On the morning of
April 19, the Texans marched within a half mile of the San Jacinto River, where they prepared to fight
the pursuing Mexican force. The next morning, Santa Anna’s troops marched across the prairie in a
battle array. After a hail of Texas artillery brought him to a halt, Santa Anna formed his men in line for
battle. Colonel Sidney Sherman of the Texas Cavalry, charged the Mexican army. This inspired the
Texans for battle, but broke off the attack on the much larger Mexican force. Both sides withdrew and
set up camp for the night. The next day about seven hundred and fifty Texans advanced on the
Mexican camp, which had not posted sentries as the soldiers rested. Santa Anna assumed the smaller
Texan force would not attack. He expected to attack and defeat them when he chose to do so.
Houston sent a few men to destroy Vince’s Bridge, which would leave the Mexicans without an
escape. When Houston gave his order to advance, “Remember the Alamo!” and “Remember Goliad!”
were shouted. Taken by surprise, seven hundred of the 1,500 Mexicans were killed; and more than
seven hundred and thirty were taken prisoner in a twenty-minute battle. The Battle for Texas was won!
Independence for Texas
Days after the battle of San Jacinto, Texas, militia were still rounding up Mexican
soldiers who had fled from the field. One Mexican wearing a private’s uniform stood
out to many of his fellow soldiers. They identified him as General Santa Anna. He
was immediately brought before a wounded Sam Houston who offered him his life
in return for independence for Texas. Santa Anna quickly signed the Treaty of
Velasco granting Texas its independence.
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The Legacy
After Texas’ victory, Sam Houston was
elected as the first President of the
Republic of Texas. He later served in
the Texas Congress. Once Texas joined
the Union, Houston was elected a
senator and then governor of the state.
Prior to the Civil War, Houston opposed
secession, so he was removed from
Following the Texas War of
The San Jacinto Monument
Independence, Santa Anna was
stands even higher than the
widely thought of as a ruthless
Washington Monument.
dictator, but was still permitted to
Texas was prohibited from
return to Texas after his capture.
making the obelisk higher
He participated in the Mexicanthan the monument in
American War and was later
Washington, D.C., so a star
exiled from Mexico. He was
was added to make it taller.
allowed to return before his
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