Transcript Slide 1

PSYC18 - Psychology of Emotion
Lecture 9
Professor: Gerald Cupchik
T.A.: Michelle Hilscher
[email protected]
[email protected]
Office Hours: Thurs. 10-11, 2-3
Office Hours: Thurs. 10-11, 2-3
Course Website:
Primary Process Thinking: Original or primary way that the
psychic apparatus functioned.
(1) Exemption from mutual contradiction - absence of any negatives
or conditionals so mutually exclusive ideas can coexist.
(2) Thinking by allusion or analogy is frequent and part of an object,
memory or idea may stand for the whole or vice-versa. A visual
representation may appear instead of a word or even a group of
words (i.e., a paragraph)
(3) No sense of “before” or “after”
(4) In terms of drive energy there is a tendency to:
i. Immediate gratification and
ii. To shift cathexis (i.e., attachment) from the original object or
method of discharge when blocked to another route.
Two features of primary process thinking that are relevant for
dream construction and symbols.
(1) Displacement - representation of part by a whole or in the
general substitution of one idea by another which is associatively
connected with it.
(2) Condensation - representation of several ideas or images by a
single word or image.
Secondary Process Thinking: Ordinary conscious thinking that is
primarily verbal, following the usual laws of syntax and logic.
Freud later developed his Structural Model which contrasted
the id, ego and superego.
THE ID: The id consists of personal drives and appears from birth.
Its energy functions for instinctual gratification and operates
according to the pleasure principle - achieve pleasure and avoid
Reflex Action - energy is automatically
discharged in motor action (in eating, drinking,
sexual orgasm, and so on)
Wish Fulfilment - energy is used to produce an image of the
instinctual object. It does not distinguish between subjective
imagery and objective reality. The image is a memory of past
In sum: We expend instinctual energy to eliminate needs… a
tension reduction process.
THE EGO: The ego has no energy of its own but acquires
neutralized drive energy from the id.
It operates according to the reality principle which is the ability to
distinguish between stimuli of the outer world and id impulses from
the inner world.
The ego emerges to satisfy needs of the id upon frustration of the
id by the environment. It represents a kind of executive functioning
that mediates between the id and the environment.
Model: drive reaches threshold — delay of discharge — detoured
searching — satisfaction
Ego Functions: motor control, sensory perception, library of
memories, thinking and attention, and defensive functions like
The ego is first and foremost a bodily ego — double-touch concept.
THE SUPEREGO: The superego has two parts - (1) the
conscience and (2) the ego ideal.
There is a change from external to internal source of moral
demands and self regulation.
It exists in the form of a spoken word — we internalize our parent’s
Shaped by identification with family and others.
Let’s relate these ideas back to the topic at hand - our emotions:
* All behaviour has both id and ego - energy & direction
* Dreams and emotions are relatively unbound and work more
according to instinctual processes.
However, the context of emotions is more varied than the content of
Energy becomes attached to memory images but we cannot readily
access these early memories.
The latent content of our memory images can only be discerned by
associations that these images arouse.
While emotional experience is often situationally and perceptually
cued, its meaning comes from individual interpretations of and
reactions to the situation itself. But the energy comes from early
All emotions are alike in terms of energy.
Three Groups of Emotions:
1. Relational emotions point to something outside the self (e.g.,
love and hate).
Theory of Ambivalence - virtually every relationship will have been
accompanied by both pleasure and pain.
The family plays a crucial role here. The kinds of emotions that
become differentiated depends on the dynamics of the family.
dependency, affection, longing, fondness
versus temporary resentment, anger, or long
term hostility.
Affection can develop in response to
Longing can develop in response to
Three Groups of Emotions:
2. Reflective emotions are directed back toward the self (e.g., pride
and guilt).
The superego plays an important role here.
3. Anxiety expresses felt danger with no identifiable directionality.
Paradigm of the birth experience - flood consciousness at the
moment of birth with painful bodily sensations...catastrophic
reaction to perceived danger.
Problem of separation from one’s mother.
So anxiety is a danger signal.
Fear is a later development than anxiety.