The Political State
Transcript The Political State
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
The Political State
The Basis of Government
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
A State
Identifies a political community that occupies a
definite territory & has an organized government
with the power to make and enforce laws without
approval from any higher authority
According to this is Nevada a state?
The City of Reno?
Reno High School?
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
A Nation
A Nation:
Any sizeable group of people who are united by a
common bond of race, language, customs,
traditions, and sometimes religion
According to this is Nevada a nation?
The City of Reno?
Reno High School?
Mr. Clark’s classroom?
Both a state and a nation
The United States is a nation-state
The Vatican in Rome
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
4 Major Features of a
1. Population
Must have people in order to have a state
The direction, stability, political organization
and social consensus of a population are
important qualities for survival of a state
A growing population as well as a population
that is mobile will contribute to the success of
a population
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
2. Territory:
A state has an established boundary
How are boundaries established?
In what ways can boundaries get bigger?
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
3. Sovereignty:
The state has supreme and absolute authority
within its territorial boundaries
Complete independence, complete power to
make laws, to shape foreign policy, and to
determine its own course of action
In theory a state has no right to interfere with the
international affairs of another sovereign state
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
And finally, Government
4. Government:
Is the institution through which the state
maintains social order, provides public
service, and enforce decisions that are
binding on all people living in the state.
Most larger governments have several levels
of government
State, County, City, Town, Village, etc
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
US Government
Non-State International Groups
Groups that do not fall under one of the 4 features of a
1. Political Movements
Palestinian Liberation Organization
2. Multinational Corporations
Wal-Mart (The Death of America)
3. International Organizations
United Nations
Amnesty International
Unit 1:What are the foundations of
Little League
US Government