Applications and Interviews

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Career Fair
Interviewing & More
Touch the Future Career Fair
Informational Interviewing
What is career fair/informational interviewing?
– A great way to help determine if a career pathway
is right for you
– A method to see if you want to explore a pathway
Why Career Fairs?
Find out what a specific career path has to
Learn the positives and negatives.
Find out what kind of training or further
education is needed.
See if a career fits with the lifestyle you want
to lead.
Develop relationships with experts in the
fields you’re interested in.
Career Fair Do’s
Shake hands. (Use the business handshake.)
Breathe naturally and relax.
Maintain eye contact when asking questions
or if they ask you one.
Be attentive to each response.
Create additional questions as you go along.
(There is no such thing as a dumb question.)
Be polite. Say thank you at the conclusion.
Career Fair Don’ts
Don’t chew gum.
 Don’t interrupt when someone is talking.
 Don’t ask them how much money they make.
– You can ask about starting salary in that
Business handshake
 Introducing yourself
 Thank you
Job Interviewing
Different from informational interviewing – an
information exchange
 See Sample Interview Questions Handout
 Practice! Practice! Practice!
– Write out your answers.
– Anticipate difficult questions.
– Rehearse.
What Are You Trying to Say?
Have an overall point in mind.
– Specific goals/skills to highlight
Have examples of demonstrating those skills
– Specific events or activities with details
Practice getting comfortable talking about
yourself – it’s not bragging!
Help people visualize.
Help you explain events or activities.
Are NOT photo albums.
May need to be left with employer if
requested so be prepared.
Are optional.
Ask Questions!
Employers ask: “Are there any questions you
have for us?”.
– When can I expect to hear back from you?
– What are the typical hours/ time commitments of
this job?
Getting to the Interview
Allow LOTS of travel time
– Being late doesn’t necessarily mean a poor result,
but it rattles your nerves enough to throw you off
for the rest of the interview.
Map and practice
– If the location is unfamiliar, print a map, and make
a practice trip to see how long it will take.
Appropriate Dress
Match the highest expected standards of
office dress.
open-toed shoes
low-cut shirts
tight-fitting clothes
unnatural makeup
piercing/tattoos in obvious places
gaudy or large jewelry
The Moments Before…
If waiting, try to find something to occupy
yourself with.
Turn your cell phone OFF.
Check calendar.
Read periodicals or office materials.
Look engaged!
The Greeting
Introductions- everyone in the room
 Business handshake
During the Interview
Do your best.
 Be yourself.
 Have a conversation.
 Give as much information as possible.
Show people just how great you are!
After the Interview
Say thanks!
– In person, as you leave
– E-mail when you get home
– Hand-written note of appreciation
Follow up with employer.