How do I explain relationships or interactions between two

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Transcript How do I explain relationships or interactions between two

How do I explain relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas
or concepts in fiction and non-fiction text using
details from the text?
Anchor Text : Dangerous Crossing
by Stephen Krensky
Over the next few weeks, we are going
to focus on heroes and heroines in
• Who knows what a hero is?
• This week we get to read about a great
hero, John Quincy Adams. Have you
heard of him?
Activating prior
• With your partner, choose 4 words from the list below
and discuss the possible definitions.
• Representatives
• Pressing
• Shattered
• Embark
• Viewpoint
• Conduct
• Cramped
• Bracing
• Surveyed
• Distracted
• While reading the text we will encounter the vocabulary
words in context. This will help to clarify their meaning.
Key Vocabulary
Listening Comprehension
Mother and Son
1. When John Quincy
Adams saw the
Patriots debating,
how do you think this
affected him?
Listening Comprehension Mother and Son
2. John Quincy wrote to
his mother about the
agreement between
France and America.
What effect did John
Quincy expect this
agreement to have on
the war?
3. What effect did John
Quincy Adam’s trip to
France have on his
Discuss with your partner. Be prepared to share with the
whole class.
Summarize what you learned
about John Quincy and
Abigail Adams from this
Classroom Collaboration T13
Set Purpose for Reading
• Recording and analyzing causes and effects
will help you understand and explain the
relationships between events in the text.
• It will help you understand how plot events
and scenes fit together to provide the story’s
• When readers visualize, they use details in
the text to form vivid mental pictures of
people, settings, and events.
• It can help you gain a better understanding of
how events are related, especially when
reading historical fiction.
• As you read, look for times when the author
uses signal words such as:
As a result
Due to
• What if there are NO signal words??
• Use other text evidence to infer connections between
EQ Answer Search
Graphic Organizer
Remember to use Accountable
Talk & Text Evidence skills during
our lesson today!
Accountable Talk / Text Evidence
1st Read
P. 328
1. Based on the statement, “the
blustering snow stung his cheeks like
nettles,” what do you think nettles are?
2. Why does the author describe bad
weather at the beginning of the
Think Through the Text
1st Read
P. 329
3. What do you learn about John
Adams from his willingness to go
on a sea voyage in mid-winter?
Think Through the Text
• Think about the supplies John
Adams brought with him. Why do
you think these particular items
were chosen?
• Try to use some examples from the
A Closer Look
1st Read
P. 330
4. How do the illustrations on these
pages relate to events in the
story? Support your answer with
Think Through the Text
1st Read
P. 332
5. What does the phrase, “bowing to their
enthusiasm,” mean?
What action on Captain Tucker’s part
provides a context clue to help you
understand the phrase as it’s used in the
text? Support with evidence!
Think Through the Text
1st Read
P. 333
6. How does the use of the diary
quotation contribute to the story?
7. Based on the narrator’s description of
Johnny’s thoughts, how did he feel about
being in a possible battle? How do you
Think Through the Text
1st Read
P. 334-335
8. Quote the text details that help you
visualize Johnny’s experience with the
9. What evidence does the author provide to
support the idea that John Adams wasn’t
extremely bothered by this event?
Think Through the Text
1st Read
P. 336-337
10. How does the illustration contribute to the
meaning of the story?
11. Why does the author include this episode
instead of bringing the story to a close after
the drama of the storm on page 335?
Think Through the Text
1st Read
P. 339
12. What text evidence does the
author provide to show how John
Adams felt about finally reaching
Think Through the Text
1. What does John Adam’s behavior reveal
about his character?
2. Why is John Adams willing to undertake a
dangerous sea voyage to travel to France?
3. What new insights about the Revolutionary
War did you gain from reading this story?
Classroom Conversation
Provide 2 examples of how the
author uses words and
illustrations to help the reader
visualize and make connections
between events in the text.
Looking Even Closer…
Let’s look at pg. 329.
• In this part of the story, the events that cause
John Adams to go to France are explained.
• What leads to his trip?
• What do the colonists hope will be the result,
or effect, of his visit to France?
Modeling Cause/Effect
Pg. 331
• Primary sources are first-hand accounts.
• Examples include:
• Original photographs or documents
• Quotations
• Interviews
• Re-read the diary entry from John Adams on p.
331 and think about this question:
What is the author’s purpose for including a primary
source in the story?
Analyze the Text - Primary Sources
• By using quotations, the author makes his story of
this historical event believable.
• Readers know that the story is based on research
and facts.
Think about the importance of primary sources as
you continue to read the selection.
Analyze the Text – Primary Sources
Pg. 333
• Authors of historical fiction might include visual elements to
help their readers envision characters, settings, and events.
• Some illustrations reinforce important ideas, while others
communicate tone. The tone is a particular attitude toward
the subject.
• Let’s look specifically at pg. 333. What kind of tone does this
picture suggest about the sailors? What’s their attitude?
*With your partner discuss…
Now let’s focus on the illustrations on pg. 328-333.
How do these illustrations add feeling and meaning to the
story? Think about the tone or the attitude of the subject.
Analyze the Text – Visual Elements
• Suggest other visual elements that might enhance
this story!
• As we continue to read the story, use the visual
elements to help you understand what you are
Analyze the Text – Visual Elements
Pg. 335
• Thinking about causes and effects while you read will help
you understand how events relate to each other and
provide a story’s structure!
• We are going to work together to complete the graphic
organizer using the information from the text.
*With your partner discuss…
What caused Johnny to think the crack he heard was
cannon fire?
What REALLY caused the crack?
Analyze the Text – Cause/Effect
As we continue our reading, be on the lookout
for other examples of cause-and-effect
Analyze the Text – Cause/Effect
Think about the cause-and-effect relationships that you identified in
the story.
Consider which elements have the greatest impact on the story’s
• Character
• Setting
• Historical Context
Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) explaining which causes
and effects show how those elements affect the story.
Remember to…
State the main idea of your paragraph clearly and use direct
quotations and other specific details from the text to support your
Summarizer – Write about Reading Response
• Reread Dangerous Crossing on your
own. Use the “Illustrate Historical
Fiction” WS pg. 157-158.
• Respond to the prompts/questions by
supporting your answers with evidence
from the text.
Compare Texts!
• The text, Revolution and Rights, is an
essay that explains the events
surrounding the American Revolution.
• Read the title, headings, and preview the
Connect to the Topic
Connect to the Topic
Pg. 345
1. Why did Great Britain feel that it was fair to help
pay for the war by taking American colonists?
2. What did the colonists mean when they said, “No
taxation without representation”?
Think through the Text
Pg. 346-347
3. How was the First Continental Congress the first
step in breaking away from Great Britain?
4. How did Anti-Federalists concerns about
individual rights lead to changes to the
Think through the Text
Pg. 348
5. What kinds of rights are protected by the first ten
amendments to the Constitution? What are
these amendments called?
6. Why do you think a national vote is needed to
add amendments to the Constitution?
Think through the Text
With your partner, discuss these questions about Dangerous
Crossing and Revolution and Rights. Then write down your
answers independently. We will discuss these with the
How does the information about John Adams in “Revolution
and Rights” add to your understanding of his character and
political skills?
What do both selections help you understand about why the
U.S. government and the Bill of Rights were created?
Summarizer – Text to Text